Karl: 3048 books

Book cover of Karl May Catalogus
by Karl May
Language: Dutch
Release Date: October 9, 2012

Over deze catalogus De Duitse schrijver Karl May leefde van 1842 tot 1912. Hij groeide op als zoon van een wever en werd beroemd dankzij zijn Indianenverhalen en reis- en avonturenromans, die o.a. in de Balkan, het Midden-Oosten en Amerika spelen. De meeste landschappen die hij hierin tot in detail...
Book cover of Der Klang der Maschine

Der Klang der Maschine


by Karl Bartos
Language: German
Release Date: August 25, 2017

"Das Modell", "Die Roboter", "Computerwelt" oder "Tour de France": Bei allen großen Hits von Kraftwerk war Karl Bartos als Komponist dabei. Mit seinem Einstieg im Jahr 1975 entwickelte das Düsseldorfer Quartett jene unverkennbare Soundarchitektur, die...


Book cover of Fin


Mi lucha: 6

by Karl Ove Knausgård
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 12, 2019

Mi lucha, de Karl Ove Knausgård, alcanza el Fin, y lo hace llevándonos hasta el principio: Knausgård, enfrentado a un callejón sin salida literario y un punto muerto existencial, acaba de volcar sus ansiedades (y exponer a sus allegados) en La muerte del padre, y se dispone a publicarla. Se hace...
Book cover of Misère de la Philosophie - Karl Marx
by Karl Marx
Language: French
Release Date: January 6, 2015

Edition parfaitement mise en page, incluant une table des matières interactive. M. Proudhon a le malheur d’être singulièrement méconnu en Europe. En France, il a le droit d’être mauvais économiste, parce qu’il passe pour être bon philosophe...
Book cover of Bismarck
by Karl Bleibtreu
Language: German
Release Date: June 21, 2017

Bismarck ist ein biographischer Roman von Karl Bleibtreu, erstmals erschienen im Jahre 1915. Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) war ein deutscher Politiker und Staatsmann. Von 1862 bis 1890 - mit einer kurzen Unterbrechung im Jahr 1873 - war er Ministerpräsident von Preußen, von 1867 bis 1871 zugleich...
Book cover of The Communist Manifesto (Illustrated and Bundled with State and Revolution)
by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2014

The book has an active table of contents for readers to access each chapter of the following titles: 1) The Communist Manifesto – Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels 2) The State and Revolution – V.I. Lenin Marx and Engels presented an analytical approach to the class struggle and the problems...
Book cover of Karl May: Winnetou 1-4 (Golden Deer Classics)
by Karl May, Golden Deer Classics
Language: German
Release Date: May 5, 2017

- Winnetou 1 - Winnetou 2 - Winnetou 3 - Winnetou 4
Book cover of Nous sommes des histoires

Nous sommes des histoires

Réflexions sur la littérature autochtone

by Louis-Karl Picard-Sioui, Jonathan Lamy, Marie-Hélène Jeannotte
Language: French
Release Date: October 17, 2018

Cette anthologie est une plongée dans la culture et dans l’imaginaire des Premières Nations, des Métis et des Inuits. C’est aussi l’esquisse d’une pensée autochtone par les Autochtones. Pour un vivre-ensemble, pour échanger et établir la relation, commençons par découvrir la profondeur...
Book cover of Autumn
by Karl Ove Knausgaard
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2017

**The New York Times bestseller. "This book is full of wonders...Loose teeth, chewing gum, it all becomes noble, almost holy, under Knausgaard’s patient, admiring gaze. The world feels repainted.” —The New York Times** From the author of the monumental My Struggle series,...
Book cover of The Kraus Project

The Kraus Project

Essays by Karl Kraus

by Jonathan Franzen, Karl Kraus
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2013

A great American writer's confrontation with a great European critic—a personal and intellectual awakening A hundred years ago, the Viennese satirist Karl Kraus was among the most penetrating and farsighted writers in Europe. In his self-published magazine, Die Fackel, Kraus brilliantly attacked...
Book cover of Das Dorf 5 - Der Golem

Das Dorf 5 - Der Golem

Roman für Minecrafter

by Karl Olsberg
Language: German
Release Date: June 26, 2017

Ein überraschender Besuch aus der Wüste versetzt das Dorf am Rand der Schlucht in helle Aufregung, denn die Besucher haben einen echten Golem dabei! Magolus, der Priester des Dorfes, ist von dem künstlichen Wesen so beeindruckt, dass er nun ebenfalls einen Golem erschaffen will. Er schickt Primo...
Book cover of Sounds in the House! A Mystery
by Karl Beckstrand
Language: English
Release Date: November 17, 2011

(Humor, bedtime) "Comically freaking out … suspenseful without ever getting too intense for younger readers." - Kirkus Reviews. Have you ever been scared by strange noises—sounds that seem to happen all by themselves? What could be causing those squeaks and bumps? A scaredy-cat dog faces...
Book cover of Great Cape o' Colors: Career Costumes for Kids
by Karl Beckstrand, John Collado
Language: English
Release Date: July 27, 2018

(Language learning) “This is a magic cape!” A career/color picture book adventure: Explore colors—and daring jobs—with full text and pronunciation guide in both Spanish and English (for ages 3 years & up ESL/ELL). Count the careers, colors, cultures, and costumes, or dress up! Learn some...
Book cover of Muffy & Valor: A True Story
by Karl Beckstrand, Brandon Rodriguez
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 2017

(Nonfiction, pets) “A touching, easy-to-read children's story for ages 3 – 7 … based on an actual event pertaining to the author's own dog.” – Stevie Turner, author. Muffy is a little dog who loves people; but after a painful injury she is wary of other dogs. Valor is a lost German shepherd...
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