Luana: 63 books

Book cover of Galope comme le vent T01

Galope comme le vent T01

Un cheval pour Maëlys

by Roberta Pierpaoli, Luana Vergari
Language: French
Release Date: June 22, 2011

"Depuis le terrible accident survenu dans son enfance, Maëlys n’a plus jamais osé reprendre l’équitation. Lorsque ses parents déménagent, la jeune fille voit là l’occasion de refaire sa vie et d’oublier son cheval adoré, tué lors de la catastrophe. Bien sûr, elle n’avait pas...
Book cover of La prima indagine di Filippmarlowe. Omicidio nel golfo
by Luana Ravecca
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 6, 2019

Il Palio delle Borgate è l’avvenimento spezzino più atteso dell’anno, ma un misterioso delitto rischia di rovinare tutto. La polizia si affretta a chiudere l’accaduto come “un tentativo di rapina finito male”, ma Tony Costa, detective privato, non la pensa nello stesso modo. Tony verrà...
Book cover of Rock Soul - Brighton Dôme
by Paolo Campinoti, Luana Vergari
Language: French
Release Date: November 4, 2016

Après la mort de sa mère, la jeune Olivia part vivre avec son grand père qu’elle connait peu. Une nouvelle vie de famille qui s’annoncera difficile… Pour lui changer les idées, son grand-père lui propose de travailler dans son magasin de disques : le Pink Mellow. Un lundi après-midi, Olivia...
Book cover of Opposites: Hard and Soft
by Luana K. Mitten
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2013

Hard and soft are examples used to teach about opposites.
Book cover of Cerca y lejos (Near and Far:Location Words)
by Luana Mitten
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 1, 2013

Young children learn about "near" and "far" through simple sentences and illustrated repetitve text.
Book cover of ¿Cómo usan los animales…? (How Do Animals Use…?)
by Luana Mitten
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 1, 2013

Great photographs capture children’s attention as they read about different ways animals use their voices, ears, eyes, and mouths in this cute book.
Book cover of My Calendar: Months of the Year
by Luana K. Mitten
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2013

The months of the year are taught through engaging text and photos that symbolize each month.
Book cover of Arriba y debajo (Under and Over:Location Words)
by Luana Mitten
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 1, 2013

Young children learn about "over" and "under" through simple sentences and illustrated repetitive text.
Book cover of Mi calendario: Los días de la semana (My Calendar: Days of the Week)
by Luana K. Mitten
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 1, 2013

Teaches the concept of the days of the week using predictable text and matching photos.
Book cover of Rodear y atravesar (Around and Through:Location Words)
by Luana Mitten
Language: Spanish
Release Date: March 1, 2013

Young children learn about "around" and "through" with illustrated repetitive text and simple sentences.
Book cover of Galope comme le vent T02

Galope comme le vent T02

Un choix difficile

by Luana Vergari, Roberta Pierpaoli
Language: French
Release Date: May 23, 2012

Maëlys est folle de joie : elle et son cheval ont été sélectionnés pour concourir à Londres ! Évidemment, cette saleté d’Élise est aussi de la partie et est prête à tout pour déstabiliser Maëlys. La voici qui répand d’affreuses rumeurs sur les forums d’équitation ! Face à cela, Maëlys va devoir réagir, mais fera-t-elle vraiment le bon choix ?
Book cover of Galope comme le vent T03

Galope comme le vent T03

Une place pour deux

by Luana Vergari, Roberta Pierpaoli
Language: French
Release Date: August 21, 2013

"Dure période pour Maëlys. Alors qu’elle doit faire face au divorce de ses parents, un incendie détruit les écuries. Mais il en faudrait davantage pour l’empêcher de participer à son premier concours de saut d’obstacles avec son pur-sang Cheddar Soup ! Évidemment, cette peste d’Élise...
Book cover of Peek-a-Boo, Baby
by Luana Mitten
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2013

This enchanting book will capture the imagination of the very young child and the emergent reader as they discover how young animals play.
Book cover of My Calendar: Days of the Week
by Luana K. Mitten
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2013

The concept of the days of the week is taught using predictable text and matching photos.
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