Luther: 406 books

Book cover of Luther to go

Luther to go

Ein trefflich Wort

by Martin Luther
Language: German
Release Date: April 11, 2016

Bekanntlich empfahl Luther, dem Volk aufs Maul zu schauen - und hielt es selber so. Eindringlich bildhaft, reich an sprichwörtlichen Redensarten, wohlklingend und vielfältig abgestuft ist seine Sprache. Und weil dem Mönch nichts Menschliches fremd war, finden sich in dieser Sammlung Zitate zu Wein,...
Book cover of Ausgewählte Kirchenlieder von Martin Luther

Ausgewählte Kirchenlieder von Martin Luther

Ach Gott, vom Himmel sieh darein + Nun bitten wir den Heiligen Geist + Dies sind die heilgen zehn Gebot Vom Himmel kam der Engel Schar + Es spricht der Unweisen Mund...

by Martin Luther
Language: German
Release Date: August 17, 2017

Dieses eBook wurde mit einem funktionalen Layout erstellt und sorgfältig formatiert. Die Ausgabe ist mit interaktiven Inhalt und Begleitinformationen versehen, einfach zu navigieren und gut gegliedert. Martin Luther (1483-1546) war der theologische Urheber der Reformation. Als zu den Augustiner-Eremiten...
Book cover of Treatise on Good Works Luther
by Martin Luther
Language: English
Release Date: January 5, 2012

Luthers transformational idea of justification by faith alone was often misunderstood and misrepresented in the early years of the Reformation. In 1520, with his Wittenberg congregation in mind, Luther set out to clarify the biblical foundation of good works. In doing so he recast the very definitions of sacred and secular both for his own generation and ours.
Book cover of Concerning Christian Liberty
by Martin Luther
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2012

Martin Luther's treatise Concerning Christian Liberty is one of the most powerful and concise presentations of the Christian life ever written - a true gem among Reformation writings. Here you will find the essence of Reformation spirituality distilled into a guide for practical, biblical living....
Book cover of The Bondage of the Will
by Martin Luther
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Written in 1525 in response to the writings of Erasmus, "The Bondage of the Will" conveys Luther's beliefs on the issue of free will during the Protestant Reformation. Because of the fall of man, he debates with Erasmus on whether or not human beings are free to decide on good or evil. He asserts in...
Book cover of Ich erhalte Deinen Brief: Ausgewählte Liebesbriefe aus den Federn berühmter Männer
by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Michelangelo, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Language: German
Release Date: June 1, 2015

Dieses eBook: "Ich erhalte Deinen Brief: Liebesbriefe aus den Federn berühmter Männer" ist mit einem detaillierten und dynamischen Inhaltsverzeichnis versehen und wurde sorgfältig korrekturgelesen. Inhalt: Ist es möglich, meine Liebe (Gotthold Ephraim Lessing) Ich wollte (Michelangelo...
Book cover of Disputation on the Power of Indulgences
by Martin Luther
Language: English
Release Date: April 2, 2018

The Ninety-five Theses or Disputation on the Power of Indulgences are a list of propositions for an academic disputation written in 1517 by Martin Luther, professor of moral theology at the University of Wittenberg, Germany, that started the Reformation, a schism in the Catholic Church which profoundly...
Book cover of Martin Luther's 95 Theses
by Martin Luther
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Book cover of I Have a Dream
by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2012

From Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s daughter, Dr. Bernice A. King: “My father’s dream continues to live on from generation to generation, and this beautiful and powerful illustrated edition of his world-changing "I Have a Dream" speech brings his inspiring message of freedom, equality,...
Book cover of An Open Letter on Translating
by Martin Luther
Language: English
Release Date: December 5, 2018

Martin Luther is called upon to defend his translations of the Bible, and he does so with his usual bombastic flair; however, he makes many excellent points concerning how translations work which are extremely helpful and insightful. A fun little read, tackling several issues at once. Luther...
Book cover of Stride Toward Freedom

Stride Toward Freedom

The Montgomery Story

by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2010

The classic story of nonviolent resistance in America—the Montgomery bus boycott—written by Martin Luther King, Jr. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s account of the first successful large-scale application of nonviolent resistance in America is comprehensive, revelatory, and intimate. King...
Book cover of A Perfect Fit
by Luther Wright, Karen Hunter
Language: English
Release Date: November 23, 2010

FORMER NBA STAR LUTHER WRIGHT SHARES HIS HARROWING AND UPLIFTING JOURNEY OF FINDING GOD—AND HIMSELF—WHEN HE HAD NOTHING LEFT TO LOSE. Luther Wright had the life hoop dreams are made of. A first-round NBA draft pick for the Utah Jazz, he was a rookie on a team with basketball legends Karl...
Book cover of Les 95 Thèses
by Martin Luther
Language: French
Release Date: August 19, 2013

Ce livre est parfaitement mis en page pour une lecture sur Kobo. La diffusion de la Dispute de Martin Luther sur la puissance des indulgences (titre latin Disputatio pro declaratione virtutis indulgentiarum), plus connue comme les Quatre-vingt-quinze thèses, a déclenché la Réforme en Allemagne....
Book cover of Les 95 Thèses
by Martin Luther
Language: French
Release Date: October 31, 2016

Extrait :  == Préambule : == Par amour pour la vérité et dans le but de la préciser, les thèses suivantes seront soutenues à Wittemberg,  sous la présidence du Révérend Père Martin LUTHER, ermite augustin, maître ès Arts, docteur et lecteur de  la Sainte Théologie. Celui-ci...
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