Ko: 226 books

Book cover of En Güzel İsimler Allah'ındır
by Uğur Koşar
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Niyet: Allah'tan başkasına minnet etmemek. Dua: Ya Rabbi, ya Rabbi! Ey kendine güvenip sığınan kullarının işlerini en iyi yola koyan. Ey doğunun ve batının Rabb'i olan Allah'ım. Arkamızdan kuyumuzu kazanlardan, kem gözden, fitne fesat insanlardan, çekemeyenlerden sana sığınırız....
Book cover of Thoracic Imaging, An Issue of Radiologic Clinics of North America, E-Book
by Jane P. Ko, MD
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2014

This issue of Radiologic Clinics will focus on the essentials of thoracic imaging. Topics include lung cancer screening and staging systems, radiation dose techniques, nodule characterization, PET/CT in the thorax, MDCT and MR evaluation of thoracic aorta, pulmonary emboli and perfusion imaging, interstital...
Book cover of Catholic Communities Online
by Paolo Padrini, Marta Kołodziejska, Michele Sorice
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2017

One thing that is striking about the Catholic Church is its permanence. As an organization, the Church has survived cultural changes and varying political scenarios and is even now adapting with no major resistance to the new information technologies. Roman Catholicism still creates a sort of fascination...
Book cover of Nagasaki
by Kyōko Hayashi
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 5, 2015

Una delle più grandi autrici giapponesi, mai pubblicata prima in Italia, rivive il bombardamento di Nagasaki, nell’agosto del 1945. Un ricordo che continua a bruciare nei corpi e nelle menti dei sopravvissuti e si rinnova con la paura per i moderni incidenti nucleari. “Il buio svanì facendo...
Book cover of Dermatopathology E-Book
by Dirk Elston, MD, Tammie Ferringer
Language: English
Release Date: May 22, 2018

Offering a unique combination of expert lectures, vast image collections, and an easy-to-use print atlas, Dermatopathology, 3rd Edition, helps you master the complexities of this challenging and fast-changing subspecialty. Dr. Elston and his colleagues make dermatopathology easier to understand, leading...
Book cover of Geometric Computation: Foundations for Design
by Joy Ko, Kyle Steinfeld
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2018

Geometric Computation: Foundations for Design describes the mathematical and computational concepts that are central to the practical application of design computation in a manner tailored to the visual designer. Uniquely pairing key topics in code and geometry, this book develops the two key faculties...
Book cover of Classroom Discourse and the Space of Learning
by Ference Marton, Amy B.M. Tsui, Pakey P.M. Chik
Language: English
Release Date: May 20, 2004

Classroom Discourse and the Space of Learning is about learning in schools and the central role of language in learning. The investigations of learning it reports are based on two premises: First, whatever you are trying to learn, there are certain necessary conditions for succeeding--although you...
Book cover of Dermatopathology


Diagnosis by First Impression

by Christine J. Ko, Ronald J. Barr
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2016

The atlas that helps you differentiate visually similar diseases Written with the dermatology trainee in mind, Dermatopathology: Diagnosis by First Impression uses more than 800 high resolution color images to introduce a simple and effective way to defuse the confusion caused by dermatopathology...
Book cover of The Crisis of Welfare in East Asia
by Beng-huat Chua, Chyong-Fan Ko, Kyeung-Mi Oh
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2010

The Crisis of Welfare in East Asia adopts a unique and critical perspective on contemporary social welfare policies in East Asia. This edited volume reflects on current welfare theories and challenges the dominant productivist ideology that overemphasizes the influence of work and family. James Lee...
Book cover of Sünen-i Ebi Davud ve Tercemesi 2
by İbrahim Koçaşlı
Language: Turkish
Release Date: January 1, 2001

Sünen-i Ebi Davud ve Tercemesi 2 (Tanıtım Bülteninden)
Book cover of Burns, An Issue of Hand Clinics, E-Book
by Jason H. Ko, MD, Benjamin Levi
Language: English
Release Date: April 3, 2017

This issue of Hand Clinics will include the following articles: Management of Acute Adult Hand Burns; Management of Acute Pediatric Hand Burns; Electrical Injury; Frostbite Injury; The Biologic Principles of Scar and Contracture; Postburn Contractures of the Hand; Biology and Treatment of Upper Extremity...
Book cover of Dermatopathology


Diagnosis by First Impression

by Christine J. Ko, Ronald J. Barr
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2010

Although other Atlases exist, they are organized by disease. This atlas takes the appearance as the starting point for learning how to differentiate similarly presenting problems. It concentrates on the most common diseases rather than being comprehensive, which can be confusing to the trainee. This new edition includes 15 new topics and all improved microphotographs.
Book cover of Evaluation von Netzwerken

Evaluation von Netzwerken

Das Beispiel des Informations- und Normenanwendernetzwerkes der ANP-Regionalgruppe Hamburg

by Jan-Henrik Koßmann, Thomas Schmidt
Language: German
Release Date: December 21, 2011

Masterarbeit aus dem Jahr 2011 im Fachbereich BWL - Sonstiges, Note: 1,0, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität - Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg (Professur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre insb. Organisationstheorie), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Ziel dieser Arbeit ist die Durchführung einer Netzwerkevaluation...
Book cover of Change Management. Ziele, Instrumente und Treiber von Veränderungen
by Jan-Henrik Koßmann, Thomas Schmidt
Language: German
Release Date: June 11, 2010

Studienarbeit aus dem Jahr 2009 im Fachbereich BWL - Allgemeines, Note: 1,3, Helmut-Schmidt-Universität - Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg (Professur für Betriebswirtschaftslehre, insb. Organisationstheorie), Sprache: Deutsch, Abstract: Die Bedeutung von 'Change Management' und der Umgang mit...
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