Kc Burn: 38 books

Book cover of Cover Up
by KC Burn
Language: English
Release Date: December 14, 2012

Toronto Tales: Book Two Detective Ivan Bekker has hit rock bottom. Not only is he recovering from a bad breakup with a cheating boyfriend, he’s also involved in a drug bust gone bad. Ivan had to kill a man, and his friend was shot and is now fighting for his life. Though Ivan is under investigation...
Book cover of Voodoo 'n' Vice
by KC Burn
Language: English
Release Date: May 26, 2014

Book three of The Galactic Alliance After nearly causing a galactic incident, fleet captain Gideon Arcturus is disgraced, demoted and exiled with nothing to do but pass the time at a seedy club on seedier planet Elora Ki. It's no place for a straight-laced soldier, but following the rules is...
Book cover of Rainbow Blues
by KC Burn
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2014

Having come out late in life, forty-three-year-old Luke Jordan is at a loss about how to conduct himself as a gay man. As a construction manager, he’s not interested in being out at work, but he’d like to find a boyfriend or at least some gay friends. Two years after his wife got all their friends...
Book cover of Come un incendio
by KC Burn
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 8, 2019

Il pompiere californiano Hayden Hurst inizia a rendersi conto che la vita non è tutta combattere incendi e bere con gli amici. Nella sua casa e nella sua vita c’è posto per qualcuno, ma non ha ancora trovato quella persona speciale. E sebbene abbia dichiarato la propria omosessualità al lavoro,...
Book cover of Prendere o lasciare
by KC Burn
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 7, 2017

Storie di Toronto, Libro 3 Il trentacinquenne Rick Haviland è un logopedista rispettato, ma mentre i suoi amici si stanno tutti accasando, lui rifiuta di rinunciare alla sua vita fatta di notti in discoteca e sesso senza impegno. Per lui le relazioni sono pericolose, perché ha un segreto...
Book cover of Pen Name - Doctor Chicken
by KC Burn
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2013

Sometimes Stratford Dale feels like Doctor Chicken consumes his life. It’s his pen name for a series of wildly popular children’s books. They were his brainchild; he meant for them to be a way to pay his many bills while he pursued his dream of publishing graphic novels. But the Doctor Chicken...
Book cover of Verlockend auf den ersten Blick
by KC Burn
Language: German
Release Date: February 14, 2018

Raven ist erfolgreicher Pornodarsteller, bis ein Unfall ihm Job, Libido und Selbstvertrauen raubt. Auch wenn ihm klar war, dass seine Zeit im Business begrenzt sein würde, hat er nicht so plötzlich mit einem Ende gerechnet. Auf einem Klassentreffen spielt eine kaputte Klimaanlage in Ravens Hotelzimmer...
Book cover of Geborgen auf den dritten Blick
by KC Burn
Language: German
Release Date: October 10, 2018

Tate Buchanan steckt ständig in Schwierigkeiten. Aber was kann er dafür, dass er oft in Situationen stolpert, in denen andere Hilfe brauchen? Tatenlos zuzusehen ist absolut nicht sein Ding. Dazu kann er einfach keinen Job behalten, weil Zahlen für ihn ein verdammt großes Problem sind. Und wer...
Book cover of Wagnis auf den zweiten Blick
by KC Burn
Language: German
Release Date: August 3, 2018

Vor zwei Jahren stand Will Dawson vor den Scherben seines Lebens. Nach einem Umzug und mit einem neuen Job wollte er in dem Pornostudio Idyll Fling noch mal von vorne anfangen. Doch jetzt zwingt ihn sein Chef, jemand Neues einzustellen: Dallas Greene, der Mann, wegen dem er damals sowohl seinen Job...
Book cover of Feuer an die Lunte
by KC Burn
Language: German
Release Date: April 2, 2019

Der kalifornische Feuerwehrmann Hayden Hurst beginnt zu erkennen, dass es mehr im Leben gibt, als gegen Feuer zu kämpfen und mit seinen Freunden zu trinken. Er hätte in seinem Haus und seinem Leben Platz für jemand Besonderen, aber bisher ragt unter seinen Verabredungen niemand heraus. Und während...
Book cover of Dentro o fuori
by KC Burn
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 4, 2012

Storie di Toronto, Libro 1 Il detective Kurt O’Donnell è abituato a scavare nella vita degli altri, ma quando scopre che il suo collega, appena assassinato, era sposato con un uomo, ne rimane sconvolto. Deciso a fare la cosa giusta, Kurt offre il suo sostegno a Davy – il vedovo. Aiutare...
Book cover of First Time, Forever
by KC Burn
Language: English
Release Date: March 19, 2012

Derrick and Trevor used to have an incredibly passionate relationship, full of spontaneity and sizzle. Now that their son is off to college, they want to put their days of routine, vanilla sex behind them and bring back some of that spark. Realizing that they're empty-nesters, Trevor begins...
Book cover of Banded Together
by KC Burn
Language: English
Release Date: December 29, 2017

Punk’s not dead, but it’s time to redefine life. Devlin Waters thought he’d have music forever. But the tragic death of his best friend ended the twenty-year run of his punk band, Negative Impression. Unable to process the loss, Devlin distances himself from everyone and everything that...
Book cover of Set Ablaze
by KC Burn
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2018

California firefighter Hayden Hurst is starting to realize there’s more to life than fighting fires and drinking with his buddies. He has room in his home and his life for someone special, but no one has stood out among his hookups. And while he’s out at work, admitting he’s gay is very different...
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