Leadbeater: 170 books

Book cover of Growing Up Fast

Growing Up Fast

Re-Visioning Adolescent Mothers' Transitions to Young Adulthood

by Bonnie J. Ross Leadbeater
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2014

The first edition of Growing Up Fast attempted to counter the stereotype of poor, minority adolescent mothers and describe the diversity of their educational, work, parenting, and relationship experiences. The volume followed a strengths-based approach to understanding why some mothers appeared resilient...
Book cover of Invisible Helpers
by Charles Webster Leadbeater
Language: English
Release Date: August 26, 2018

Are we alone in the universe, or do we have friends all around us? Charles Webster Leadbeater explores accounts of timely aid given by unseen helpers, invisible angels who desire our well-being A beautiful and well written metaphysical work and as relevant today as it was at the beginning of mankind.
Book cover of The Hidden Side of Things
by C. W Leadbeater
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2018

C.W. Leadbeater, a luminary in the fields of metaphysics and Theosophy, tells you everything you need to know about the Hidden Side of Things...how the unseen energies of others, of nature, of the buildings we inhabit, of the rituals we perform, and of our own habits and thoughts have on us, on every...
Book cover of Invisible Helpers (Barnes & Noble Digital Library)
by Charles Webster Leadbeater
Language: English
Release Date: March 20, 2012

“Invisible helpers” are the disembodied spirits of sleeping people, who intervene to aid the awake. This 1912 work explains key points in the mystical philosophy of Theosophy. Based in part on the author’s personal experience, Leadbeater includes accounts of angels, materializations, the afterlife, and disasters averted.
Book cover of La chiaroveggenza (translated)
by C.w Leadbeater
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 23, 2014

Chiaroveggenza letteralmente significa "vedere chiaramente", è una parola di cui si è gravemente abusato, spesso è stata degradata al punto di essere impiegata per descrivere gli inganni dei saltimbanchi negli spettacoli di varietà. E' stata definita "visione spirituale", ma...
Book cover of Rites mystiques antiques

Rites mystiques antiques

Une brève histoire de la Franc-Maçonnerie

by Charles W. Leadbeater
Language: French
Release Date: May 27, 2015

Dans cet ouvrage devenu un classique chez les théosophes anglo-saxons et enfin traduit en français, l’auteur montre les liens existant entre la franc-maçonnerie et certaines écoles de Mystères de l’Antiquité, et retrace brièvement leur histoire....
Book cover of Clairvoyance
by C. W. Leadbeater
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 28, 2018

C. W. Leadbeater (1854-1934), a leading figure in the Theosophical Society, first published this book in 1899; this fifth edition appeared in 1935 for the Society's Diamond Jubilee. He presents clairvoyance as physical rather than supernatural, and describes its many different manifestations, including unintentional premonitions and 'seeing' the past.
Book cover of Vegetarianism and its occult meanings
by C. W. Leadbeater
Language: English
Release Date: February 28, 2015

How does occultism regard vegetarianism ? It regards it very favourably, and that for many reasons. These reasons may be divided into two classes - those which are ordinary and physical, and those which are occult or hidden. There are many reasons in favour of vegetarianism which are down here...
Book cover of Libro dei Poteri Occulti

Libro dei Poteri Occulti

Oltre la Vita - Chiaroveggenza - Controllo del Pensiero - Alchimia Spirituale

by Annie Besant - Charles Leadbeater
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 3, 2015

Il Libro dei Poteri Occulti è una sintesi di alcuni insegnamenti di Annie Wood Besant e Charles Webster Leadbeater massimi rappresentanti del pensiero teosofico. “Per la maggior parte degli uomini vi è una interruzione fra la coscienza fisica e la coscienza dei corpo spirituale, in modo...
Book cover of Chimica Occulta

Chimica Occulta

Indagine nella struttura occulta degli atomi

by Annie Besant - Charles Leadbeater
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 27, 2018

Chimica Occulta afferma che la struttura degli elementi chimici può essere valutata attraverso l'osservazione chiaroveggente. Le osservazioni furono effettuate tra il 1895 e il 1933. Il libro consiste nella descrizione delle controparti eteriche degli atomi degli elementi chimici conosciuti. Le osservazioni...
Book cover of Invisible Helpers
by Charles Webster Leadbeater
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2015

People often write to us, applying to be admitted to the band of invisible helpers, and asking what preparation is necessary. Those who desire to take up this work should familiarise themselves thoroughly with the book written under that title, and should especially take care to develope within themselves the qualifications which are there described...
Book cover of Karma as an Educator
by Charles Webster Leadbeater
Language: English
Release Date: April 25, 2015

No man can ever receive what he has not earned, and all things come to us as the result of causes which we ourselves have set in motion. If we have caused anything we have also caused its result, for the cause and the effect are like the two sides of a coin , we cannot have one without the other;...
Book cover of Occult Chemistry Clairvoyant Observations on The Chemical Elements
by Charles Webster Leadbeater & Annie Wood Besant
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

When undertaking to prepare a new edition of this book I received permission from the authors to "throw it into the form in which you think it would be most useful at the present time." It was left to my discretion, "What to use and what to omit." I have not found it necessary...
Book cover of The Mental Body
by Charles Webster Leadbeater
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2015

After reading Man Visible and Invisible students have sometimes remarked that the list of qualities there given seems incomplete, and that nothing is said as to some others which are at least equally common , such for example as courage, dignity, cheerfulness, truthfulness, loyalty...
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