John Newman: 96 books

Book cover of Yugoslavia in the Shadow of War

Yugoslavia in the Shadow of War

Veterans and the Limits of State Building, 1903–1945

by John Paul Newman
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2015

The Yugoslav state of the interwar period was a child of the Great European War. Its borders were superimposed onto a topography of conflict and killing, for it housed many war veterans who had served or fought in opposing armies (those of the Central Powers and the Entente) during the war. These...
Book cover of Loss and Gain
by John Henry Newman
Language: English
Release Date: March 25, 2013

This novel about a young man's intellectual and spiritual development was the first work John Henry Newman wrote after entering the Roman Catholic Church in 1845. The story describes the perplexing questions and doubts Charles Reding experiences while attending Oxford. Though intending to avoid the...
Book cover of Sermones parroquiales / 8

Sermones parroquiales / 8

(Parochial and plain sermons)

by John Henry Newman
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 1, 2018

Al igual que en el tomo anterior, los 18 textos reunidos en este último volumen de los Sermones parroquiales no formaron parte de la primera edición de 1842, previa a la conversión de Newman al catolicismo, sino que fueron incluidos en la reedición de 1968. Al ser reeditados el propio Newman pudo...
Book cover of La fe y la razón

La fe y la razón

Quince sermones predicados ante la Universidad de Oxford (1826-1843)

by John Henry Newman
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 1, 2017

"¿Por qué motivo, en el juicio cotidiano de los hombres, la fe es contraria a la razón, o irracional?" Esta pregunta, formulada por el propio Newman en el prólogo de una de las primeras ediciones de estos Sermones Universitarios, indica cuál es el objetivo central de los textos recogidos...
Book cover of The Dream of Gerontius, Set to Music (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
by John Henry Cardinal Newman, Edward Elgar
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2011

Along with sermons, essays, and religious books, Newman was a noted author of hymns and poetry. A poetic imagining of the state of a pious soul just after death—as it journeys towards judgment—The Dream of Gerontius is one of Newman’s most famous poems. It was later set to music as an oratorio by Sir Edward Elgar.
Book cover of Christ upon the Waters
by John Henry Newman
Language: English
Release Date: October 17, 2017

It is difficult now to imagine the condition of Catholics in the England of 1850 when, after three hundred years, the Catholic hierarchy was restored. Catholicism was reckoned an alien thing, unworthy of free-born Englishmen, full of superstition and tyranny and the suppression of free enquiry and...
Book cover of Basic Helicopter Aerodynamics
by John M. Seddon, Simon Newman
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2011

Basic Helicopter Aerodynamics is widely appreciated as an easily accessible, rounded introduction to the first principles of the aerodynamics of helicopter flight. Simon Newman has brought this third edition completely up to date with a full new set of illustrations and imagery. An accompanying website...
Book cover of Sermones parroquiales / 1

Sermones parroquiales / 1

(Parochial and Plain Sermons)

by John Henry Newman
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 1, 2013

Desde su ordenación como pastor anglicano hasta su muerte como cardenal católico, la figura de Newman no deja de sorprender por la coherencia de su trayectoria. En estos Sermones parroquiales, un clásico de la espiritualidad cristiana que ha inspirado a todas las generaciones de cristianos desde...
Book cover of Sermones Parroquiales / 4

Sermones Parroquiales / 4

(Parochial and Plain Sermons)

by John Henry Newman
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 1, 2011

Entre 1835 y 1838, periodo al que pertenecen los sermones que encontramos en este cuarto volumen de la serie de los Sermones Parroquiales, Newman se halla en plena evolución desde el anglicanismo hacia el catolicismo. Su batalla contra el racionalismo liberal de los protestantes, que considera corruptor...
Book cover of Sermones parroquiales / 3

Sermones parroquiales / 3

(Parochial and Plain Sermons)

by John Henry Newman
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 1, 2011

En este tercer volumen de la serie de los Sermones parroquiales se incluyen veinticinco sermones predicados en la iglesia de Saint Mary's en Oxford. El genio humano y cristiano de Newman, que ya era una autoridad no exenta de polémica en Inglaterra, vuelve a brillar en ellos con toda lucidez. Con...
Book cover of Diario intimo

Diario intimo

Prefazione di don Primo Mazzolari

by John Henry Newman, Primo Mazzolari
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 7, 2017

«Quand’ero protestante, la mia vita era tranquilla e la mia preghiera infelice; da quando sono cattolico, la mia vita è infelice e la mia preghiera tranquilla»: così scrive il card. Newman (1801-1890) nel suo Diario che va dal 15 dicembre 1859 al 10 settembre1876 ed è composto di pagine scarne,...
Book cover of Meditations on Stations of the Cross
by John Henry Newman
Language: English
Release Date: August 7, 2017

Blessed John Henry Newman's celebrated meditations on the passion of Our Lord have been edited and enhanced with illustrations. They remain a moving and enriching commentary on the details of Christ's sufferings and their bearing on our own human existence. An excellent companion to Lent and Easter for for use on Fridays of the year. Updated and revised by Donal Antony Foley.
Book cover of Discourses addressed to Mixed Congregations
by John Henry Newman
Language: English
Release Date: October 26, 2018

MY DEAR LORD, I present for your Lordship’s kind acceptance and patronage the first work which I publish as a “Father of the. Oratory of St. Philip Neri. I have a sort of claim upon your permission to do so, as a token of my gratitude and affection toward your Lordship, since it is to you...
Book cover of The Dream of Gerontius (Annotated)
by John Henry Newman
Language: English
Release Date: June 8, 2015

The Dream of Gerontius , Op. 38, is a work for voices and orchestra in two parts produced by Edward Elgar in 1900, to text from the poem by John Henry Newman. It relates the journey of a pious man's soul from his deathbed to his judgment before God and settling into Purgatory. Elgar disapproved of...
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