Kahlil: 88 books

Book cover of Maria's Loyalty...

Maria's Loyalty...

The Beginning

by Kahlil Armstrong
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2014

Maria comes from a very loyal family. The Parkers are a family with morals and values. Poppa Parker was a very strict man when it came to raising his children. He believed in whatever business ventures his family proceeded in as long as it carried on the familys generational stability. Maria was a...
Book cover of 先知:中英文經典收藏
by 卡里‧紀伯侖 Kahlil Gibran
Language: Chinese
Release Date: July 2, 2014

**  ●黎巴嫩作家紀伯侖代表作,有「小聖經」的美稱   ●出版至今被翻譯超過50種語言,全球發行量破千萬   ●此書被歐美評論家喻之為「東方世界最美妙的聲音」   ●匯合東方神秘意識與西方浪漫主義,獨樹一幟的「紀伯侖風格」   ●同時收錄中英文經典版本,值得永久珍藏** **  28首炙烈深情的詠歎調,跨越時空的永恆經典。   為迷路徬徨的人生旅者,指引一條清晰的道路。**   《先知》一書,由二十八篇散文詩組成。紀伯侖藉由先知的臨別贈言,論述生活中的種種課題,譬如愛、婚姻、孩子、工作、快樂與悲傷、法律、自由、友誼、善與惡、宗教及死亡,詩意的文字帶有豐富想像力和生動的象徵手法,闡釋深沉的情感和人生真諦。   譬如自由,他說「當你們不再將自由當成目標和成就時,才能得到真正的自由。」論及工作,他說:「勞動不懈,即是對生命最深沉的熱愛。」說到快樂與悲傷:「悲傷在你心頭刻蝕得愈深,你便能容納愈多的歡樂。」對婚姻的看法:「彼此相愛,但不要讓愛成為羈絆。」關於孩子,他說:「你的孩子並不是你的,他們是生命對自己的渴望所衍生的兒女。你是一把弓,孩子猶如活箭,從你那裡射發。」……   這些道理雋永、深刻而且直指人心,當我們為現實人生的困境焦慮或迷惑,渴望獲得些許指引或救贖,先知流水般優美的言語便緩緩引領每個靈魂步向真理國度,不但讓心靈覓得依歸,其中蘊含的哲理也讓我們堅定了信念和勇氣。   《先知》所言完全不帶權威性的教誨,也不屬任何教派或主義,紀伯侖像個慈祥的長者,懷抱著對全人類的熱愛,在你我的身旁殷殷叮囑,它之所以成為一本永恆的經典絕非偶然。自1923年出版以來,《先知》以謙遜深刻的智慧席捲人心造成一股風潮,誠如羅斯福總統所言,它是「從東方吹來橫掃西方的風暴」,文中散發強烈的東方意識也被視為「東方贈給西方的最好禮物」。   人心浮動、社會紛亂的年代,我們亟需真誠、深刻的智慧來安撫、沉澱焦躁不安的靈魂,反省生命的終極價值。紀伯侖以畢生心力撰寫的「心靈小聖經」,即使過了近百年,這些觀念和道理仍能跨越時空、永恆受用。本書值得每個時代的讀者,一次又一次,細細思索、品讀。 名人推薦   政大阿拉伯語文學系教授 ...
Book cover of The Ultimate Summer Read Collection

The Ultimate Summer Read Collection

150 Everlasting Masterpieces of the World Literature

by Jane Austen, C. S. Lewis, H. G. Wells
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2019

e-artnow presents to you this unique collection of the greatest books ever written, perfect for the long summer days, the time for rejuvenation and brain revival! American: Huckleberry Finn Tom Sawyer The Call of the Wild White Fang Moby-Dick The Scarlet Letter Little Women My Antonia The Age of Innocence...
Book cover of The Bucket List Collection: Masterpieces You Should Read Before You Die

The Bucket List Collection: Masterpieces You Should Read Before You Die

Leaves of Grass, Siddhartha, Dubliners, Les Misérables, Don Quixote, Art of War, Middlemarch, Swann's Way…

by Henry David Thoreau, Walt Whitman, Kahlil Gibran
Language: English
Release Date: June 25, 2019

Invest your time in reading the true masterpieces of world literature, the greatest works of the greatest masters of their craft, the revolutionary works, the timeless classics and the eternally grand storylines every person should experience in their lifetime: British: Hamlet Romeo and Juliet Macbeth...
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