M J Payne: 7 books

Book cover of The Remembered Self

The Remembered Self

A Journey into the Heart of the Beast

by M.J. Payne
Language: English
Release Date: June 27, 2017

Based on a true story that begins in rural Northern California, a small girl grapples with a psychopathic father who abuses her himself and traffics her to a pedophile ring centered in a mansion riddled with secret rooms. The father participates in punishment rituals at nonpaying clients and lives...
Book cover of Achieving sustainable cultivation of grain legumes Volume 2

Achieving sustainable cultivation of grain legumes Volume 2

Improving cultivation of particular grain legumes

by Prof. James D. Kelly, Dr John O. Ojiem, Prof. William Erskine
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2018

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Book cover of Dragon Writers

Dragon Writers

An Anthology

by Lisa Mangum, James A. Owen, Jody Lynn Nye
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2016

Dragons are creatures of legend. Of magic. Of wisdom, nature, and the power of creation. They have been in every culture and mythology since the beginning of time. Writers are creatures of legend. With magic, wisdom, and the power of creation at their fingertips. They, too, are in every culture...
Book cover of Here Be Dragons
by John D. Payne, Lisa Mangum, A. L. Butcher
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2018

They stalk our myths and hunt our past—dragons—humankind’s greatest and oldest foe. Good, bad, legendary and deadly. Dare you enter the dragon’s lair? Thirteen tales of dragons, their friends and their foes. # Table of Contents "The Crown and the Dragon" by John...
Book cover of A Game of Horns

A Game of Horns

A Red Unicorn Anthology

by Lisa Mangum, David Farland, Jody Lynn Nye
Language: English
Release Date: September 27, 2015

Red. The color of blood, of war, of passion—and of a new unicorn herd. A Game of Horns: A Red Unicorn Anthology has gathered 21 original stories about red unicorns from famous and soon-to-be-famous authors, including New York Times best-selling authors Jody Lynn Nye and David Farland. Some...
Book cover of More Language Arts, Math, and Science for Students with Severe Disabilities
by Lynn Ahlgrim-Delzell Ph.D., Stephanie Al Otaiba Ph.D., Jill Allor
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2015

How can today’s educators teach academic content to students with moderate and severe developmental disabilities—while helping all students meet Common Core State Standards? This text has answers for K-12 teachers, straight from 37 experts in special and general education. A followup...
Book cover of 教孩子跟情緒做朋友:不是孩子不乖,而是他的左右腦處於分裂狀態!(0~12歲的全腦情緒教養法)
by 丹尼爾.席格(Daniel J. Siegel, M.D.),蒂娜.布萊森(Tina Payne Bryson, Ph.D.)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 18, 2017

**★父母必讀,**腦科學教養經典代表作★ 你教養的方式,決定孩子大腦的發展 跟著腦神經權威╳兒童發展專家**,輕鬆學會12個腦科學教養大關鍵** 12****歲前教會孩子整理情緒右腦,連結理性左腦, 完成全腦均衡發展,成為創意理智兼備的孩子。 ◎****教孩子學會跟情緒好好相處,是父母給孩子最好的生命禮物 孩子吵著要買玩具,賴在地上怎麼勸也不肯走? 跟孩子說不到兩句話就吵架,怎麼講都講不聽? 當孩子的情緒亮紅燈,表示他的左右腦跟上下腦都處於分裂狀態! 教孩子學會運用左腦安撫情緒,鍛鍊上層大腦、培養同理心,用運動改造大腦、化解怒氣。 整合上、下、左、右腦,孩子就能正確處理情緒,變得更加明理懂事,更有能力創造出美好的未來。 **◎光講理還不夠,要先同理孩子的情緒,**再理性引導 美國腦神經權威和知名兒童發展專家,結合最新腦科學、兒童發展心理學與臨床個案經驗, 提出整合左右腦的「全腦情緒教養法」,...
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