Joe J : 70 books

Book cover of The Media Globe

The Media Globe

Trends in International Mass Media

by Lyombe S. Eko, Cees J. Hamelink, Joe F. Khalil
Language: English
Release Date: December 13, 2006

The Media Globe is a multifaceted look at contemporary trends in media practices in regions beyond the United States, including Africa, Asia, Europe, the Middle East, Latin America, and Australia. A diverse group of respected scholars follows the emerging patterns in a variety of media worldwide,...
Book cover of 1000 Erotic Works of Genius
by Hans-Jürgen Döpp, Joe A. Thomas, Victoria Charles
Language: English
Release Date: November 24, 2014

Different eras and civilisations have treated erotic images with varying acceptance and different concepts of erotica and these tendencies are reflected within the works themselves. From ancient statues devoted to fertility to Renaissance engravings designed to encourage procreation within marriage,...
Book cover of 30 Millennia of Erotic Art
by Hans-Jürgen Döpp, Joe Thomas A., Victoria Charles
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2016

From the thousand-year-old statues celebrating fertility, to the odalisques of the modern painters, erotic art has always held a prominent place in societies, whatever their morals or cultural references. This work assembles one thousand images of erotic art, from all times and all continents, to...
Book cover of Political Pioneer of the Press

Political Pioneer of the Press

Ida B. Wells-Barnett and Her Transnational Crusade for Social Justice

by Jodi L. Rightler-McDaniels, Lori Amber Roessner, Norma Fay Green
Language: English
Release Date: July 31, 2018

Known most prominently as a daring anti-lynching crusader, Ida B. Wells-Barnett (1862-1931) worked tirelessly throughout her life as a political advocate for the rights of women, minorities, and members of the working class. Despite her significance, until the 1970s Wells-Barnett’s life, career,...
Book cover of Playing Offstage

Playing Offstage

The Theater as a Presence or Factor in the Real World

by Gigi Argyropoulou, S. P. Cerasano, Lance Duerfahrd
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2017

Fourteen scholars who work on campus or in the theater address this issue of what it means to play offstage. With their individual definition of what “offstage” could mean, the results were, predictably, varied. They employed a variety of critical approaches to the question of what happens when...
Book cover of The Rhetoric of Religious Freedom in the United States
by Matthew Hawkins, Michael G. Strawser, Eric C. Miller
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2017

The Rhetoric of Religious Freedom in the United States, fifteen scholars from this field address the variety of forms that free, public religiosity may assume, and which rhetorical techniques are operative in a public square populated by a diversity of religious-political actors. Together they consider...
Book cover of ACT for Psychosis Recovery

ACT for Psychosis Recovery

A Practical Manual for Group-Based Interventions Using Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

by Emma K. O'Donoghue, DClinPsy, Eric M.J. Morris
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2018

ACT for Psychosis Recovery is the first book to provide a breakthrough, evidence-based, step-by-step approach for group work with clients suffering from psychosis. As evidenced in a study by Patricia A. Bach and Steven C. Hayes, patients with psychotic symptoms who received acceptance and commitment...
Book cover of The Excellent Persuader
by Steve J. Havemann, Joe D. Batten
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2013

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, one in nine Americans works in sales, meaning that each day more than fifteen million people earn their keep by persuading someone else to make a purchase. The Excellent Persuader has the unique ability to reach sales professionals, sales managers,...
Book cover of Sams Teach Yourself Windows Phone 7 Application Development in 24 Hours
by Scott J. Dorman, Kevin Wolf, Nikita Polyakov
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2012

Covers Windows Phone 7.5 In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, you’ll learn how to develop mobile applications for Windows Phone 7! Using this book’s straightforward, step-by-step approach, you’ll learn the fundamentals of Windows Phone 7 app development, how to leverage Silverlight or the...
Book cover of Mathematics for the Liberal Arts
by Donald Bindner, Martin J. Erickson, Joe Hemmeter
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2014

Presents a clear bridge between mathematics and the liberal arts Mathematics for the Liberal Arts provides a comprehensible and precise introduction to modern mathematics intertwined with the history of mathematical discoveries. The book discusses mathematical ideas in the context of the unfolding...
Book cover of Beyond the Wicked Willow: Chronicles of a Teenage Witchslayer
by M.J. Rocissono, Joe Rocissono
Language: English
Release Date: September 7, 2017

FRANKIE FRETINI has had a horrible year. And, just when he thinks things are looking up, well…all heck breaks loose. It happens in home-ec class just moments after the girl of his dreams, Jenny Moran, invites him to the annual town carnival. Still dazed from the unexpected invite, Frankie accidentally...
Book cover of Seewölfe Paket 1

Seewölfe Paket 1

Seewölfe - Piraten der Weltmeere, Band 1 bis 20

by Davis J.Harbord, John Roscoe Craig, John Curtis
Language: German
Release Date: April 2, 2015

Die Männer vom Preßkommando der "Marygold" merkten zu spät, auf was sie sich eingelassen hatten, als sie den Mann aus Cornwall vor der Hafenkneipe einkreisten. Und als sie es merkten, war bereits der Teufel los - denn Philip Hasard Killigrew, genannt der Seewolf, war noch wilder als der Sturm, der gerade über Plymouth hinwegfegte...
Book cover of 1000 Erotische Meisterwerke
by Hans-Jürgen Döpp, Joe A. Thomas, Victoria Charles
Language: German
Release Date: November 24, 2014

Von tausendjährigen, als Fruchtbarkeitssymbole verehrten Statuen bis hin zu den Odalisken der modernen Maler erotische Kunst hat immer eine bedeutende Rolle in der Gesellschaft gespielt, unabhängig davon, welche Vorstellung von Kultur oder Moral gerade herrschte. In diesem Werk sind eintausend Bilder...
Book cover of 1000 Erotische Meisterwerke
by Hans-Jürgen Döpp, Joe Thomas A., Victoria Charles
Language: German
Release Date: December 2, 2016

Von jahrtausendealten, als Fruchtbarkeitssymbole verehrten Statuen bis hin zu den Odalisken der modernen Maler – erotische Kunst hat in der Gesellschaft immer eine bedeutende Rolle gespielt, unabhängig davon, welche Kultur- oder Moralvorstellungen gerade vorherrschten. In diesem Werk sind 1000...
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