Linda: 7121 books

Book cover of Linda and Karen's Great European Adventure
by Linda Pashley Murray
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2013

I wrote this little non-fiction journal style book from a notebook I kept in 1972 during a trip a girlhood friend and I took to Europe at that time. The itinerary was loosely based on the Hemingway novel The Sun Also Rises so yes there is drinking in Paris cafes, no money, a wild drive from Paris...
Book cover of The Niagara Companion

The Niagara Companion

Explorers, Artists, and Writers at the Falls, from Discovery through the Twentieth Century

by Linda L. Revie
Language: English
Release Date: November 22, 2010

What is it about Niagara Falls that fascinates people? What draws them to it? Is it love, obsession, or fear? In The Niagara Companion, Linda Revie searches for an answer to these questions by examining the paintings and writings about the Falls from the late seventeenth century, when...
Book cover of JESUS, YOU CAN'T BE SERIOUS! Fully Living the Gospel of Christ
by Deacon Glenn Harmon, Linda Harmon
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2015

This book, Jesus You Can't Be Serious? is written to help the reader experience personal conversion as they journey to discover the healing power and unconditional love of Jesus Christ. It will call the reader to a greater personal reform and holiness of life, which will then contribute to the reform...
Book cover of Biglietto per Sodoma
by Linda Lercari
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 26, 2017

Romance - racconto lungo (29 pagine) - La relazione tra Marco e Sara va avanti, ma lui adesso vuole di più. Lei glielo concederà? Sara continua a condurre una doppia vita: di giorno è la segretaria seria ed efficiente che tutti conoscono, ma di notte si trasforma nella sottomessa di Marco...
Book cover of L'intruso fra noi
by Linda Lercari
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 16, 2018

Romance - racconto lungo (40 pagine) - Marco è sempre più preso da Sara, ma all’improvviso appare un uomo misterioso, che sembra mettersi tra loro. Un intruso o... un compagno di giochi? La relazione tra Sara Giretti e Marco Carteri sembra procedere per il meglio, finché nella vita della...
Book cover of Gold Rush: Three Years in California
by Linda Pendleton
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2011

GOLD RUSH“Looking at the map of California, it will be seen that the ‘mines’ occupy a long strip of mountainous country, which commences many miles to the eastward of San Francisco, and stretches northward several hundred miles. The Sacramento river running parallel with the mines, the San Joaquin...
Book cover of In Centraal-Azie
by Linda Otter
Language: Dutch
Release Date: April 19, 2011

Na de val van de Sovjet-Unie viel het communistische rijk uiteen in vele republieken. In het hart van Azië kregen Oezbekistan, Kirgizië en Tadzjikistan hun plek op de wereldkaart terug. Vijf maanden lang reisde journaliste Linda Otter door deze voormalige Sovjetlanden. Zij schetst het nieuwe Centraal-Azië,...
Book cover of Lachen im Land des Donnerdrachens

Lachen im Land des Donnerdrachens

Mein Leben in Bhutan

by Linda Leaming
Language: German
Release Date: January 4, 2016

Schneeberge, Liebe und Improvisation: Wer sein Leben dem Abenteuer widmet, wird mit Gück belohnt. Als Linda Leaming das erste Mal nach Bhutan reist, verliebt sie sich in das Land und dessen Bewohner. Diese sind liebenswürdig und zufrieden, obwohl sie oft nur wenig besitzen. Einige Jahre später...
Book cover of Dawn Through The Shadows
by Linda Anne Smith
Language: English
Release Date: July 1, 2018

Often through the shadows we more clearly see the light. Andrew Covick, young and naïve, is offered a scholarship and leaves home for the first time. On campus, friendly senior students invite him to barbeques and other get-togethers. “This is great!” he thinks. “New friends, free food!”...
Book cover of Julia Collection Band 61
by Linda Conrad
Language: German
Release Date: October 4, 2013

WIRBELWIND DER LEIDENSCHAFT von CONRAD, LINDA Die schöne Physiotherapeutin Annie will in der Karibik eigentlich nur Nicks Gesundheit wiederherstellen. Das gebrochene Herz des attraktiven Leiters einer Delfinstation kann sie nicht heilen. Oder wendet sich während eines mysteriösen Tropensturms das...
Book cover of Conversations with Mr Kiki: One Woman’S Spiritual Journey with Her Best Friend
by Linda Atnip
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2011

In this compelling memoir, author Linda Atnip is contacted by the spirit of her companion animal, Mr. Kiki as he is laid to rest. He informs Linda that she will write a book about their spiritual adventures as humanity now stands at a crossroads and must choose a more sustainable lifestyle. Among...
Book cover of Mädchenträume


DIY-Ideen für dich! - Lindas Blog

by Linda Butz
Language: German
Release Date: September 6, 2014

Lieblingsstücke für Teenie-Mädels: Bloggerin Linda zeigt ihre schönsten Ideen Linda ist 13 Jahre alt und begeisterte DIY-Anhängerin. Auf ihrem Blog „Mädchenträume" zeigt sie gleichgesinnten Mädchen ihre Ideen und Projekte. Für ihr erstes Buch hat Linda eine Auswahl an coolen Selbermachideen...
Book cover of Le syndrome de la mauvaise mère ? Plus pour moi !

Le syndrome de la mauvaise mère ? Plus pour moi !

Comprendre qui je suis pour en finir avec la culpabilité

by Linda Collin
Language: French
Release Date: March 29, 2019

De nos jours, on a peur d’appliquer une discipline en éducation; on ne veut surtout pas traumatiser notre enfant. Bien que partie d’une bonne intention, cette peur a engendré un monstre, au propre et au figuré. Le phénomène de l’enfant-roi a pris de l’ampleur. Il semble que nous ne savons...
Book cover of The Executioner, Don Pendleton Creates Mack Bolan, 50 Year Anniversary
by Linda Pendleton
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2019

Don Pendleton Creates Mack Bolan 50 Years Ago, Don Pendleton envisioned a fictional character that would soon become a literary bestseller and a phenomenon through which the new action/adventure genre emerged. Mack Bolan, a professional soldier, highly trained and skilled in the use of military...
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