Karim: 177 books

Book cover of Foreign Actors in Libya's Crisis
by Karim Mezran, Arturo Varvelli
Language: English
Release Date: September 20, 2017

Since 2011 the Libyan crisis has moved from being a domestic dispute to assuming increasing importance at the international level. Today it represents a crucial issue affecting global security. The intervention of external actors in the Libyan crisis was mainly driven by a desire to direct the transition...
Book cover of Emerging Digital Spaces in Contemporary Society
by Phillip Kalantzis-Cope, Karim Gherab-Martin
Language: English
Release Date: December 8, 2010

Analyzing the relationship between digital technologies and society this book explores a wide range of complex social issues emerging in a new digital space. Itexamines both the vexing dilemmas with a critical eye as well as prompting readers to think constructively and strategically about exciting possibilities.
Book cover of Sustainability and the City

Sustainability and the City

Urban Poetics and Politics

by Anirban Adhya, Joseph Donica, Lisa FitzGerald
Language: English
Release Date: July 28, 2017

Sustainability and the City: Urban Poetics and Politics contributes to third-generation discourse on sustainable development by considering, through a humanistic lens, theories and practices of sustainability in a wide range of urban cultures. It demonstrates cities’ inextricability from discussions...
Book cover of We Read therefore We Write

We Read therefore We Write

The Paradox of Authorship and the Reader-Writer Bond

by Karim Lediwa
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2017

Humanity is built for speed, not comfort. We are intrepid adventurers. We populated the entire earth (and beyond!) in a mere eighty thousand years. But, we are not cognitively evolved to go beyond our own limitations; we cannot solve the profound problems we face. However, those limitations mean we...
Book cover of Make Investment Scaling-Up Work in Benin
by Karim Barhoumi, Christine Dieterich, Nicolas End
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2016

This paper conducts a systematic growth and fiscal analysis to determine: (1) the growth potential of Benin’s ambitious scaling-up of investment, and (2) how the government can generate the necessary fiscal space needed to increase investment without jeopardizing Benin’s solid macroeconomic performance.
Book cover of The Law of Waiver, Variation and Estoppel
by Sean Wilken, Karim Ghaly
Language: English
Release Date: February 2, 2012

The doctrines of waiver, variation and estoppel are relied upon to justify or criticize a party's changed position as to its contractual obligations. This book provides a complete practitioner guide to these complex but important doctrines, analysing their basic foundations and their relationship...
Book cover of United States Congress Versus Apartheid
by Abdul Karim Bangura, Robert Ansah-Birikorang
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2010

United States Congress Versus Apartheid examines the role of the African Affairs Subcommittee of the House Foreign Affairs Committee in shaping United States foreign policy towards South Africa. This subcommittee emerged as one of the major battlegrounds where United States foreign policy towards...
Book cover of 請帶我穿越這片海洋:記敘利亞、伊拉克、阿富汗、北非難民,以及跨地中海的悲劇航程
by 卡里姆‧埃爾-高哈利(Karim el-Gawhary),瑪蒂爾德‧施瓦本德(Mathilde Schwabeneder)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 18, 2017

