Linda Howard: 155 books

Book cover of Em mundos distintos
by Linda Howard
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 16, 2012

Seriam capazes de provar que os opostos se atraem? Jane Hamilton Greer seria somente uma menina de bem em apuros ou estaria realmente implicada num caso de espionagem que podia comprometer durante anos os interesses dos Estados Unidos? A única coisa certa era que fora raptada e que o seu pai, um...
Book cover of Amanhecer contigo
by Linda Howard
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 16, 2012

Será que juntos conseguirão renascer para a vida? O acidente que despojou Blake Remington da capacidade de andar arrebatou-lhe também o desejo de viver. Seria necessário encontrar uma mulher que tivesse a alma tão paralisada como o corpo de Blake para lhe devolver a vontade de viver. Dione Kelley...
Book cover of Paixões censuráveis
by Linda Howard
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 16, 2012

A suspeita volta a pairar sobre alguns membros da família Mackenzie… Maris, única filha de Mary e Wolf Mackenzie, vê-se implicada como suspeita numa fraude e Alex McNeil é o atraente agente destacado para resolver o caso. Chance Mackenzie é um agente secreto cuja missão é apanhar um terrorista. Decide fazê-lo seduzindo a filha do criminoso. Contudo, quem apanhará quem?
Book cover of Raintree: Cehennem
by Linda Howard
Language: Turkish
Release Date: December 27, 2013

Raintree Klanı tarafından bozguna uğratılmalarından iki yüz yıl sonra Ansara büyücüleri, bu en amansız düşmanlarının karşısına bir kez daha çıkmaya hazırlanıyorlardı. Dante Raintree bir kral olarak klanını korumak zorundaydı ama karşısına çıkan Lorna Clay sadece yüreğini...
Book cover of Lauf, so schnell du kannst
by Linda Howard
Language: German
Release Date: August 27, 2019

Angie Powell führte einst ein erfolgreiches Unternehmen, indem sie Touren durch die Wildnis anbot - bis Kriegsveteran Dare Callahan auftauchte und ihr Konkurrenz machte. Als Angie ein letztes Mal mit einem Klienten unterwegs ist, beobachtet sie einen kaltblütigen Mord und muss vor dem Killer fliehen....
Book cover of Shadow Woman - Traue nie dir selbst
by Linda Howard
Language: German
Release Date: August 27, 2019

Lizette Henry wacht eines Morgens auf und sieht ein fremdes Gesicht im Spiegel. Zwei Jahre ihres Lebens sind aus ihrer Erinnerung verschwunden. Ein geheimnisvoller Fremder namens Xavier behauptet, ihr helfen zu wollen. Doch Lizette hat Xavier noch nie zuvor gesehen - oder? Kann sie ihm und den Erinnerungen,...
Book cover of Feuer der Nacht
by Linda Howard
Language: German
Release Date: July 15, 2013

Es sollte der schönste Tag ihres Lebens werden. Doch sie erlebte ihn nicht mehr … Als Carrie Edwards kurz vor ihrer Vermählung ermordet wird, steht Hochzeitsplanerin Jaclyn Wildes schnell als Hauptverdächtige fest – zu offensichtlich wurde sie von der angehenden Braut auf Schritt und...
Book cover of Lauf des Lebens
Language: German
Release Date: August 17, 2008

Blake Remington sprüht vor Energie und Abenteuerlust. Da raubt ihm ein tragischer Unfall die Fähigkeit zu laufen. Als die schöne Therapeutin Dione Kelly ihn zum ersten Mal trifft, hat sie einen Mann vor sich, der seinen Lebensmut verloren hat … Wird es Dione gelingen, Blake zu heilen? Ihr neuer...
Book cover of Ameaça entre as sombras
by Linda Howard
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 1, 2017

Para Morgan Yancy, diretor de operações de um grupo paramilitar, o trabalho estava em primeiro lugar. Mas, depois de sofrer uma emboscada, em que esteve prestes a morrer, o seu supervisor estava mais do que decidido a descobrir quem andava atrás dos membros do seu esquadrão de elite... e porquê....
Book cover of Fantastic Stories Presents The Vampire Super Pack

Fantastic Stories Presents The Vampire Super Pack

Over 225,000 words of startling Vampire fiction by writers such as Bram Stoker, F. Marion Crawford, Steve Rasnic Tem, Robert E. Howard, Jay O'Connell, John William Polidori, and many, many more!

by Bram Stoker, F. Marion Crawford, Steve Rasnic Tem
Language: English
Release Date: March 13, 2019

Vampires have fascinated mankind for centuries. These creatures of the night enthrall us, terrify us, and seduce us. The Vampire Super Pack brings together 42 vampires stories spanning almost 200 years. With over 225,000 words of fascinating fiction this is the Vampire anthology you’ve been waiting...
Book cover of I Can Relate to That!

I Can Relate to That!

A Toolbox for Life's Journey

by Linda Burd Howard
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2012

Wouldnt it be great if you could go out and buy a magic wand to wave over your problems? Dr. Linda Howards toolbox is your magic wand, filled to the brim with essential tools for living collected over a lifetime of challenges including depression, anxiety, anorexia, bulimia, multiple divorces, drug...
Book cover of Handbook of Oral History
by Mary Chamberlain, Pamela Dean, James E. Fogerty
Language: English
Release Date: March 30, 2006

Originally intending to produce the first comprehensive scholarly reference guide to the antecedents, practices, and theory of oral history, the editors have gone even further, creating a highly readable and useful tool for scholars, students, and the general public. Covering the vast scope of this...
Book cover of Monkey Casserole

Monkey Casserole

33 Selected Short Stories

by Howard Schneider, Mizeta Moon, Linda Burk
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2016

Monkey Casserole is a collection of 33 short stories, ranging in length from 350 to11,000 words, and covering a wide range of topics. Defending a mango harvest from marauding monkeys in India, horse racing, a dog's view of life, life on the edge, and much more, even a a Christmas story; a potpourri of subject and adventures to satisfy all tastes.
Book cover of Technology Tools for Students With Autism

Technology Tools for Students With Autism

Innovations that Enhance Independence and Learning

by Gregory Abowd D.Phil., Rosa Arriaga Ph.D., Emma Ashwin Ph.D.
Language: English
Release Date: July 14, 2014

Technology holds great promise for helping students with autism learn, communicate, and function effectively in the modern world. Start leveraging that power today with this forward-thinking book, your in-depth guided tour of technologies that support learners with autism and help them fully participate...
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