Johann Goethe: 598 books

Book cover of Autobiography of Goethe
by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2019

Johann Wolfgang (von) Goethe (28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832) was a German writer and statesman. His works include four novels; epic and lyric poetry; prose and verse dramas; memoirs; an autobiography; literary and aesthetic criticism; and treatises on botany, anatomy, and colour. In addition, there...
Book cover of Faust
by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Language: French
Release Date: November 25, 2012

Faust Goethe Texte intégral. Cet ouvrage a fait l'objet d'un véritable travail en vue d'une édition numérique. Un travail typographique le rend facile et agréable à lire. Deux pièces de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe sont intitulées Faust, du nom d'un alchimiste allemand du XVIe siècle, héros...
Book cover of Italienische Reise

Italienische Reise

Mit Überblickskarte und zahlreichen Abbildungen

by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Language: German
Release Date: June 4, 2018

Die »Italienische Reise« schrieb Johann Wolfgang von Goethe auf Basis von Briefen und Tagebuchaufzeichnungen, die er zwischen September 1786 und April 1788 in Italien verfasst hatte. Goethe verspürte schon in früher Jugend eine starke Sehnsucht nach Italien. Er beschäftigte sich in den Jahren...
Book cover of Die Leiden des jungen Werther (in the original German)
by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Language: German
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Goethe's masterpiece in the original German. According to Wikipedia: "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 - 22 March 1832) was a German writer. George Eliot called him "Germany's greatest man of letters... and the last true polymath to walk the earth." Goethe's works span the fields of poetry,...
Book cover of Kampagne in Frankreich (in the original German)
by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Language: German
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Autobiographical work by Goethe, set in 1792. In the original German. According to Wikipedia: "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 - 22 March 1832) was a German writer. George Eliot called him "Germany's greatest man of letters... and the last true polymath to walk the earth." Goethe's works...
Book cover of Faust: Der Tragodie, Erster und Zweiter Teil
by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Language: German
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Both parts of Goethe's Faust, in German. According to Wikipedia: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 1832) was a German writer and according to George Eliot, "Germany's greatest man of letters… and the last true polymath to walk the earth."[2] Goethe's works span the fields of poetry, drama, literature,...
Book cover of Fausto


Clásicos de la literatura

by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 14, 2015

Este ebook presenta "Fausto" con un sumario dinámico y detallado. Fausto, de Johann Wolfgang von Goethe es una obra trágica, dividida en dos partes, la primera publicada en 1808 y la segunda, de manera póstuma, en 1833. Enfrascado en un intenso monólogo, el personaje principal, el sabio...
Book cover of Hermann and Dorothea
by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2017

"Hermann and Dorothea" is an epic poem written by German writer Johann Wolfgang von Goethe between 1796 and 1797. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 – 22 March 1832) was a German writer and statesman.  Translated by Ellen Frothingham.
Book cover of Romische Elegien, poetry in the original German
by Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Very short, classic poetry in the original German. According to Wikipedia: "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 - 22 March 1832) was a German writer. George Eliot called him "Germany's greatest man of letters... and the last true polymath to walk the earth." Goethe's works span the fields of...
Book cover of Faust (Illustrated + Audiobook Download Link + Active TOC)
by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Language: English
Release Date: May 8, 2013

FEATURES:      •     Includes beautiful artworks and illustrations      •     A link of a FREE audio book to download at the end of the book      •     Active Table...
Book cover of Reineke Fuchs, long poem in the original German
by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Book-length poem, in the original German. According to Wikipedia: "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 - 22 March 1832) was a German writer. George Eliot called him "Germany's greatest man of letters... and the last true polymath to walk the earth." Goethe's works span the fields of poetry, drama,...
Book cover of Egmont, a tragedy in five acts, in English translation
by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

English translation of the classic play. According to Wikipedia: "Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (28 August 1749 - 22 March 1832) was a German writer. George Eliot called him "Germany's greatest man of letters... and the last true polymath to walk the earth." Goethe's works span the fields of poetry, drama,...
Book cover of Erotica Romana
by Johann Wolfgang Goethe
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2015

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was born on 28th August 1749 in Frankfurt, All of his siblings died at a young age except for his sister Cornelia and he was home schooled by his father and a range of tutors. He went to Leipzig to study law but preferred writing poetry. However, from these relatively unremarkable...
Book cover of J. W. Goethe y F. Schiller: "La más indisoluble unión"
by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Johann Christoph Friedrich Schiller
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 5, 2019

La presente obra reune la correspondencia completa que intercambiaron estos dos emblemáticos personajes, Goethe y Schiller, a lo largo de once años. El trabajo de traducción que ofrecen Marcelo Burello y Regula Rohland de Langbehn nos abre al mundo de la literatura germana, contextualizando cada...
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