「親愛的大海,謝謝你**!你是唯一不需要簽證就接納我的地方……** 親愛的魚**,謝謝你們!你們對我的宗教或政治傾向不加過問就把我吃了。****」** ——2015年5月盛傳於網路上的****敘利亞難民遺書 ˙˙˙ udn《轉角國際》專欄作家黃哲翰專文導讀 彰化高中圖書館主任呂興忠.新北市丹鳳高中教務主任宋怡慧. 彰化縣土庫國小教師林怡辰.台北市中山女高國文老師張輝誠. 高雄市英明國中公民老師郭進成.凱風卡瑪兒童書店創辦人陳培瑜. 作家番紅花.熱血公民教師黃益中.作家楊婕 ——為了更溫柔美好的世界真誠推薦(依姓氏筆畫序) ** ** ◆ 難民,和我們有什麼關係? 他們為什麼不留下來,為自己的國家奮戰到底? 為什麼那些難民父母自己不工作,卻讓小孩負責****打工賺錢養家? 明明是難民,竟然人手一支手機,也有辦法付給人蛇好幾萬美元? 橫越地中海的那些「死亡之船」上,究竟都發生了什麼事?   自2011年爆發內戰以來,敘利亞人民平均壽命整整降低了20年,760萬人流離失所,400萬人逃出敘利亞、成了你我口中的「難民」。 從兩伊戰爭到最近的內戰,伊拉克有4%的人口「被消滅了」;2014年初,約250萬伊拉克人在ISIS的武裝攻擊下逃離家園…… 這波「第二次世界大戰以來最大的難民潮」,已經成了一齣日常的悲劇,淹沒在每分每秒攫取我們注意力的大小即時事件中。但如果他們不再只是一個數字,如果你可以聽見他們的故事,你會知道他們和我們沒什麼不同。   因為愛,他們都成了難民 當國家背叛你,連一點希望也不留, 你能做的,就是為了所愛之人渡海翻山,尋找一家的容身之地。   當大海的另一頭,雖然不是應許之地,卻是一家人 或許可以重新來過的唯一希望——你會怎麼做? 他們的故事,也是你我會做的抉擇。 ◆ 關於那些被歐洲各國視為燙手山芋的難民,我們了解太少,自以為是太多; 事實是,當世界脫離正常軌道,一切不能再以我們習以為常的標準看待。   他們捨棄一切,逃往未知的命運。他們已經一無所有,仍拚了命要保住手機, 因為它是與留在家鄉的家人聯繫的唯一工具——卻也成了人蛇向其家人勒索的道具。   他們不是不想工作,是雇主只想雇用他們的孩子,因為童工的薪資低廉。 他們想要工作養活自己,但是在取得歐盟正式的庇護判定之前,他們沒有資格工作…… ◆ **當世界越來越向右翼傾斜,當同溫層取暖取代了對話與溝通,世人被偏見與仇恨操控,**兩位歐洲資深記者動用生涯中的所有關係,親自走訪中東、歐洲各難民營,只為將他們的人生故事帶出那片看不到希望的帳篷叢林,讓世人聽到他們的心聲、看到他們的面容; 他們登上地中海的小島蘭佩杜薩,走訪曾經親手拯救瀕死難民的漁夫,看後者因為眼睜睜看著難民從自己手中滑走、沉入深海而內疚;他們也探訪了那些僥倖活著登上歐陸的難民,揭露「死亡之船」上究竟發生了什麼悲劇; 他們還取得了義大利警方攔截的人蛇通訊內容,披露他們如何綁架難民、反覆榨取偷渡費用,藉此謀取暴利;最後,他們來到一個原本反對安置難民的奧地利小鎮,看當地居民如何從最初的恐懼與防衛,到後來終於明白難民不是洪水猛獸——他們只是希望有尊嚴地活下去——與你我並無不同,因此轉而全心協助他們在歐洲落腳,讓他們安心在此為自己重建全新的人生,以及與親愛家人團聚的不遠未來。   如果這個世界已經瘋了,唯有關心與行動可以讓人類再次偉大。 ◆ █本書特色: .收錄...
Book cover of Asymmetric Alliances and Information Systems
by Karim Said, Fadia Bahri Korbi
Language: English
Release Date: June 29, 2017

This book explores the impact of information systems on the management of North–South asymmetric strategic alliances through a series of in-depth case studies which analyze different types of partnerships. Positioned at the heart of the value creation process, the choice of information system seems...
Book cover of Python Geospatial Development Essentials
by Karim Bahgat
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2015

This book provides you with the resources to successfully develop your own GIS application in Python. The book begins by walking you through the loading and saving of data structures before you start to build the look and feel of your application and create its interactive map window. You'll then...
Book cover of Recruitment & Selection: 'Psychometric' and 'Social perspective' model
by Mohammad Rezaul Karim
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2013

Scientific Essay from the year 2007 in the subject Business economics - Personnel and Organisation, University of Leeds (Leeds University Business School), course: MA HRM, language: English, abstract: Performance appraisal (PA) is a process of setting some targets for the individuals which they are...
Book cover of Shakespeare's Theatres and the Effects of Performance
by Dr. Farah Karim Cooper, Dr Tiffany Stern
Language: English
Release Date: January 5, 2015

How did Elizabethan and Jacobean acting companies create their visual and aural effects? What materials were available to them and how did they influencestaging and writing? What impact did the sensations of theatre have on early modern audiences? How did the construction of the playhouses contribute...
Book cover of Xeretando a linguagem em Espanhol
by Angelica Karim Garcia Simão
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 5, 2012

Para aqueles que não se intimidam em confessar que gostam de "xeretar" e se divertir, até mesmo com palavras, e consequentemente, com línguas. Dividido em seis capítulos sendo que cada um deles corresponde a um fenômeno linguístico. Assim temos: expressões idiomáticas; provérbios...
Book cover of The Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Islamic Banking

The Legal and Regulatory Aspects of Islamic Banking

A Comparative Look at the United Kingdom and Malaysia

by Abdul Karim Aldohni
Language: English
Release Date: May 23, 2012

During the last ten years the Islamic banking sector has grown rapidly, at an international level, as well as in individual jurisdictions including the UK. Islamic finance differs quite substantially from conventional banking, using very different mechanisms, and operating according to a different...
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