L S : 1671 books

Book cover of Handbook of Embodied Cognition and Sport Psychology
by Lawrence A. Shapiro, Shannon Spaulding, Daniel D. Hutto
Language: English
Release Date: December 7, 2018

The first systematic collaboration between cognitive scientists and sports psychologists considers the mind–body relationship from the perspective of athletic skill and sports practice. This landmark work is the first systematic collaboration between cognitive scientists and sports psychologists...
Book cover of Evaluation Theory, Models, and Applications
by Daniel L. Stufflebeam, Chris L. S. Coryn
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2014

The golden standard evaluation reference text Now in its second edition, Evaluation Theory, Models, and Applications is the vital text on evaluation models, perfect for classroom use as a textbook, and as a professional evaluation reference. The book begins with an overview of the evaluation...
Book cover of Supplice
by L.S.Ange
Language: French
Release Date: March 28, 2018

Romance dystopique - 316 pages Une détonation, un souffle d’une extrême violence, et la vie, jusque-là parfaite, de Luna va sombrer dans le chaos. Écorchée vive, désormais seule, elle doit apprivoiser son nouveau reflet dans le miroir et n’a d’autre choix que de s’exiler dans...
Book cover of Sirens
by Rhonda Parrish, Sara Cleto, Brittany Warman
Language: English
Release Date: July 12, 2016

Sirens are beautiful, dangerous, and musical, whether they come from the sea or the sky. Greek sirens were described as part-bird, part-woman, and Roman sirens more like mermaids, but both had a voice that could captivate and destroy the strongest man. The pages of this book contain the stories of...
Book cover of À la vie à la mort T02

À la vie à la mort T02

Le Gang des tractions avant

by Rodolphe, Gaël Séjourné
Language: French
Release Date: January 17, 2018

1946, L'ennemi public numéro 1 s'appelle le Gang des Tractions Avant. Certains de leurs membres, Jo Attia et Pierrot Le Fou, terrorisent la France de l'après-guerre. Voici leur singulière histoire. Dans la France d'après-guerre, Pierre Loutrel alias Pierrot le fou, semble arriver à se soustraire...
Book cover of Maestra - Édition française
Language: French
Release Date: March 10, 2016

Le thriller le plus scandaleusement original que vous lirez cette année. Le jour, Judith Rashleigh est assistante dans un hôtel de ventes aux enchères londonien qui l'exploite malgré ses diplômes et son talent. La nuit, elle officie dans un bar à hôtesses où elle séduit sans effort. Judith...
Book cover of Maestra
by L.S. Hilton
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 1, 2016

Un espectacular fraude en una casa de subastas de Londres Un exclusivo club de sexo sin límites en París Un peligroso complot desde el yate de un multimillonario Un cruel asesinato bajo un puente de Roma ¿Te atreverías a traspasar todos los límites para obtener lo que deseas? ¿QUIÉN ES JUDITH...
Book cover of When Words Collide: A Crash Course in Writing Poetry
by A.L.S Vossler
Language: English
Release Date: July 3, 2019

Do you love poetry but not know the first thing about writing it? Is the idea of writing poetry so overwhelming you just want to curl up in a corner? Are you a competent poet who wants to become extraordinary? When Words Collide will have you writing your own poems by the last page. In this...
Book cover of Ultima - Édition Française
Language: French
Release Date: May 31, 2018

Si tu ne peux pas les battre, tue-les. Elisabeth Teerlinc, marchande d'art, femme fatale, sait reconnaître les faux. Après tout, elle-même n'est qu'une imitation, un personnage créé de toutes pièces. Son véritable nom, Judith Rashleigh, est enterré sous les mensonges, tout comme les...
Book cover of Adélice


Quand la mort nous sépare

by L.S.Ange
Language: French
Release Date: August 22, 2018

Romance fantastique - 230 pages (réédition remaniée et rallongée du roman Quand la mort nous sépare) Adélice, prisonnière de ces murs qui l’ont vue naître il y a plusieurs siècles, se demande chaque jour ce qui la condamne à mener cette existence sombre et oppressante. Invisible...
Book cover of Pixelated
by L.S. Murphy
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2015

Senior Year. Middle of nowhere. What's the new girl to do? For Piper Marks, the answer is simple. She's determined to have her photography rock the cover of National Geographic someday, and moving to Clarkton, Iowa for her last year of high school is not going to stop her. Even if her usual...
Book cover of Entbehrlich



by L. S. Anderson
Language: German
Release Date: May 10, 2011

Walter Ross braucht dringend einen Auftrag für seine kleine Sicherheitsfirma. Dafür tut er einem undurchsichtigen Geschäftsmann einen Gefallen, und holt dessen Tochter aus einem Schweizer Internat ab, um sie in die USA zu begleiten. Ross hat eine Vergangenheit, über die er nur ungern spricht,...
Book cover of A la vie à la mort T01

A la vie à la mort T01


by Rodolphe, Gaël Séjourné, Jean Verney
Language: French
Release Date: August 30, 2017

La guerre est finie et la France, en reconstruction, retrouve le gout de vivre. Deux anciens Bat' d'Af', ces bataillons de militaires, sanctionnés durant leur service et engagés dans l'infanterie d'Afrique, se retrouvent pour ne plus se quitter et faire alliance. Mais leur passé violent et leur...
Book cover of Fibromyalgia Chatter
by L. S. Fayne
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2012

L. S. Fayne has had fibromyalgia since 2001. In this book, she describes fibromyalgia symptoms, and how it has changed her life. She describes how it affects intimacy. Most importantly, she tells about the things she does to regain freedom. This book is not about a cure. It isn’t even about pain...
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