Karen Thomas: 66 books

Book cover of Plätzchen, Punsch und Psychokiller

Plätzchen, Punsch und Psychokiller

24 Weihnachtskrimis von Sylt bis Wien

by Gert Anhalt, Karen Winter, Petra Busch
Language: German
Release Date: September 26, 2016

Sie sind auf der Suche nach dem wohl spannendsten Krimi-Adventskalender des Jahres? Erst eins, dann zwei, dann drei, dann vier … Lassen Sie sich von 24 hochkarätigen deutschsprachigen Krimi-Autorinnen und Autoren auf eine mörderische Adventszeit einstimmen. In 24 Kurzkrimis wird quer durch die...
Book cover of Those Three Words
by Karen L. Litwin, Thomas A. Ryerson
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2010

Those Three Words is a personal memoir of love, loss and survival. It's a book for somebody who has lost a loved one, and held onto that special love hoping that it would someday return. It's the author's personal story, however it's a story that many readers will instantly relate to. Instead...
Book cover of Aqua Vitae 6 - Whisky macht klüger
by Karen Grol, Michael Höfler, Thomas Hocke
Language: German
Release Date: December 5, 2011

Whisky macht klüger: 4 Whiskygeschichten zum Genießen, Selberlesen und Vorlesen. Von Karen Grol, Michael Höfler, Thomas Hocke, Armena Kühne und Angelika Brox. Auszug 6 aus "Aqua Vitae - Ein literarisches Whisky-Tasting". Ein Whisky ist wie seine Heimat: Er schmeckt nach rauer See, blühender Heide,...
Book cover of Studies in Urbanormativity

Studies in Urbanormativity

Rural Community in Urban Society

by Alexander R. Thomas, Brian Lowe, Polly Smith
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2013

The world has been witnessing a long unfolding process of urbanization that not only has altered the structural basis of society in terms of political economy, but has also symbolically relegated rural people and life to a secondary or deviant status through an ideology of urbanormativity. Both structural...
Book cover of Glöckchen, Gift und Gänsebraten

Glöckchen, Gift und Gänsebraten

Weihnachtskrimis von Rügen bis ins Zillertal

by Friedrich Ani, Helga Beyersdörfer, Richard Birkefeld
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2012

Von drauß' vom Walde komm ich her – Ich muss euch sagen, gemordet wird sehr! In der besinnlichen Adventszeit wird quer durch Deutschland geplündert, gemeuchelt und verscharrt. 24 namhafte Regiokrimi-Autoren packen die Rute aus, bis der Christbaum die Nadeln verliert. Und dabei segnen nicht nur Gänse und Karpfen das Zeitliche …
Book cover of Süßer die Schreie nie klingen

Süßer die Schreie nie klingen

24 Weihnachtskrimis von der Nordsee bis in die Alpen

by Friedrich Ani, Jean Bagnol, Helga Beyersdörfer
Language: German
Release Date: September 26, 2013

Es leuchtet jedes Haus, die Fenster sind bunt geschmückt und Plätzchenduft schwebt durch die Zimmer. Richtig: Es ist Weihnachtszeit in deutschen Landen und alle Menschen freuen sich auf Eintracht und Gemütlichkeit. Wenn es draußen kräftig friert, sorgen Kerzenlicht und Chorgesang für besinnliche...
Book cover of Lexikon Raumphilosophie
by Stephan Günzel, Franziska Kümmerling, Kurt Röttgers
Language: German
Release Date: October 1, 2013

Der Raum und das Verständnis des Raums sind als große neue Themen der Philosophie im Gespräch. Die damit zusammenhängenden Fragen gewinnen derart an Bedeutung, dass von einem ›spatial turn‹ der Wissenschaft gesprochen wird, in Entsprechung zum ›linguistic turn‹, der das Gesicht der Philosophie...
Book cover of Refracted Visions

Refracted Visions

Popular Photography and National Modernity in Java

by Karen Strassler, Nicholas Thomas
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2010

A young couple poses before a painted backdrop depicting a modern building set in a volcanic landscape; a college student grabs his camera as he heads to a political demonstration; a man poses stiffly for his identity photograph; amateur photographers look for picturesque images in a rural village;...
Book cover of Mindfulness and Critical Friendship

Mindfulness and Critical Friendship

A New Perspective on Professional Development for Educators

by John-Tyler Binfet, Shawn Michael Bullock, Déirdre Ní Chróinín
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2016

Mindfulness and Critical Friendship: A New Perspective on Professional Development for Educators assembles an international community of scholar-practitioners from multiple disciplines who utilize different methodologies and ideological perspectives to reflect on and interrogate contexts that situate...
Book cover of Arcane Forest: A Fantasy Anthology
by Kate Thomas, Emma Shade, Kristen L. Middleton
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2015

ARCANE FOREST Get Lost in Worlds of Fantasy and Awe! Read 9 different first books from 9 different Fantasy (romance) series. We hope you enjoy the books you are about to read and meet some new characters to love! Book 1 by W.J. May – Rae of Hope Book 2 by Chrissy Peebles...
Book cover of Bite-Sized Stories

Bite-Sized Stories

A Multi-Genre Flash Fiction Anthology

by George Donnelly, Phronk, Adan Ramie
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2016

From a creepypasta horror farm to a bullish love tale and from the bloody metal deck of the ESS Arclight to superhero octopus food trucks, you can transform your shortest stolen moments into utter delights with this diverse collection of 33 flash fiction stories. Commuting to work? Grabbing...
Book cover of Cliffs of Portofino
by Thomas Donahue, Karen Donahue
Language: English
Release Date: December 28, 2014

Criminology professor Marin Ryan is in Italy as a visiting professor. When one of her students is brutally murdered, the investigation by local detectives uncovers evidence that implicate Marin in the murder. The evidence mounts until she is put on trial and convicted of murder.   
Book cover of The Louisiana Field Guide

The Louisiana Field Guide

Understanding Life in the Pelican State

by Kent Mathewson, Alecia P. Long, Alex V. Cook
Language: English
Release Date: October 13, 2014

In Louisiana, every bite of food and each turn of phrase is an expression of cultural literacy. Correctly pronouncing "Tchoupitoulas" or "Atchafalaya," knowing the difference between the first Governor Long and the second one, being able to spot the artwork of Caroline Durieux,...
Book cover of The Philosophy of Documentary Film
by Diana Allan, Rick Altman, Ariella Azoulay
Language: English
Release Date: December 20, 2016

The spirit that founded the volume and guided its development is radically inter- and transdisciplinary. Dispatches have arrived from anthropology, communications, English, film studies (including theory, history, criticism), literary studies (including theory, history, criticism), media and screen...
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