Joe Dispenza: 27 books

Book cover of Cambiar Una Creencia O Percepción -Audio -Digital
by Joe Dispenza
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 1, 2014

Pon en práctica lo que has aprendido en El placebo eres tú, de Joe Dispenza, con esta meditación en audio de menos de una hora. Expande tu percepción para ser consciente de tu cuerpo y aprender a cambiar una creencia o percepción. 
Book cover of Cambiar Dos Creencias O Percepciones (Audio)
by Joe Dispenza
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 21, 2014

Pon en práctica lo que has aprendido en El placebo eres tú, de Joe Dispenza, con esta meditación en audio de menos de una hora. Expande tu percepción para ser consciente de tu cuerpo y aprender a cambiar tus creencias y percepciones. 
Book cover of Overstijg jezelf

Overstijg jezelf

denk anders, denk beter in 4 weken

by Joe Dispenza
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 1, 2014

`Wat je vandaag denkt, bepaalt hoe je morgen leeft. Lynne McTaggert Verander je hersenen, creëer de werkelijkheid die je wenst. Hersenen zijn geen vaststaand gegeven. Je hoeft het niet je hele leven te doen met de hersenen waarmee je bent geboren. Er ontwikkelt zich een nieuwe wetenschap, die iedereen...
Book cover of Diventa Supernatural

Diventa Supernatural

Come fanno le persone comuni a fare cose straordinarie

by Joe Dispenza
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 3, 2018

L’autore del best seller secondo il “New York Times” Cambia l’abitudine di essere te stesso attinge alla ricerca condotta nei suoi corsi avanzati per investigare come le persone comuni riescano a fare cose straordinarie trasformando se stesse e le loro vite Diventa Super Natural unisce alcune...
Book cover of Schöpfer der Wirklichkeit

Schöpfer der Wirklichkeit

Der Mensch und sein Gehirn - Wunderwerk der Evolution

by Joe Dispenza
Language: German
Release Date: April 1, 2017

Dr. Joe Dispenza befasst sich bereits jahrzehntelang mit dem menschlichen Geist: Er untersuchte, wie er funktioniert, wie er Informationen speichert und weshalb er immer wieder dieselben Verhaltensweisen produziert. In dem Kultfilm What the Bleep Do We Know!? gab er erste Erklärungen, wie unser Gehirn...
Book cover of Como Se Tornar Sobre-humano
by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 7, 2018

Descubra o novo mundo para lá da realidade física.O que significa ser sobre-humano?Para ter uma ideia, imagine que seria capaz de sintonizar frequências que estão para além do mundo material. Ou mudar a química cerebral de modo a aceder a níveis transcendentais de consciência. Ou transformar...
Book cover of Du bist das Placebo

Du bist das Placebo

Bewusstsein wird Materie

by Joe Dispenza
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2014

Können wir uns allein mit der Kraft der Gedanken heilen, ganz ohne Medikamente und Operationen? Zahlreiche dokumentierte Fälle beweisen: Krebspatienten haben ihre Erkrankung zum Verschwinden gebracht; Menschen, die unter Herzfunktionsstörungen, Depressionen, Arthritis oder Parkinson litten, wurden...
Book cover of Cambia l'abitudine di essere te stesso

Cambia l'abitudine di essere te stesso

La Fisica Quantistica nella vita quotidiana

by Joe Dispenza
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 28, 2012

Non sei destinato né programmato geneticamente a essere ciò che sei per tutta la vita. Infatti è nata una nuova scienza che restituisce all’individuo il potere di creare la realtà che desidera vivere. Nel suo libro, il dottor Dispenza, autore noto a livello internazionale, speaker, ricercatore...
Book cover of Becoming Supernatural

Becoming Supernatural

How Common People are Doing the Uncommon

by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2017

The author of the New York Times bestseller You Are the Placebo, as well as Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and Evolve Your Brain, draws on research conducted at his advanced workshops since 2012 to explore how common people are doing the uncommon to transform themselves and their lives. Becoming...
Book cover of The Thought That Changed My Life Forever

The Thought That Changed My Life Forever

How One Inspiration Can Unleash Your True Potential and Transform the World

by Dr. Christian Guenette, Gillian Laura Roberts, Dr. Joe Dispenza
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2012

“An inspiring book of breakthroughs and a joyful call to personal awakening . . . demonstrates the power our thoughts really have” (Jason Sugar, founder of Breakthrough Adventures, Inc.). The Thought That Changed My Life Forever is an inspirational gem highlighting the art and science of...
Book cover of Stay Healthy During Chemo

Stay Healthy During Chemo

The 5 Essential Steps

by Mike Herbert, ND, Dr. Joe Dispenza
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2016

Chemotherapy works to beat your cancer, but it also takes its own toll on your body and your health. During treatment, it is more important than ever to do what you can to keep yourself strong and healthy. The best way of doing that is to work with your body's innate healing powers. This...
Book cover of Placebo Effect

Placebo Effect

Trasforma la mente in materia

by Joe Dispenza
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 2, 2015

Così come la medicina usa i cosiddetti farmaci “placebo”, che esercitano un effetto psicologico di autosuggestione sul paziente, anche noi possiamo convincere la mente e il corpo a trasformare i nostri pensieri in realtà. Questo libro ci illustra come cambiare il nostro mondo e la nostra salute con il potere della mente.
Book cover of Werde übernatürlich

Werde übernatürlich

Wie gewöhnliche Menschen das Ungewöhnliche erreichen

by Joe Dispenza
Language: German
Release Date: December 1, 2017

Wir können lernen, unsere schöpferischen Fähigkeiten auf einer höheren Ebene zum Ausdruck zu bringen; wir können uns in Frequenzen einschwingen, die unsere materielle Welt transzendieren, sowie unser Bewusstsein und unsere Energie auf mehr Ordnung und Kohärenz ausrichten. Durch regelmäßige...
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