Job: 71 books

Book cover of ABC: Petits Contes

ABC: Petits Contes

( Edition intégrale ) illustré

by Jules Lemaître, Job
Language: French
Release Date: May 12, 2018

Jules Lemaître a beaucoup aimé les enfants. Il eut lui-même, lorsqu'il fut professeur à Grenoble, une petite fille, Madeleine, qui mourut au bout d'un mois et dont il ne se consola jamais. Plus tard il devint un parrain multiple et délicieux. Tout le monde connaît les contes charmants...
Book cover of God's Original Purpose For You
by Job Ward
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2013

This book shows that God’s original purpose for us is inherent in creation and that His purpose is reaffirmed in redemption. We therefore exist to fulfil that purpose. Most Christians do not give sanctification a serious thought because they do not realize its importance in their new life in Christ...
Book cover of Essaie-moi


Peut-elle lui faire confiance ?

by Flore Job
Language: French
Release Date: May 4, 2016

Un monde les sépare, pourtant, leur rencontre semble être une évidence... À 26 ans, Samantha, a décidé de faire une croix sur sa vie amoureuse pour se consacrer à son jeune fils, qu’elle élève seule. Mais lorsqu’au cours d’une soirée elle croise la route d’Enzo, elle ne peut...
Book cover of Gebrauchsanweisung fürs Boxen
by Bertram Job
Language: German
Release Date: November 9, 2015

Von "Rocky", "Dr. Steelhammer" bis zum "Gentlemen" – Bertram Job kennt die Szene und ihre Protagonisten wie kaum ein anderer. Er hat legendäre Kämpfe im Box-Mekka Manhattan erlebt und weiß um die Tradition des "Bareknuckle Fights" mit bloßen Händen. Er verrät, wann der Kampfsport eigentlich...
Book cover of Lettres sans frontières : correspondance des humanitaires en mission
by Médecins sans frontières, Roger Job, Rony Brauman
Language: French
Release Date: December 31, 1994

Les lettres qui composent ce recueil ont été écrites par des membres de Médecins sans frontières. Envoyées à leurs parents, amis ou autres proches, elles constituent un témoignage authentique irremplaçable de la vie des humanitaires en mission. Cette « récolte épistolaire » a pu être...
Book cover of Videogames, Diversidade e Gênero

Videogames, Diversidade e Gênero

Pesquisa Científica e Acadêmica

by Aline Job, Gabriela Kurtz, Ivelise Fortim
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 31, 2019

Ganhando destaque com o chamado Girls' Games Movement, nos anos 90, a visibilidade das produções acadêmicas que focavam videogames e gênero foi muito importante, não apenas para compreender a posição de mulheres e pessoas LGBTQ dentro dessa cultura, mas também para o nascimento dos próprios...
Book cover of 暗黑操盤手的告白:百億私募基金經理人操盤心法
by Job賈乞敗
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 17, 2016

華人交易史上最震懾人心的金融代表作 錯亂──麻痺──崩壞再造 最瘋狂的思想,最顫慄的真相 來自地獄的天才操盤手 這次,要毀掉你所有的信仰 還有以往堅信不移的價值觀 ""金融交易這件事,就應該要──毀神滅佛"" 隨書附贈:市價萬元.作者獨家開發的交易輔助工具! 凌晨3點15分,數據公布,美國公債跳空向下。 我的帳戶瞬間少了1,00多萬…… 我的心臟停了。 雖然,我的前方是一面牆, 我卻感覺有一個人,正站在我眼前10公分處, 與我四目相接。 那是死神! 致所有基金經理人們:「根據60億分之1的墨菲定律,總有一天,你會遇到所有的投資組合一起賠的情景。你該如何避開這致命的一擊?」 這是一本價值千萬的書,你毋須親身走一趟生死關 因為,地獄就在這裡…… ◎對帳單分析 完整公開:單筆損失800萬、虧損超過2,000萬的對帳單,真實、而且殘酷。 想真正學會「交易」,從誠實面對你的對帳單開始吧。 ◎交易成本精算 手續費、稅、滑價、停損,還有巨大的隱形殺手──槓桿稅。 那是惡魔借給你的一把指甲刀,讓你慢慢地刮下自己的肉,而你卻無知無覺。 ◎加碼策略 錯誤的加碼,會讓你在拉回時輸光一切,最大問題在於「不斷墊高的成本」。 倒金字塔型...
Book cover of Yakari - Volume 13 - The Great Burrow
by Derib, Job
Language: English
Release Date: February 17, 2016

Yakari wakes up one morning to find a series of arrows forming a trail. Following it, he soon finds himself the exasperated victim of pranks, mockeries and other vexing tomfoolery by an unknown bear cub. The young joker’s hideout is a massive burrow, with multiple galleries and entrances. It’s...
Book cover of Ultimate Dating Guide for Women

Ultimate Dating Guide for Women

Stop Guessing and Know What Men Really Want and Love

by Bob Job
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2013

Dating can be like a game, he makes and move and then you make a move and one wrong move and it is game over, you lose.  The problem is, what happens when you think you are making the right move, only to lose the guy you are interested in?  Dating and relationships are hard work, and more...
Book cover of A Guide to Prayer for All Who Walk with God
by John S. Mogabgab, Rueben P. Job, Norman Shawchuck
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2014

This book, the fourth in The Upper Room's bestselling "Guide to Prayer" series, offers a simple pattern of daily prayer built around weekly themes and organized by the Christian church year. Each week follows this pattern: Affirmation Psalm Psalm Prayer Daily Scripture Readings Silence Daily Reading Reflection (Silent or Written) Prayers Offering of Self to God Blessing
Book cover of Yakari - Volume 14

Yakari - Volume 14

Lords of the plains

by Job
Language: English
Release Date: November 3, 2016

Yakari gets to know the ways of the lord of the plains: the buffalo. After a hunt that brought the tribe much needed supplies, Yakari is visited in his dreams by the buffalo, killed the day of his birth, whose pelt still serves as his blanket. Intrigued, the young Sioux and Little Thunder go see the...
Book cover of Yakari 16 - The Lake Monster
by Job
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2019

The Beavers are very worried: Linden Tree, Yakari’s yound and mischievous friend, has lost his appetite for … well, everything. And his people have no time to devote to him, as they must repair their precious dam, damaged by heavy rains. While the young Sioux attempts to dispel his friend’s...
Book cover of Yakari - Volume 15 - The First Gallop
by Derib, Job
Language: English
Release Date: January 10, 2018

Yakari learns from the tribe’s elder that the Sioux haven’t always been the magnificent riders they are now – indeed, that there was a time they didn’t even know what a horse was. Shaken, he speaks a little too demandingly to Little Thunder, wounding his four-legged friend who immediately...
Book cover of Yakari et la baleine blanche Pilipi
by Job, Philip Neuber, Derib
Language: French
Release Date: August 8, 2018

Le petit Indien le plus célèbre de la grande Prairie est de retour pour de nouvelles aventures ! Découvrez les aventures de Yakari en mini-roman illustré ! Un énorme animal a élu domicile dans le lac… Est-ce un monstre ? Yakari et Petit Tonnerre s’interrogent… Mais ils découvrent...
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