Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo: 93 books

Book cover of Terror-istmo y Terror-ismo
by Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 1, 2016

En el fenómeno del terrorismo es donde mejor se puede apreciar la irracionalidad en la era contemporánea. Mediante la lógica de la doble negación, se fabrican constructos culturales con los cuales se justifica la violencia del terror. Mediante una lógica ambivalente, se fabrican Disensos para...
Book cover of Mierda: Símbolos y Significados
by Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 1, 2016

“MIERDA: Símbolos y Significados” es un estudio semiótico sobre la generación de símbolos y significados a partir de la gestión de los desechos corporales a cuatro niveles: Individual: enfocado en la fase anal del psicoanálisis y su organización del mundo con la asignación de significados...
Book cover of Del Donjuanismo al Vampirismo Sexual
by Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: October 1, 2015

DE DON JUAN AL VAMPIRISMO SEXUAL es un ensayo sobre el comportamiento amoroso de dos tipos de personas. Uno de ellos es Don Juan. La gente, que se ajusta a este tipo, se caracteriza por ser seductora con el lenguaje. Hablan de los atributos físicos de sus “víctimas” para controlarlas. Ellos...
Book cover of Leyenda: Cine sobre Símbolos
by Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 1, 2016

“Leyenda: Cine sobre Símbolos” es un estudio simbólico de la película Leyenda, del director Ridley Scott. Esta es quizá la única película sobre símbolos hecha hasta el momento. Otros directores han intentado hacerlo, pero sus símbolos terminan disueltos en las imágenes o en alegorías,...
Book cover of Jade Partido
by Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 1, 2016

El Jade Partido es considerado el símbolo del exilio de Confucio, cuando el ministro Ji, a nombre del rey del reino de Lu, le envía un jade partido al maestro. A partir de este momento, la vida del filósofo se parte en dos: el político y el educador. El jade partido simboliza al Confucio educador...
Book cover of The Age of Locust
by Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2016

THE AGE OF LOCUST is a cultural essay about locust invasions in Colombia during the twentieth century. The biblical plague was a scourge to agriculture. It caused a great economic impact. The task of combating it was a civic and government work. Several programs were launched by the State to definitively...
Book cover of Zombie Factor
by Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2016

ZOMBIE FACTOR is a study about the determinant factor of changing in people and society. In people are presented as indicative of a biological change in puberty. It is the transition from child to adult. In societies it occurs when human groups reach the top of the social organization and begins the...
Book cover of Socio-semantics of Amity
by Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2016

SOCIO-SEMANTICS OF AMITY is an essay, from the Socio-semantics, about amity. This is explored in its dimension of relationship between people, but also as a study tool to address the complexity of relations between peer groups, whether academic associations or bands to commit crimes. The study about...
Book cover of The Modern Concept of Communication
by Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2016

THE MODERN CONCEPT OF COMMUNICATION explores the meaning of this term in modernity. From the Philosophy of Language, developed by Karl-Otto Apel, progress towards a conception beyond a technical definition, and then, we define the communication to consider human factors, which they were left out of the...
Book cover of Is There Anybody Out The Wall?
by Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2016

IS THERE ANYBODY OUT THE WALL? is an analysis of the movie “Pink Floyd The Wall”. For this study, it is considered the film as revolving around two basic questions: “Is there anybody out there?” and “Is there anybody in there?” With the first starts this process of interpretation. And with...
Book cover of ¿Hay Alguien Afuera del Muro?
by Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 1, 2016

¿HAY ALGUIEN AFUERA DEL MURO? es un análisis de la película “Pink Floyd The Wall”. Para este estudio, se considera, la película gira en torno de dos preguntas básicas: ¿Hay alguien allá afuera? Y ¿Hay alguien allá adentro? Con la primera comienza este proceso de interpretación. Y con...
Book cover of From Don Juan to Sexual Vampirism
by Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2015

From Don Juan to Sexual Vampirism, it is an essay on the amorous behavior of two types of people. One of them is Don Juan. People, who fit this type, are characterized by being seductive with language. They talk about the physical attributes of their "victim" to control it. They after conquering the...
Book cover of I Want to Fly
by Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2015

“I Want to Fly”, is a short novel. It tells the story of a peasant woman who accidentally discovers she has the ability to be a witch. At first she refuses to admit it. Then, the circumstances of life, takes her to want to be a witch. She performs the ritual to fly. Since then, her life changed....
Book cover of Alfarero de Cuentos
by Luis Carlos Molina Acevedo
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 1, 2015

Alfarero de Cuentos, emerge del mundo joven. En una ciudad asfixiante llena de riesgos. El asfalto aprisiona el alma. Cualquier escape es bueno. Sustancias extrañas invaden los cuerpos. La realidad es insoportable. Hay nuevos mundos imaginarios para explorar. Madres y padres se escandalizan. Es la...
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