James Fenimore: 683 books

Book cover of Les Puritains d’Amérique, Annoté
Language: French
Release Date: January 26, 2014

Extrait :        Aujourd’hui que les traditions indiennes sont écoutées avec l’intérêt que nous prêtons aux événements des siècles reculés et peu connus, il n’est pas facile de présenter une image exacte et frappante des dangers que rencontrèrent...
Book cover of L’espion


Épisode de la guerre d’indépendance ( Edition intégrale ) annoté

by James Fenimore Cooper, Auguste-Jean-Baptiste Defauconpret
Language: French
Release Date: October 4, 2018

Vie d’Harvey Birch, espion de George Washington, lors de la guerre de 1776, en Amérique opposant la domination anglaise aux Américains désireux d’obtenir leur indépendance. Après une vie pleine de péripéties, nous retrouvons notre héros trente trois ans plus tard, lors d’une autre guerre entre anglais et américains, où il trouvera la mort.
Book cover of The Wept of Wish-Ton-Wish (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
by James Fenimore Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2011

Set during King Philip's War, this novel takes place in the frontier community of Wish-Ton-Wish. After many years of war between the natives and the English settlers, a family is split between the two sides.  The "wept" is a young girl, Ruth Heathcote, who, abducted by Native Americans, grows to marry...
Book cover of Headsman


The Abbaye des Vignerons

by James Fenimore Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2014

Early in October 1832, a travelling-carriage stopped on the summit of that long descent where the road pitches from the elevated plain of Moudon in Switzerland to the level of the lake of Geneva, immediately above the little city of Vévey. The postilion had dismounted to chain a wheel, and the halt...
Book cover of The Bravo (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
by James Fenimore Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: July 12, 2011

Published in 1831, this novel is set in Venice in the bygone days of the Doges.  It was inspired by Cooper's travels in Italy.  "The author has intended to give his countrymen," writes Cooper in his preface, "a picture of the social system of the soi-distant republics of the other hemisphere." Cooper...
Book cover of Miles Wallingford
by James Fenimore Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Book cover of Der rote Freibeuter
by James Fenimore Cooper
Language: German
Release Date: May 27, 2015

Vollständige Überarbeitung des erstmals 1827 erschienen Werkes. Die Rechtschreibung des Werkes wurde auf den heutigen Stand gebracht, ohne den Charakter des Werkes zu verändern.
Book cover of Der letzte Mohikaner
by James Fenimore Cooper
Language: German
Release Date: November 29, 2010

Mit dem Werkbeitrag aus Kindlers Literatur Lexikon.Mit dem Autorenporträt aus dem Metzler Lexikon Weltliteratur.Mit Daten zu Leben und Werk, exklusiv verfasst von der Redaktion der Zeitschrift für Literatur TEXT + KRITIK.Längst zum geflügelten Wort geworden, ist ›Der letzte Mohikaner‹ einer...
Book cover of Wyandott
by James Fenimore Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2014

The history of the borders is filled with legends of the sufferings of isolated families, during the troubled scenes of colonial warfare. Those which we now offer to the reader, are distinctive in many of their leading facts, if not rigidly true in the details. The first alone is necessary to the legitimate objects of fiction.
Book cover of Wyandotte (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
by James Fenimore Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2011

This 1843 novel is set in the Butternut Valley of New York State.  In 1765, Captain Hugh Willoughby leaves the British army and sets up a colony called Hutted Knoll with his American-born wife.  Ten years later, when America declares its independence from Britain, Willoughby and his son, Robert, will find their loyalties torn.
Book cover of Afloat and Ashore: A Sea Tale
by James Fenimore Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2014

Well written development of a seafaring youth in the new United States, and of course not lacking a love story.
Book cover of Le Dernier des Mohicans
by James Fenimore Cooper
Language: French
Release Date: June 22, 2015

«Le roman de Bas de Cuir», dont le titre le plus connu est «Le dernier des Mohicans», est une vaste épopée qui a pour décor le continent nord-américain, pour personnages les tribus indiennes, et pour contexte social les guerres et la migration vers l'ouest, de 1740 à 1804. Elle est dominée...
Book cover of The Wing and Wing (Illustrated)
by James Fenimore Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: April 30, 2014

In 1806, at the age of seventeen, Cooper joined the crew of the merchant ship Sterling as a common sailor. At the time, the Sterling was commanded by the young John Johnston from Maine where Cooper served as a common seaman before the mast. His first voyage, taking some forty stormy days at sea, brought...
Book cover of The Sea Lions The Lost Sealers
by James Fenimore Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2011

pubOne.info thank you for your continued support and wish to present you this new edition. If any thing connected with the hardness of the human heart could surprise us, it surely would be the indifference with which men live on, engrossed by their worldly objects, amid the sublime natural phenomena...
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