Linda Bell: 13 books

Book cover of Research Methods for Social Workers
by Linda Bell
Language: English
Release Date: September 16, 2017

This handy book is a one-stop introduction to research and evaluation for social workers. Including unique project examples, exercises, discussion points and extensive signposting to further reading, and drawing on the author's many years of teaching experience, it is essential reading for students who may be unfamiliar with research methods.
Book cover of Ethics, Values And Social Work Practice
by Linda Bell, Trish Hafford-Letchfield
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2015

This book fills a gap in the market for a book that takes a very practical and applied approach to the subject of ethics and values in social work. It situates values and ethics within everyday social work practice across service user groups giving students a sound grasp of the concepts and how they relate to practice.
Book cover of Peer Support in the Primary Playground
by Linda Bell
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2018

This book is an essential resource to develop playground relationships. Increasingly schools are working very closely with their children, helping them to develop the skills needed to take charge of their own actions and encourage responsible attitudes towards others in the school. The programme for...
Book cover of Beyond Transition

Beyond Transition

An Intervention Programme to Support Vunerable Students at KS3

by Linda Bell
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2018

"Beyond Transition" aims to support vulnerable pupils who, despite supportive transition programmes, struggle to adjust to secondary school. They can find the size, structure, procedures and work overwhelming and threatening, and this can culminate in failure and disaffection. This resource...
Book cover of Career GPS

Career GPS

Strategies for Women Navigating the New Corporate Landscape

by Linda Villarosa, Ella L. J. Edmondson Bell PhD
Language: English
Release Date: February 9, 2010

“Career GPS serves as the business coach you never had but always wanted.” —Lois P. Frankel, Ph.D., author of Nice Girls Don’t Get the Corner Office and See Jane Lead   Career GPS is a clear-eye, timely, and thought-provoking guide for any woman looking to advance up the corporate...
Book cover of The California Gold Rush Romance Collection

The California Gold Rush Romance Collection

9 Stories of Finding Treasures Worth More than Gold

by Amanda Barratt, Angela Bell, Dianne Christner
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2016

Rush to California after the 1848 gold discovery alongside thousands of hopeful men and women. Meet news reporters, English gentry, miners, morticians, marriage brokers, bankers, fugitives, preachers, imposters, trail guides, map makers, cooks, missionaries, town builders, soiled doves, and more people...
Book cover of Inside "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"

Inside "The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe"

Myths, Mysteries, and Magic from the Chronicles of Narnia

by James Stuart Bell, Linda Washington, Carrie Pyykkonen
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2005

The Chronicles of Narnia are among some of the most beloved children's books of all time. Now, for the first time ever, comes an interactive guide for young readers. Take an in depth journey into to help them further explore The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. This book answers many of the "who,...
Book cover of Pairing Wine and Food

Pairing Wine and Food

A Handbook for All Cuisines

by Linda Johnson-Bell
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2012

Matching the right wine to any dish can be the ultimate dining puzzle. Pairing Wine and Food, with its comprehensive, ready-reference lists of foods and their complementary wines, will show you how. With hundreds of international dishes listed, and a wealth of wines that go with them best, the book...
Book cover of 7 erotische Kurzgeschichten aus: "S/M-Fantasie"
by Lisa Cohen, Lena Lee, Petty Sue
Language: German
Release Date: May 1, 2011

Manchmal muss es eben etwas MEHR sein: Die E-Books vom Carl Stephenson Verlag bieten hocherotische Spannung, sind unverschämt lustvoll und zeigen dem Leser auch mal etwas andere Dimensionen der Intimität. Lassen Sie sich von unseren Storys einladen zu einer faszinierenden Reise in die Welt der dunklen...
Book cover of S/M-Fantasie 1

S/M-Fantasie 1

16 schmerzhaft schöne Storys

by Hannah Parker, Juliane Koch, Kristel Kane
Language: German
Release Date: December 1, 2010

Tabulose Spiele mit Dominanz und Demut, Macht und Unterwerfung unsere S/M Fantasien sind genau das Richtige für jene Leser, die neugierig sind auf den süßen Schmerz und die erregende Qual, die dieses Erotik- Special zu bieten hat! Es gibt unzählige Möglichkeiten, mit der S/M-Lust zu spielen,...
Book cover of 99 erotische S/M-Fantasien

99 erotische S/M-Fantasien

Von Zart bis Hart

by A.D. Smith, Achim F. Sorge, Allegra Deville
Language: German
Release Date: January 22, 2016

In diesen 99 Storys dreht sich alles um das bizarre Phänomen Lustschmerz, den bittersüßen Genuss der erotischen Qual, die ihre Anhänger auf so einzigartige Weise befriedigen kann und unendliche Lustmöglichkeiten bietet. Denn wenn's um fantasievolle, tabulose, "verbotene" Praktiken geht,...
Book cover of Magic Sex 3

Magic Sex 3

30 x pure Ekstase!

by Ulla Jacobsen, Maggy Dor, Faye Kristen
Language: German
Release Date: December 1, 2010

Pure, pralle Lust und magische Momente: Diese 36 Storys führen den Leser quer durch die vielfältige Welt des Sex! Von aufregenden Swinger-Erlebnissen und lustvollen Spielen mit Dominanz und Demut über scharfen Hausfrauen-Sex und höchst prickelnde Anal- Abenteuer zu anregenden Intimpiercings, heißen...
Book cover of Das Verlangen nach Rache

Das Verlangen nach Rache

Wenn die Vernunft der Vergeltung erliegt!

by Jenny Prinz, Juliane Koch, Kristel Kane
Language: German
Release Date: December 1, 2010

Rache ist ein Gericht, das am besten kalt genossen werden sollte. Und diese Frauen und Männer genießen es eiskalt! Sie haben es satt, von ihren Lovern hinters Licht geführt, betrogen und verschaukelt zu werden. Mit viel Fantasie, mal liebevoll-belehrend, mal ausgefuchst-listenreich, zeigen sie...
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