Lee Tyler: 10 books

Book cover of As Tom Goes By

As Tom Goes By

A Tennis Memoir

by Lee Tyler
Language: English
Release Date: January 5, 2010

A unique memoir about the sport of tennis. This is the story of veteran player Tom Brown's journey from boyhood in San Francisco; to becoming a Wimbledon winner twice, fresh from serving in the army in World War II; through marriage, parenthood,divorce, legal career, and travel with tennis all along...
Book cover of Mosaic, A Compilation Of Creative Writing By The Cartel Collaborative
by Ann Stanley, Margie Deeb, S. J. Henderson
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

Mosaic is a collection of short stories and poetry by Margie Deeb, Stef Gonzaga, S. J. Henderson, Brian Rella, James Lee Schmidt, Ann Stanley, Lee J. Tyler and Christy Zigweid. Pieces range from serious to light-hearted. Follow Leonardo as he learns what his inventions have inspired. Wyatt finds hope...
Book cover of Blockheads!


Essays on Ned Block's Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness

by Bill Brewer, Ned Block, Tyler Burge
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2019

New essays on the philosophy of Ned Block, with substantive and wide-ranging responses by Block. Perhaps more than any other philosopher of mind, Ned Block synthesizes philosophical and scientific approaches to the mind; he is unique in moving back and forth across this divide, doing so with...
Book cover of Au secours de son fils - La mémoire en pièces - A l'épreuve du doute
by Delores Fossen, Tyler Anne Snell, Rachel Lee
Language: French
Release Date: September 1, 2018

Au secours de son fils, Delores Fossen Ivy est en danger… En recevant le message qu’un de ses collègues vient de lui transmettre, Theo Canton décide de retourner à Blue River. Qu’importent les histoires de famille qui l’ont contraint à quitter la ville, dix ans plus tôt, mettant...
Book cover of Paleozoology and Paleoenvironments

Paleozoology and Paleoenvironments

Fundamentals, Assumptions, Techniques

by J. Tyler Faith, R. Lee Lyman
Language: English
Release Date: February 21, 2019

Paleozoology and Paleoenvironments outlines the reconstruction of ancient climates, floras, and habitats on the basis of animal fossil remains recovered from archaeological and paleontological sites. In addition to outlining the ecological fundamentals and analytical assumptions attending such analyzes,...
Book cover of Advances in Marine Biology
by Alan J. Southward, Paul A. Tyler, Lee A. Fuiman
Language: English
Release Date: May 28, 2003

Volume 44 is an eclectic volume with timely reviews on invertebrate zooplankton growth rates and movements on marine fish and decapod crustaceans. Advances in Marine Biology was first published in 1963. Now edited by A.J. Southward (Marine Biological Association, UK), P.A. Tyler (Southampton...
Book cover of Janesaw


535 To Go

by Jeffrey Lee Adams, Tyler Cooper
Language: English
Release Date: May 21, 2019

U.S. Army Colonel Jane "Insane" Leigh Abel is a patriotic and proudly progressive Psychopathic-American who rages against the electoral process when the evil Roger Rump is elected President of the United States. Rebelling against the system, she goes off the grid and becomes a modern-day...
Book cover of Your Guide To Using Hootsuite For Sales
by Lee Futcher, Tyler Bowles
Language: English
Release Date: May 18, 2015

The social media marketing team at Lions Consulting Group has done it again! Enhance your social media management with their Hootsuite how-to-guide where you will not only learn the basics for the average joe who's just getting into social media, but for also the social media pro who's...
Book cover of The Best Book On Ivy League Admissions
by Ashely Artmann, Tyler White, Robert Lee
Language: English
Release Date: March 24, 2011

Our Ivy League Students Share Tips & Strategies That Will Get You Into Your Dream School!We know exactly how you feel. We've been through the grueling and stressful admissions process. As successful Ivy League applicants, we have the insider tips and strategies that take the guesswork out of...
Book cover of 99 erotische S/M-Fantasien

99 erotische S/M-Fantasien

Von Zart bis Hart

by A.D. Smith, Achim F. Sorge, Allegra Deville
Language: German
Release Date: January 22, 2016

In diesen 99 Storys dreht sich alles um das bizarre Phänomen Lustschmerz, den bittersüßen Genuss der erotischen Qual, die ihre Anhänger auf so einzigartige Weise befriedigen kann und unendliche Lustmöglichkeiten bietet. Denn wenn's um fantasievolle, tabulose, "verbotene" Praktiken geht,...
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