Lilian: 406 books

Book cover of Mélenchon le plébéien
by Lilian ALEMAGNA, Stéphane ALLIÈS
Language: French
Release Date: January 26, 2012

Et si le troisième homme de cette présidentielle c'était lui ? Du trotskisme à la République : la véritable histoire de Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Jean-Luc Mélenchon, 60 ans, candidat du Front de gauche soutenu par le Parti communiste français est un " plébéien ". A Rome, le défenseur...
Book cover of Engaging Children's Minds: The Project Approach, 3rd Edition
by Lilian G. Katz, Sylvia C. Chard, Yvonne Kogan
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2014

Why has the Project Approach proven to be so successful for engaging young children intellectually and supporting their capacities to think, predict, hypothesize, reason, and express their natural curiosity? Simply put, because project work provides meaningful contexts in which children can readily...
Book cover of SISTER SWAP (Harlequin Comics)
by Lilian Darcy
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Roxanna’s twin sister is an excellent horticulturist; however, as soon as she accepted this large project, she fell gravely ill. SoRoxanna agrees to take on the project to save her sister’s career. With a strong determination, she takes off for Italy, where she must finish restoring an old rose garden....


Harlequin Comics

by Lilian Darcy
Language: English
Release Date: January 13, 2018

After an accident, Lauren was trapped in debris. Fortunately she was saved by a strange man who held and encouraged her. But before she could convey her gratitude, he left the scene. So she’s shocked when he turns out to be the bodyguard hired to protect her when her safety is later threatened....
Book cover of THE LIFE SAVER (Mills & Boon Comics)
by Lilian Darcy
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Jo, a doctor, was worried about her coworker Ripley who was struggling to recover from his recent divorce. There is no doubt that Ripley loved his beautiful ex-wife from the bottom of his heart. But it hurts Jo to see him in pain because secretly she has feelings toward him. Will she be brave enough to tell him how she feels? And what will happen when Ripley finds out his ex-wife is pregnant?
Book cover of Un véritable mariage d'amour
by Lilian Darcy
Language: French
Release Date: October 15, 2013

Excédée d’être délaissée par son mari, médecin à l’hôpital, Alicia finit par décider de partir. Elle est toujours folle amoureuse de lui, mais est convaincue que ses sentiments ne sont plus réciproques. Alors quand, quelques semaines plus tard, elle le voit frapper à sa porte et lui...
Book cover of Sternendiamant


Die Legende des Juwelenkönigs

by Sarah Lilian Waldherr, Alexander Kopainski
Language: German
Release Date: December 6, 2018

Eine grenzenlos fantasievolle Reise beginnt. Fana ist 15 als ihr Leben plötzlich auf den Kopf gestellt wird: Sie ist ein Aurion – ein magiebegabtes Wesen. Von nun an soll sie das fliegende Schulschiff Simalia besuchen, um dort alles über ihre Kräfte zu lernen. Auf der Simalia verbergen sich jedoch...
Book cover of Sternendiamant


Die Prinzessin des Lichts

by Sarah Lilian Waldherr, Alexander Kopainski
Language: German
Release Date: June 20, 2019

Am Ziel der sagenhaften Reise. Fana ist am Boden zerstört: Nicht nur die Sternendiamanten, auch Kians Liebe scheinen für immer verloren. Dann versteht sie, dass Avena Kian mit einem Fluch belegt hat. Hala, Ivy, Tem und Fana müssen also Patenia retten und Kian erlösen. Als Schulleiter Loan entführt...
Book cover of Sternendiamant


Die Fürstin des Meeres

by Sarah Lilian Waldherr, Alexander Kopainski
Language: German
Release Date: February 21, 2019

Die grenzenlos fantasievolle Reise geht weiter. Das zweite Schuljahr auf der Simalia führt Fana, Ivy und Hala ins Dämonenland, wo sie mithilfe eines mysteriösen Fremden Kian aus den Fängen des Juwelenkönigs befreien und den ersten Sternendiamanten finden. Auf ihrer Flucht ins Meeresreich gelangen...
Book cover of Sternendiamant


Das Land der Feen

by Sarah Lilian Waldherr, Alexander Kopainski
Language: German
Release Date: April 11, 2019

Am Ziel der sagenhaften Reise. Auf der Flucht vor dem König des Meeres erreicht das Schulschiff Simalia das Feenreich. Während Hala sich in einen Offizier des Feenreichs verliebt, sprühen zwischen Ivy und Tem die Funken. Allen Liebesverwicklungen zum Trotz erbeuten die Freunde den fünften und...
Book cover of Rubén Martínez Villena

Rubén Martínez Villena

Un hombre de nuestro tiempo

by Sonia Lilian Almazán del Olmo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 1, 2017

Esta obra, tratada de un modo novedoso y de asequible análisis y comprensión, aborda la vida y el pensamiento de este adalid de las luchas posindependentistas de Cuba, quien –a pesar de su corta existencia– supo ser, además de un destacado poeta, reflejo de la realidad, un ejemplo para todos...
Book cover of The Lost Boys
by Lilian Carmine
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2013

Fate has brought them together. But will it also keep them apart? Having moved to a strange town, seventeen-year-old Joey Gray is feeling a little lost, until she meets a cute, mysterious boy near her new home. But there's a very good reason why Tristan Halloway is always to be found...
Book cover of Lost and Found
by Lilian Carmine
Language: English
Release Date: March 12, 2015

Joey Halloway is looking to the future Freshly married to her high-school sweetheart, Joey is excited for an uncomplicated life, free from the paranormal terrors she and Tristan have endured. But first, she must face her past She’s never known where her unique supernatural abilities...
Book cover of The Girl Scouts at Bellaire Or Maid Mary's Awakening
by Lilian Garis
Language: English
Release Date: November 27, 2011

“Next to a honeymoon I think a vacation out in Bellaire is about the best, ” decided Grace.
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