K W : 495 books

Book cover of Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care - E-Book
by Diana J. Mason, RN, PhD
Language: English
Release Date: January 30, 2014

Featuring analysis of healthcare issues and first-person stories, Policy & Politics in Nursing and Health Care helps you develop skills in influencing policy in today's changing health care environment. Approximately 150 expert contributors present a wide range of topics in policies and politics,...
Book cover of Foundations of Public Service
by Douglas F Morgan, Richard T Green, Craig W Shinn
Language: English
Release Date: July 17, 2015

Designed to serve as a basic text for an introductory course in Public Administration, this innovative work provides students with an understanding of the basic management functions that are covered in all standard textbooks with two important differences. First, it is written to address the...
Book cover of Enzymes in Anesthesiology
by A. A. Aszalos, F. F. Foldes, L. C. Mark
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

It is a pleasure to have the privilege of writing the foreword for a book edited by Dr. Francis F. Foldes. Dr. Foldes has collected in one convenient place a discussion and description of enzyme systems of use to the anesthesiologist and to those other individuals, such as undergraduate and graduate...
Book cover of Values, Education and the Adult (International Library of the Philosophy of Education Volume 16)
by R.W.K. Paterson
Language: English
Release Date: February 25, 2010

In this study of the main conceptual and normative issues to which the education of the adult gives rise, the author demonstrates that these issues can be understood and resolved only by coming to grips with some of the central and most contentious questions in epistemology, philosophy of mind, ethics,...
Book cover of Manual of Vascular Surgery
by R.J. Stoney, W.K. Ehrenfeld, E.J. Wylie
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Of all the developing fields of surgery, few have had the impact of vascular surgery in affecting so large a segment of the population with its potential for relief of disability or the prolongation of life. As would be anticipated, the interest of surgeons in this evolving specialty has been largely...
Book cover of Progress in Medicinal Chemistry
by D.K. Luscombe, A.W. Oxford, G. P. Ellis
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 1998

Eminent scientists at the cutting edge of pharmacology and medicinal chemistry research provide us with yet another excellent addition to this famous series. The focus on bacterial resistance mechanisms serves to highlight an important area of unmet medical need requiring the attention of medicinal...
Book cover of The 12 Disciples of Jesus
by Temalesi W.M.K. Savou
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2017

Jesus called his twelve disciples to him . . . These are the names of the twelve disciples: first, Simon (who is called Peter) and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; Philip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus, and Thaddaeus; Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot (Matthew 10:14).
Book cover of The Lausiac History of Palladius, a Critical Edition
by W. K. Lowther Clarke
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2017

It has been the lot of many a scholar to grapple with the difficulties of an ancient text so successfully that the result of his labors has been accepted as substantially representing the original work of the author: few editors indeed can be credited with an achievement equal to that of Abbot Butler,...
Book cover of Das Ende der Nachsichtigkeit

Das Ende der Nachsichtigkeit

Neue biokybernetische Handlungsmuster für resiliente Gesellschaften

by E. W. Udo Küppers
Language: German
Release Date: August 10, 2018

Der Autor dieses Buches bespricht kleine adaptive Fortschritte, die ganzheitliches vernetztes Denken und Handeln voraussetzen, aus dem eine systemstabilisierende Wirkung erwächst. Biokybernetik und Deglobalisierung verfolgen ähnliche Prinzipien. Daher sind beide sehr geeignet, um das Metaziel Nachhaltigkeit zu stärken.
Book cover of Die Evolutionsmaschine
by Manfred Weinland, W. K. Giesa
Language: German
Release Date: November 30, 2017

"Drei Stockwerke über ihm meldete Janos Skodvik in diesem Augenblick: »Durchstoßen gerade die Transpluto-Schale! Geschwindigkeit nahe Licht. Kein Funkverkehr mehr möglich …" Das interstellare Raumschiff COLUMBUS kehrt nach dreißig Jahren von ihrer durch die Weltraumtiefen führende...
Book cover of Planetenroman 71 + 72: Eine Sonne entartet / Weltraumfalle Sternenland

Planetenroman 71 + 72: Eine Sonne entartet / Weltraumfalle Sternenland

Zwei abgeschlossene Romane aus dem Perry Rhodan Universum

by W. K. Giesa
Language: German
Release Date: February 3, 2017

Die Geschichte des Solaren Imperiums der Menschheit ist eine, in der das Unbekannte mutig erkundet wird. An dieser Erkundung nehmen nicht nur tapfere Raumfahrer teil, sondern auch geniale Wissenschaftler – so wie Tyll Leyden, der einst dem Geheimnis der mysteriösen Oldtimer auf die Spur gekommen...
Book cover of Mythor 176: Die Arena von Alef
by W. K. Giesa
Language: German
Release Date: December 10, 2015

Als Mythor in der durch ALLUMEDDON veränderten Welt zu sich kommt, ist er gehandikapt. Und erst das Duell mit seinem anderen Ich sorgt dafür, dass unser Held in seiner Ganzheit wieder ersteht. Damit beginnt Mythor in bekannter Manier zu handeln. Inseln des Lichts zu gründen und die Welt vor einer...
Book cover of 320 PS-Jim #58: Leoparden-Jenny
by W. K. Giesa
Language: German
Release Date: October 22, 2017

Ein Roman aus der Serie 320 PS-Jim. Abenteuer auf den endlosen Highways Amerikas - Trucker-Stories um die modernen Cowboys des amerikanischen Westens.
Book cover of Mythor 192: Sternenfall
by W. K. Giesa
Language: German
Release Date: December 10, 2015

Mythors Weg auf der durch ALLUMEDDON veränderten Welt ist verschlungen. Da geht es um die Gründung von Inseln des Lichts und um die Abwehr von Invasionen durch Xatan und seine finsteren Horden. Es geht um das DRAGOMAE, das Werk der Weißen Magie. Und es geht schließlich um die drohende Auseinandersetzung...
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