M Ch: 21 books

Book cover of Poets and Prophets of the Resistance

Poets and Prophets of the Resistance

Intellectuals and the Origins of El Salvador's Civil War

by Joaquín M. Chávez
Language: English
Release Date: January 25, 2017

Poets and Prophets of the Resistance offers a ground-up history and fresh interpretation of the polarization and mobilization that brought El Salvador to the eve of civil war in 1980. Challenging the dominant narrative that university students and political dissidents primarily formed the Salvadoran...
Book cover of Imaniman


Poets Writing in the Anzaldúan Borderlands

by ire'ne lara silva, Rodney Gomez, Daniel E. Solís y Martínez
Language: English
Release Date: August 10, 2017

In homage to Gloria Anzaldúa and her iconic work Borderlands/La Frontera, award-winning poets ire'ne lara silva and Dan Vera have assembled the work of 54 writers who reflect on the complex terrain—the deeply felt psychic, social, and geopolitical borderlands—that Anzaldúa inhabited, theorized,...
Book cover of Frailty and Valour

Frailty and Valour

Anamika Fights Back

by Vidya Bhushan Singh, M.Sc., Dr. Sudhir Singh
Language: English
Release Date: January 4, 2018

From Anamika’s diary, intuitive Prashant reflectively recreated flashbacks of the intriguing revelations of Pandey Niwas’s environs and Anamika’s life from innocent childhood to adolescence. A vivid vista is created with the inextricably intertwined episodes of - The banishment of Sanjay who...
Book cover of Treatment of Mutilating Hand Injuries: An International Perspective, An Issue of Hand Clinics, E-Book
by S. Raja Sabapathy, MS, M.Ch
Language: English
Release Date: October 7, 2016

Mutilated hand injuries are one of the most challenging reconstruction problems than can confront hand surgeons. This issue will cover outcome and functional measurement in mutilating hand injuries; skin coverage considerations in a mutilating hand injury; reconstruction of major degloving injuries...
Book cover of Sorcières et démons (15e-17e s.)
by M.D. Bailey, C. Chène, B. Delaurenti
Language: French
Release Date: November 29, 2016

Avant-propos, A. Paravicini Bagliani. M. Ostorero, Décrire le sabbat: les textes des années 1430-1440 - M. Ostorero, Aperçu de la démonologie chrétienne - M. Montesano, Le rôle de la culture classique dans la définition des «maleficia». Une démonologie alternative? - B. Delaurenti, La sorcière...
Book cover of Border Rhetorics

Border Rhetorics

Citizenship and Identity on the US-Mexico Frontier

by Bernadette Marie Calafell, Karma R. Chávez, Josue David Cisneros
Language: English
Release Date: August 25, 2012

Border Rhetorics is a collection of essays that undertakes a wide-ranging examination of the US-Mexico border as it functions in the rhetorical production of civic unity in the United States. A “border” is a powerful and versatile concept, variously invoked as the delineation of geographical...
Book cover of Historias para sentir
by Óscar Martínez Vélez, Mónica Lavín Moroto, Ricardo Chávez Castañeda
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 15, 2015

En "Historias para sentir" los cinco sentidos son los protagonistas. Déjate saturar por los olores, visiones, sonidos, sabores y sensaciones que desfilan en ellas; renueva la manera en la que percibes el mundo, quizá te ayuda a afinar los sentidos para percibir con mayor agudeza o para...
Book cover of Gulf of Mexico Origin, Waters, and Biota

Gulf of Mexico Origin, Waters, and Biota

Volume 4, Ecosystem-Based Management

by Hector Alafita Vásquez, Mr. William W. Arzapalo, Donald M. Baltz
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2013

The fourth volume in the Harte Research Institute’s landmark scientific series on the Gulf of Mexico provides a comprehensive study of ecosystem-based management, analyzing key coastal ecosystems in eleven Gulf Coast states from Florida to Quintana Roo and presenting case studies in which this integrated...
Book cover of TRANS


Exploring Gender Identity and Gender Dysphoria

by Andrew Ives, M.B., CHB
Language: English
Release Date: February 6, 2018

What is gender dysphoria? How does it affect people? What do terms like intersex, cisgender and transsexualism mean? This book, the first of its kind, presents an easy-to-read, jargon-free guide to help anyone understand the terminology, the concept and the day-to-day reality of gender dysphoria and...
Book cover of Crisis economica y politica antiinmigrante

Crisis economica y politica antiinmigrante

Efectos en familias mixtas en Estados Unidos y México

by Gloria Valdéz, Alvaro Bracamonte, Miguel Vázquez
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 27, 2018

La crisis económica y la política antiinmigrante repercuten en las familias de estatus migratorio mixto en Estados Unidos. La recesión afecta la actividad laboral, y cientos de personas regresan a México, donde su incorporación al sistema laboral y educativo es un desafío. Este libro incluye...
Book cover of Latina/o Discourse in Vernacular Spaces
by Claudia Anguiano, Roberto Avant-Mier, Lisa B. Y. Calvente
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2011

Taking up the charge to study discourses of marginalized groups, while simultaneously extending scholarship about Latina/os in the field of Communication, Latina/o Discourse in Vernacular Spaces: Somos de Una Voz? provides the most current work examining the vernacular voices of Latina/os. The editors...
Book cover of Guanajuato


Historia breve

by Mónica Blanco, Alma Parra, Ethelia Ruiz Medrano
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 1, 2012

Ensayo histórico que analiza los momentos sociales, políticos y religiosos más importantes del estado de Guanajuato desde la época prehispánica, dando cuenta de la riqueza cultural de sus primeros pobladores, pasando por la época de la Conquista y dar cuenta del auge económico de la localidad,...
Book cover of Tíz igaz történet 3.
by Dunajcsik Mátyás, András Forgách, Schein Gábor
Language: Hungarian
Release Date: June 8, 2017

Ez a kötet tíz jogsértés áldozatának történetét mutatja be. Az áldozatokat az Amnesty International lelkiismereti foglyoknak tekinti, rajtuk keresztül próbálja felhívni a figyelmet rendszerszintű jogsértésekre, és hétköznapi embereket mozgósítva javulást elérni az ügyükben....
Book cover of A Haunting of Words

A Haunting of Words

30 Short Stories

by Brian Paone, DW Vogel, Virginia Carraway Stark
Language: English
Release Date: May 4, 2017

From Scout Media comes A Haunting of Words—the third volume in an ongoing short story anthology series featuring authors from all over the world. In this installation, the reader will experience a multi-genre journey beyond traditional haunts; from comedy, to drama, fantasy, romance, and...
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