Jerry Cheng: 2 books

Book cover of Pervasive Wireless Environments: Detecting and Localizing User Spoofing
by Jie Yang, Yingying Chen, Wade Trappe
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2014

This Springer Brief provides a new approach to prevent user spoofing by using the physical properties associated with wireless transmissions to detect the presence of user spoofing. The most common method, applying cryptographic authentication, requires additional management and computational power...
Book cover of 北海道的幸福休日﹝全新修訂版﹞
by 傑利(Jerry Cheng)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 15, 2016

道央購物.道南嚐鮮.道北賞花.道東看流冰 北海道祕境&絕景一直好喜歡,放假一起出來玩! 【全新修訂版.加碼新增行程攻略】 冬日滑雪5日遊、玩雪祭+賞流冰5日遊、薰衣草7日遊等路線規劃 PLUS:傑利私房購物攻略&採買建議 深度★傑利帶路的美感體驗旅程 專業★達人領隊的四季道地玩法 【本書特色】 對制式的旅遊行程感到厭倦?不想只是買東西、吃東西? 辛苦找資料、做功課、趕行程,自助行卻玩得毫不起勁? 函館、小樽、札幌、富良野、美瑛、白金清池、旭川、層雲峽、阿寒湖、釧路、網走、知床半島、野付半島、屈斜路湖、摩周湖……從道南一路玩到道東! 「全新修訂版」新增7大主題遊,資深領隊「傑利帶路」用day...
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