James Frey: 54 books

Book cover of Endgame: The Training Diaries Volume 2: Descendant
by James Frey
Language: English
Release Date: February 24, 2015

This second thrilling digital prequel novella to Endgame: The Calling follows the lives of four of the twelve Players before they were chosen as the one to save their ancient bloodline—and win Endgame. Before the Calling . . . Twelve Players-in-training are tested to the very edge of their...
Book cover of Endgame: The Zero Line Chronicles Volume 1: Incite
by James Frey
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2016

This fourth prequel novella begins a new digital original series in the Endgame world and follows an underground group determined to put a stop to Endgame—and save the world—at any cost. They call themselves the Zero line. It’s 1972 and Berkeley freshman Mike Stavros believes he finally...
Book cover of Endgame: The Zero Line Chronicles Volume 2: Feed
by James Frey
Language: English
Release Date: April 19, 2016

This fifth prequel novella set in the Endgame world continues the digital original series the Zero Line Chronicles and follows an underground group determined to put a stop to Endgame—and save the world at any cost. They call themselves the Zero line. Endgame has not yet begun in 1972—but...
Book cover of Endgame: Rules of the Game
by James Frey, Nils Johnson-Shelton
Language: English
Release Date: December 27, 2016

The explosive final novel in the Endgame trilogy. Two keys have been found. The strongest Players are left. One final key remains to win Endgame and save the world. For Sarah, Jago, Aisling, Maccabee, Shari, An, and Hilal, Endgame has reached its final phase. The third key, Sun Key, is all...
Book cover of Endgame: Gök Anahtarı
Language: Turkish
Release Date: March 1, 2016

Dünya anahtarı bulundu. Bulunması gereken iki anahtar daha var. Dokuz oyuncu kaldı ve sadece bir oyuncu kazanabilir.Koşmak, mücadele etmek, oynamak en azından bir şey için iyi: Unutmak.Endgame Gerçek.Endgame Şimdi.Gelecek Belirsiz.Her Şey Olacağına Varacak.
Book cover of Endgame. Die Hoffnung
by James Frey
Language: German
Release Date: October 20, 2015

Schlägt Klugheit Kraft? Die Spieler gehen in die nächste Runde! Zwölf waren auserwählt, aber nur neun haben überlebt. Das gnadenlose Spiel geht weiter. Nachdem Sarah den ersten Schlüssel gefunden hat, ist sie gemeinsam mit Jago nach London geflüchtet. Doch auch dort gibt es kein Entrinnen vor...
Book cover of Endgame. Die Entscheidung
by James Frey
Language: German
Release Date: November 14, 2016

Dunkelheit, Kälte, verwüstete Landschaften. Nur fünf Spieler haben Endgame überlebt. Die Bedingungen sind mörderisch. Bei den Pyramiden von Gizeh kommt es zum alles entscheidenden Kampf. Wer wird ihn gewinnen? Die Spieler oder das Spiel? Denn die Menschheit kann nur gerettet werden, wenn sich...
Book cover of Endgame 3. Las reglas del juego
by James Frey, Nils Johnson-Shelton
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 29, 2016

Solo quedan los Jugadores más fuertes. Y falta únicamente encontrar una llave para ganar Endgame y salvar el mundo. En la Llamada, kepler 22b dijo a los Jugadores: «Las reglas de Endgame son sencillas. Encontrad las llaves en su debido orden y traédmelas». Para Sarah, Jago, Aisling, Maccabee, Shari,...
Book cover of Endgame 2. La llave del cielo (Edición mexicana)

Endgame 2. La llave del cielo (Edición mexicana)

Solo quedán 9 jugadores. El juego ha cambiado

by James Frey, Nils Johnson-Shelton
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 30, 2015

Los jugadores supervivientes que representan a los distintos linajes de la humanidad continúan la carrera contrarreloj para encontrar la segunda llave y salvar el mundo.
Book cover of Endgame - The Calling (Edizione Italiana)
by James Frey, Nils Johnson-Shelton
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 9, 2014

Una serie di catastrofi naturali si è abbattuta su alcune città sparse per il mondo. Tutti sono convinti che si tratti di una tragica coincidenza. Solo in dodici conoscono la verità. Dodici prescelti che hanno atteso questo giorno per diecimila anni. Mentre l’umanità era ignara della minaccia...
Book cover of Endgame: The Training Diaries Volume 1: Origins
by James Frey
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2014

This thrilling digital prequel novella to Endgame: The Calling follows the lives of four of the twelve Players before they were chosen as the one to save their ancient bloodline—and win Endgame. Before the Calling . . . Marcus must choose between friendship and destiny. Chiyoko fights...
Book cover of Endgame - La Chiave del Cielo
by James Frey, Nils Johnson-Shelton
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 12, 2015

Sono partiti in dodici, sono rimasti in nove. Nove prescelti che devono continuare la caccia, finché non ne resterà solo uno, il vincitore, cui verrà risparmiata la vita. Gli altri invece subiranno lo stesso destino riservato al resto del genere umano: saranno annientati. Mentre sette di loro sono...
Book cover of Endgame - Le regole del gioco
by James Frey
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 24, 2016

Book cover of Endgame: The Zero Line Chronicles Volume 3: Reap
by James Frey
Language: English
Release Date: June 7, 2016

This action-packed prequel novella set in the Endgame world concludes the digital original series the Zero Line Chronicles, and follows an underground group determined to put a stop to Endgame—and save the world—at any cost. They call themselves the Zero line. Endgame has not yet begun...
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