Jonathan Powell: 22 books

Book cover of Terrorists at the Table

Terrorists at the Table

Why Negotiating is the Only Way to Peace

by Jonathan Powell
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2015

Should governments talk to terrorists? Do they have any choice? Without doing so, argues author Jonathan Powell in Terrorists at the Table, we will never end armed conflict. As violent insurgencies continue to erupt across the globe, we need people who will brave the depths of the Sri Lankan...
Book cover of The New Machiavelli

The New Machiavelli

How to Wield Power in the Modern World

by Jonathan Powell
Language: English
Release Date: October 31, 2010

The New Machiavelli is a gripping account of life inside 'the bunker' of Number 10. In his twenty-first century reworking of Niccolo Machiavelli's influential masterpiece, The Prince, Jonathan Powell - Tony Blair's Chief of Staff from 1994 - 2007 - recounts the inside story of that period, drawing...
Book cover of Rare Astronomical Sights and Sounds
by Jonathan Powell
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2018

​The universe contains many unusual sights and sounds, most of which are either very difficult to witness or simply go unnoticed. With the right tools, time, and location, some of the often talked about but seldom seen and heard gems in our skies can finally be observed. This book introduces...
Book cover of Cosmic Debris

Cosmic Debris

What It Is and What We Can Do About It

by Jonathan Powell
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2017

This book examines the mysterious and the well-studied debris in Earth’s crowded neighborhood. From orbiting comets to the workings of the Asteroid Belt, and from meteor showers to our home-grown network of orbiting satellites, the full diversity of space objects and the debris they create is explored....
Book cover of The Republic and The Laws
by Cicero, Jonathan Powell, Niall Rudd
Language: English
Release Date: April 2, 1998

`However one defines Man, the same definition applies to us all. This is sufficient proof that there is no essential difference within mankind.' (Laws l.29-30) Cicero's The Republic is an impassioned plea for responsible governement written just before the civil war that ended the Roman Republic in...
Book cover of The Gloria Vanderbilt Handbook - Everything You Need To Know About Gloria Vanderbilt
by Jonathan Powell
Language: English
Release Date: April 13, 2016

This book is your ultimate resource for Gloria Vanderbilt. Here you will find the most up-to-date information, facts, quotes and much more.In easy to read chapters, with extensive references and links to get you to know all there is to know about Gloria Vanderbilt's whole picture right away. Get...
Book cover of Socialism 191 Success Secrets - 191 Most Asked Questions On Socialism - What You Need To Know
by Jonathan Powell
Language: English
Release Date: April 5, 2014

Socialism' is an financial configuration characterised by communal possession of the intents of manufacture and co-operative administration of the financial management.There has never been a Socialism Guide like this. It contains 191 answers, much more than you can imagine; comprehensive...
Book cover of 馬基維利,請教我如何出人頭地:不懂權謀的人,根本無法做大事
by 馬克‧鮑威爾(Mark Powell),強納森‧季福德(Jonathan Gifford)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 6, 2019

你也許沒想過 太認真工作、樂於助人、擇善固執…… 這些你認為的「好」習慣,正是你升遷的最大阻礙!   社會現實,職場險惡,你一定要以馬基維利為師!   職場險惡,即使自保,也要學會用權謀 在企業工作,就像為無情的主人效力,職場就是封建王國,充滿著宮廷的潛規則和陰謀,老闆只需要忠心耿耿的屬下,而人人皆可用完就丟……   讓馬基維利幫助你在競爭激烈的職場中安身立命、脫穎而出 馬基維利是十六世紀的偉大政治家,身處當時各城邦互相交戰的義大利,他在其知名作品《君王論》中,描述了各個領主為了爭權奪利不擇手段,使出結盟、反叛、衝突、欺騙,甚至暗殺等方法……現實主義的馬基維利主張,只要你的目標遠大,一切手段都可以被接受!   懂得運用權謀智慧,才是你升官的重要關鍵 身處現代企業中,即使你才能出眾、工作效率高,備受同事喜愛,都不能保證獲得升遷或獎勵;只有善用權謀智慧,才能讓你適時把握晉升機會,在公司內取得真正的權力和影響力。   六個阻礙你成功的「好」習慣,你有幾個? 1.努力工作 2.樂於助人 3.大方分享 4.單打獨鬥 5.與眾不同 6.堅持到底   想要出人頭地,就別當個好人;想要成果出眾,請停止認真工作, 停下你目前的腳步,認清你在職場上優先該做的事…… ◎你要永遠要看清局勢,避免在搞不清楚狀況下成為炮灰 ◎權力遊戲中,你要當下棋的人,而不是棋局中的旗子 ◎你至少要晉身到中樞位置,你的才能和努力才會被看見   如果你的職位不上不下,你的存在對公司可有可無, 那麼隨時失業的夢魘,將一輩子跟著你!   最直白的職場權謀手冊,想生存、想成功,你一定要讀!   【各界讚譽】   「義大利哲學家馬基維利的真知灼見擲地有聲。如果想參與企業賽局,那麼你就得積極求勝。本書告訴你如何贏。這真是一本暗黑的精明好書!」 ──艾德‧威爾(Ed...
Book cover of Breaking Through, Second Edition

Breaking Through, Second Edition

Building a World-Class Wealth Management Business

by John J. Bowen Jr., Paul Brunswick, Jonathan J. Powell
Language: English
Release Date: July 29, 2013

Successful individuals and families are hungry for trusted guidance that helps them achieve their most important financial goals and dreams. The financial advisors who step up to fill that role and provide that leadership are experiencing unprecedented levels of success. The goal of Breaking Through...
Book cover of Our Prince of Scribes

Our Prince of Scribes

Writers Remember Pat Conroy

by Cassandra King Conroy, Dottie Ashley, William Balk Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2018

New York Times best-selling writer Pat Conroy (1945–2016) inspired a worldwide legion of devoted fans numbering in the millions, but none are more loyal to him and more committed to sustaining his literary legacy than the many writers he nurtured over the course of his fifty-year writing life. In...
Book cover of Environment in the Courtroom
by Paul Adams, Natasha Affolder, Andrea C. Akelaitis
Language: English
Release Date: January 21, 2019

Canadian environmental law is a dynamic and exciting area that is playing an increasingly important role in furthering sustainable development policy. Environmental law has distinctive relevant principles, operating procedures, implications, and importance in comparison with other areas of law, and...
Book cover of Communicator-in-Chief


How Barack Obama Used New Media Technology to Win the White House

by Jenn Burleson Mackay, Jonathan S. Morris, Eric E. Otenyo
Language: English
Release Date: January 14, 2010

Communicator-in-Chief: How Barack Obama Used New Media Technology to Win the White House examines the fascinating and precedent-setting role new media technologies and the Internet played in the 2008 presidential campaign that allowed for the historic election of the nation's first African American...
Book cover of The Advertising Handbook
by Helen Powell, Jonathan Hardy, Iain Macrury
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2018

The Advertising Handbook provides a critical introduction to advertising and marketing practices today. Contributions from leading international scholars and practitioners offer extended coverage of the contemporary shifts and pressures reshaping the marketing communications (or advertising and marketing)...
Book cover of The Client-Centric Shift
by John J. Bowen Jr., Paul Brunswick, Jonathan J. Powell
Language: English
Release Date: December 17, 2012

CEG Worldwide has conducted research in the financial services industry for more than a decade. As we all know, much has changed in the industry during those years. Economic upheaval, market turbulence and regulatory changes have all affected how financial advisors serve their clients and manage their...
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