Knoppers: 11 books

Book cover of Gender, Culture, and Physicality

Gender, Culture, and Physicality

Paradoxes and Taboos

by Sterk, Knoppers
Language: English
Release Date: December 30, 2009

Although a plethora of scholarship analyzes gender dynamics, this book seeks to explore the paradoxes and taboos associated with gendered meanings given to human bodies in action, or "physicality." Physicality provides a particularly clear playing space for developing concepts of gender...
Book cover of Exodus 1-15
by Helmut Utzschneider, Wolfgang Oswald, Walter Dietrich
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2014

On the one hand, the commentary interprets the final form of the traditional Hebrew text "synchronically" by means of form criticism and modern literary methods. On the other hand, it "diachronically" reconstructs the predecessors of the final form, from its origins in an exodus...
Book cover of Nahum Habakkuk Zephaniah
by Walter Dietrich, Walter Dietrich, David M. Carr
Language: English
Release Date: April 27, 2016

The distinctiveness of this commentary lies in its consistent rotation between synchronic and diachronic views. This double perspective is directed toward the three prophetic books as a single entity, toward each individual book, and toward the interpretation of each pericope. The result is a sophisticated...
Book cover of Esther
by Jean-Daniel Macchi, Walter Dietrich, David M. Carr
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2019

The Book of Esther is one of the five Megillot. It tells the story of a Jewish girl in Persia, who becomes queen and saves her people from a genocide. The story of Esther forms the core of the Jewish festival of Purim. The commentary presents a literary analysis of the text, taking into account the...
Book cover of 1 Kings 16 - 2 Kings 16
by Steve McKenzie, Walter Dietrich, David M. Carr
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2018

This volume makes use of diverse methods and approaches to offer fresh treatments of 1 Kings 16 - 2 Kings 16 both synchronically and diachronically. Among its major contributions are a detailed text-critical analysis that frequently adopts readings of the Old Greek and Old Latin and, at the same time,...
Book cover of 1 Esdras
by Dieter Böhler, Walter Dietrich, David M. Carr
Language: English
Release Date: July 6, 2016

1 Esdras is an alternative version of the book of Ezra-Nehemiah in the Septuagint. Most Eastern Orthodox churches accord the book canonical status. This is the first commentary on 1 Esdras based on the critical text of the Göttingen Septuagint edition. It understands 1 Esdras not simply as a fragment...
Book cover of BioIndustry Ethics
by David L. Finegold, Cecile M Bensimon, Abdallah S. Daar
Language: English
Release Date: July 19, 2005

This book is the first systematic, detailed treatment of the approaches to ethical issues taken by biotech and pharmaceutical companies. The application of genetic/genomic technologies raises a whole spectrum of ethical questions affecting global health that must be addressed. Topics covered in this...
Book cover of 1 Esdras
by Dieter Böhler, Walter Dietrich, David M. Carr
Language: German
Release Date: March 4, 2015

1 Esdras ist eine alternative Fassung zum Buch Esra-Nehemia in der Septuaginta. In den meisten Ostkirchen genießt es kanonischen Status, in der Vulgata und der King-James-Bibel wurde es in die Apokryphen aufgenommen. Dieser Kommentar ist seit Jahrzehnten der erste in deutscher Sprache, und überhaupt...
Book cover of Nahum Habakuk Zefanja
by Walter Dietrich, Walter Dietrich, David M. Carr
Language: German
Release Date: September 25, 2014

Die Kommentierung hat ihre Besonderheit im konsequenten Wechsel zwischen synchroner und diachroner Sichtweise. Diese doppelte Perspektive richtet sich auf die drei Prophetenschriften insgesamt, auf jede einzelne von ihnen und auf jeden auszulegenden Abschnitt. So entsteht ein differenziertes Bild...
Book cover of Sacharja 9-14
by Paul L. Redditt, Walter Dietrich, David M. Carr
Language: German
Release Date: February 13, 2014

Der Kommentar legt dar, dass Sacharja 9-14 aus vier Sammlungen eschatologischer Hoffnungstexte (9,1-17; 10,3b-12; 12,1-4a.5.8-9; und 14:1-13.14b-21) besteht. Die ersten drei Sammlungen gehen auf die erste Hälfte der persischen Epoche zurück, die vierte (Kap. 14) scheint jüngeren Ursprungs und ist...
Book cover of Weisheit
by Luca Mazzinghi, Walter Dietrich, David M. Carr
Language: German
Release Date: July 25, 2018

Erstmals führt der vorliegende Kommentar alle Aspekte zusammen, die für die Interpretation dieser Spätschrift des Alten Testaments relevant sind: Textkritik, philologische und literarische Analyse; der zweifache historische Kontext mit der Verbindung zur griechisch-hellenistischen Umwelt einerseits...
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