Kenyon: 341 books

Book cover of I Am Justice

I Am Justice

A Journey Out of Africa

by Paul Kenyon
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2009

Eighty miles off the Libyan coast water is leaking rapidly into the bottom of a dilapidated wooden boat. Twenty-seven men, crammed in side-by-side, desperately attempt to bail it out, but the boat is sinking. In the distance one of their number spots a ship and, forcing the last moments of life from...
Book cover of Dreaming Suburbia

Dreaming Suburbia

Detroit and the Production of Postwar Space and Culture

by Amy Maria Kenyon
Language: English
Release Date: September 17, 2004

Dreaming Suburbia is a cultural and historical interpretation of the political economy of postwar American suburbanization. Questions of race, class, and gender are explored through novels, film, television and social criticism where suburbia features as a central theme. Although suburbanization had...
Book cover of Coventry - Cathedral of Peace

Coventry - Cathedral of Peace

Healing the Wounds of History in International Reconciliation

by Kenyon Wright
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2012

In 1940, when Hitlers bombers reduced Coventrys ancient cathedral to ruins, he coined a new word. He threatened to coventrate all of Britain. Coventry thus was given an iconic status as a symbol of the triumph of good over evil, of forgiveness over revenge, of reconciliation and peace over division...
Book cover of Ethics in the Alcohol Industry
by S. Robinson, A. Kenyon
Language: English
Release Date: July 30, 2009

A close look at the ethical and social responsibilities of the alcohol industry in the 21st Century. It begins with a whistle stop tour of the historical developments of alcohol. It then critiques the legislative and voluntary codes surrounding the advertising industry, popular culture, religious groups, Government and local authorities.
Book cover of Governance in Family Enterprises

Governance in Family Enterprises

Maximising Economic and Emotional Success

by A. Koeberle-Schmid, D. Kenyon-Rouvinez, E. Poza
Language: English
Release Date: December 2, 2013

Presents a comprehensive overview of governance in family enterprises including practical management knowledge in easy-to-use frameworks and interviews with renowned family enterprise owners and managers. Readers will benefit from the book's systematic approach and the opportunity to learn from the experience of other family enterprises.
Book cover of Hiding in Public

Hiding in Public

Rockstar Romance

by Toni Kenyon
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2017

He's tortured, she's driven. When they're not loving the sparks really fly. Following a gruelling tour, Julian, his beloved Mags and their new baby Annabelle find themselves back home in New Zealand for some much needed rest and recreation. Torn between his desire to be the perfect family man...
Book cover of The Two Kinds of Knowledge
by E.W. Kenyon
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2017

All the knowledge that is taught in our schools, colleges and universities has been gained through our five senses. It is what we call "Sense Knowledge". Man has never been able to know God through the five senses of his physical body. Sense Knowledge cannot give us the Reason for Creation, the source...
Book cover of Brain States
by Tom Kenyon MA
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2011

For the last year and a half, I have worked on this manuscript at a feverish pace. I would write on weekends, late at night, and sometimes sandwiched between clients. I wrote parts at 30,000 feet on cross-country plane flights. My efforts were driven by a recognition that wherever I taught there was...
Book cover of Kindred Brutes: Animals in Romantic-Period Writing
by Christine Kenyon-Jones
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2017

Exploring the significance of animals in Romantic-period writing, this new study shows how in this period they were seen as both newly different from humankind (subjects in their own right, rather than simply humanity's tools or adjuncts) and also as newly similar, with the ability to feel and perhaps...
Book cover of The Two Kinds of Faith

The Two Kinds of Faith

Faith's Secret Revealed

by E.W. Kenyon
Language: English
Release Date: August 13, 2018

Unanswered prayers stand between the individual and faith life. Some have lost faith altogether. Many have turned to philosophical and metaphysical cults because their prayer lives were failures. There is but one foundation for Faith, the Living Word. As we become one with the Word in our actions,...
Book cover of Miracles and Healing
by E. W. Kenyon
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2016

Jesus—the very Name has within it miracle working Power, even to this day, though nearly two thousand years have rolled away since He walked with men. Jesus, the Galilean, was a miracle worker. Jesus' Life was a miracle. His wisdom and teachings were miraculous. He made miracles common. His death...
Book cover of Organic Soul
by Christopher Taft Kenyon
Language: English
Release Date: August 22, 2013

There is an essential element of nature which defies reason, logic, or science. An element which emanates from my experiences living in the majestic hills and valleys of Vermonts Green Mountains. A calling, if it were, where the working land speaks, and the wind sings, and the ever changing skies...
Book cover of The Impact of the Edwardian Castles in Wales
by Diane Williams, John R. Kenyon
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2009

The Impact of the Edwardian Castles in Wales publishes the proceedings of a conference held in 2007, a year that marked the seventh centenary of the death of King Edward I, which set out to review recent scholarship on castles that he built in north Wales after two wars, in 1277 and 1282-83 and a...
Book cover of Le grand potentiel humain

Le grand potentiel humain

Marcher dans sa lumière

by Tom Kenyon, Wendy Kennedy, Martine Vallée
Language: French
Release Date: February 18, 2015

La Terre représente une expérience remarquable où fut déposé du matériel génétique en provenance de milliers de mondes, incluant toutes les expériences émotionnelles de toutes les espèces. C’est à partir de cet éventail émotionnel si vaste que vous percevez votre réalité. Et c’était...
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