Lena: 788 books

Book cover of Lena Corwin's Made by Hand

Lena Corwin's Made by Hand

A Collection of Projects to Print, Sew, Weave, Dye, Knit, or Otherwise Create

by Lena Corwin
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2014

  In 2009, tastemaker and bestselling author Lena Corwin turned the top floor of her Brooklyn brownstone into a studio and began hosting classes for local crafters. In Lena Corwin’s Made by Hand, she re-creates and builds upon her popular workshop series in order to reach crafters in Brooklyn...
Book cover of The Diary of Lena Mukhina

The Diary of Lena Mukhina

A Girl's Life in the Siege of Leningrad

by Lena Mukhina
Language: English
Release Date: February 12, 2015

In May 1941 Lena Mukhina was an ordinary teenage girl, living in Leningrad, worrying about her homework and whether Vova - the boy she liked - liked her. Like a good Soviet schoolgirl, she was also diligently learning German, the language of Russia's Nazi ally. And she was keeping a diary, in which...
Book cover of Lenas Tagebuch
by Lena Muchina
Language: German
Release Date: March 8, 2013

Rund einen Monat, bevor die Wehrmacht Leningrad einkesselt, um die Zivilbevölkerung mit beispielloser Grausamkeit auszuhungern, beginnt Lena Muchina ihr Tagebuch. Sie interessiert sich für das, was alle jungen Mädchen beschäftigt: Wie kann sie das Herz von Wowka, dem Jungen aus ihrer Klasse, gewinnen?...
Book cover of Das Flüstern des Schicksals
by Lena Lindberg
Language: German
Release Date: June 1, 2018

Ein Sommer, der das Leben zweier Frauen für immer verändern wird ... 'Das Flüstern des Schicksals' von Lena Lindberg jetzt als eBook bei dotbooks. Über Nacht steht Iris ohne Freund und ohne Job da. Sie braucht dringend einen Tapetenwechsel - was gäbe es da besseres als die Partyinsel Ibiza? Doch...
Book cover of Hacking for Agile Change

Hacking for Agile Change

with an agile mindset, behaviours and practices

by Lena Ross
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2017

With over 50 practical and proven change hacks you can apply to your change initiative on any project type and organisation. This book will help you: Define agile as an organisational capability Try new change management approaches with examples and practical tips on HOW to cut-through Uncover...
Book cover of Blutwasser
by Lena Johannson
Language: German
Release Date: February 20, 2017

Eine Frau allein gegen die mächtigsten Männer der Welt: 'Blutwasser' - der erste Thriller von Erfolgsautorin Lena Johannson als eBook bei dotbooks. Das größte Verbrechen der Gegenwart spielt sich direkt vor unseren Augen ab, doch niemand will es sehen... Als Katharina dem Ingenieur Ahmed verspricht,...
Book cover of The Last of the Shackdwellers

The Last of the Shackdwellers

The Autobiography of Bestselling Author Lena Kennedy

by Lena Kennedy
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2018

The evocative, illuminating autobiography of one of Britain's best-loved novelists. Lena Kennedy was sixty-four before her first novel, MAGGIE, was accepted, and it was among the shackdwelling community of the woods that she began to realise her growing need to express her feelings through...
Book cover of Não sou uma dessas
by Lena Dunhan
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 14, 2014

Lena Dunham, a premiada criadora, produtora e estrela da série Girls, da HBO, apresenta uma coleção de relatos pessoais hilários, sábios e dolorosamente sinceros que a revelam como um dos jovens talentos mais originais da atualidade. Em Não sou uma dessas, Lena conta a história de sua vida...
Book cover of Born Wise

Born Wise

New Knowledge That Will Change Your View on Children Forever

by Lena Dyhrberg
Language: English
Release Date: June 3, 2014

For generations it has been the common perception that children are inarticulate little creatures who, like empty shells, must be filled with knowledge and experiences. However, according to family health nurse Lena Dyhrberg, this is not at all the case. Your child arrives in this world with a highly...
Book cover of Farbfilter. Ada Simon in Douala
by Lena Blaudez
Language: German
Release Date: January 6, 2014

Die Fotojournalistin Ada Simon ist aus Kamerun zu einer Tagung über Tropenholz nach Mecklenburg gereist. Internationale Manager tagen in einem halb verfallenen Schloss, um nicht nur über Holzgeschäfte zu reden. In der maroden Idylle trifft Ada einen unheimlichen Mann wieder, der böse Erinnerungen...
Book cover of Not That Kind of Girl

Not That Kind of Girl

Was ich im Leben so gelernt habe

by Lena Dunham
Language: German
Release Date: October 7, 2014

Lena Dunham - vom "Time Magazine" zur "coolest person of the year" gewähltWas tun als junge Frau von heute, die lieber Stoffschuhe als Manolos trägt und nicht nach dem einen Prinzen sucht? In ›Not That Kind of Girl‹ erzählt Lena Dunham, Erfinderin der Fernsehserie ›GIRLS‹,...
Book cover of You're Lying

You're Lying

Secrets From an Expert Military Interrogator to Spot the Lies and Get to the Truth

by Lena Sisco
Language: English
Release Date: April 20, 2015

Lena wrote You’re Lying! because no matter what your profession or life circumstances, you need the skills to take control of a situation, detect deception, and reveal the truth. While you probably won’t ever have to interrogate a detainee who doesn’t want to tell you about an upcoming terrorist...
Book cover of Das große Jahreszeiten-Backbuch

Das große Jahreszeiten-Backbuch

Über 100 süße und pikante Ideen für saisonalen Genuss

by Lena Fuchs
Language: German
Release Date: April 4, 2018

VON SÜß BIS PIKANT: EINE KULINARISCHE REISE DURCH DIE JAHRESZEITEN! Der Erdbeer-Rhabarber-Pie als fruchtiges Frühlingsdessert, ein Stück Pfirsichgugelhupf an einem sonnigen Sommermorgen, warme Kürbisfocaccia nach einem windigen Herbstspaziergang oder Spekulatiuswaffeln zum Weihnachtspunsch vor...
Book cover of Not That Kind of Girl

Not That Kind of Girl

A Young Woman Tells You What She's "Learned"

by Lena Dunham
Language: English
Release Date: September 30, 2014

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