Lino: 39 books

Book cover of Mutual Rebirths
by Lino Milita
Language: English
Release Date: July 24, 2015

Rebirths occur sometimes spontaneausly, due to events which require radical changes, and they can be wonderful for what life can offer more, or they can cause desperation for unespected occurences contingencies that take away everything, except those dark visions the future.Fortune and engagement...
Book cover of The Secret Life of John Paul II
by Lino Zani
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2012

"I still remember the moment I first saw his open, jovial face, that one-of-a-kind smile, the lively and luminous eyes that seemed that they might be laughing even more. I should have understood already from that smile who he would truly become, what he would represent for me, for us, for everyone,...
Book cover of Engineers and the Making of the Francoist Regime
by Lino Camprubí
Language: English
Release Date: May 2, 2014

How engineers and agricultural scientists became key actors inFranco's regime and Spain's forced modernization. In this book, Lino Camprubí argues that science and technology were at the very center of the building of Franco's Spain. Previous histories of early Francoist science and technology...
Book cover of Je ne savais pas que la vie serait si longue après la mort
by Gary Victor, Alfonce Marc Edwidge, Rose Taina Gachette
Language: French
Release Date: June 6, 2013

Le romancier Gary Victor accompagne dans cette aventure fantastique neuf jeunes auteurs: Alfonce Marc Edwidge, Rose Taina Gachette, Jean Délino Gaspard, Glaude Japhet, Larissa Saskya Leroy, Djenika Mars, Paola Medjine Paul, Monestime Pierre Richard, Évains Wêche.
Book cover of Il concetto di nazionale in Antonio Gramsci ai tempi del compromesso storico
by Lino Alerci
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 9, 2017

Anni ’70, anni di feroci ideologismi e di duri scontri politico-culturali. Il PCI di Enrico Berlinguer è in forte espansione, sta portando avanti, un progetto politico strano per la cultura marxista: il compromesso storico, ovvero un’alleanza tra la componente comunista, quella cattolica e quella...
Book cover of Tutto sotto controllo
by Lino Milita
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 14, 2014

Che cosa accade quando la cultura e la società determinando la scissione tra mente e corpo, sono viste con l'occhio della loro figlia (la tecnica)? Che cosa accade quando la volontà tesa a perseguire obiettivi gestibili e riducibili in termini di efficacia, rivolge le sue armi verso se stessa? E...
Book cover of Sogni Sospesi
by Lino Milita
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 9, 2013

Poesie con immagini. Appuntamenti con le proprie promesse. Crediamo che i sogni di ognuno siano immagini e pensieri transitori che svaniscono nel battito di ciglia del risveglio, ma ritornano ogni notte e anche nella sospensione delle attività quotidiane. Variano e invertono trame, ma offrono nuovi...
Book cover of Reciproche rinascite
by Lino Milita
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 20, 2013

Le rinascite avvengono talvolta senza essere volute: traumatiche e imposte da eventi che obbligano a mutamenti radicali, meravigliose per qualcosa in più che la vita può offrire, oppure disperate per gli imprevisti che tutto tolgono, ad eccezione delle cupe visioni per il futuro. Fortuna...
Book cover of Mutual Rebirths
by Lino Milita
Language: English
Release Date: July 24, 2015

Rebirths occur sometimes spontaneausly, due to events which require radical changes, and they can be wonderful for what life can offer more, or they can cause desperation for unespected occurences contingencies that take away everything, except those dark visions the future. Fortune and engagement...
Book cover of The Quest for Glorious
by Lino Omoboni
Language: English
Release Date: May 7, 2019

Indulge yourself with the adventures in "the Quest for Glorious" by Lino Omoboni. It is the story of people united with a common cause to recover the freedom of their country that has been conquered by an enemy General who wants to force the Queen to marry him and create a bigger country...
Book cover of Sem perder a raiz

Sem perder a raiz

Corpo e cabelo como símbolos da identidade negra

by Nilma Lino Gomes
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: July 10, 2019

O cabelo é analisado na obra de Nilma Lino Gomes não apenas como parte integrante do corpo individual e biológico, mas, sobretudo, como corpo social e linguagem, como veículo de expressão e símbolo de resistência cultural. É nessa direção que a autora interpreta as ações e atividades desenvolvidas...
Book cover of Desafios da aprendizagem

Desafios da aprendizagem

Como as neurociências podem ajudar pais e professores

by Lino de Macedo, Rodrigo Affonseca Bressan
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 12, 2018

Como a aprendizagem acontece? Como as tecnologias atualmente disponíveis influenciam esse processo? Nesse livro, Lino de Macedo e Rodrigo Bressan procuram mostrar de que modo os estudos em neurociências podem lançar luz sobre vários aspectos do desenvolvimento de crianças e adolescentes na escola....
Book cover of How to Start a Mining Engineering Design Projects Business (Beginners Guide)

How to Start a Mining Engineering Design Projects Business (Beginners Guide)

How to Start a Mining Engineering Design Projects Business (Beginners Guide)

by Lino Borden
Language: English
Release Date: November 11, 2015

This publication will teach you the basics of how to start a Mining Engineering Design Projects Business. With step by step guides and instructions, you will not only have a better understanding, but gain valuable knowledge of how to start a Mining Engineering Design Projects Business
Book cover of Buceo en hielo

Buceo en hielo

Bajo el sudor Antártico

by Lino Nelson Argañaraz
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 9, 2014

Recuerdo las instrucciones en el Batallón de Ingenieros Anfibios 121 de buceo con traje seco, a orillas del Río Coronda, cuando la superficie estaba llena de camalotes. Ahora, que se terminó la invernada, aquella imagen contrasta con la experiencia del Buceo Bajo el Hielo que traemos de la Antártida,...
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