M Kaufmann: 14 books

Book cover of The Urban Voter

The Urban Voter

Group Conflict and Mayoral Voting Behavior in American Cities

by Karen M. Kaufmann
Language: English
Release Date: May 25, 2010

Karen Kaufmann's groundbreaking study shows that perceptions of interracial conflict can cause voters in local elections to focus on race, rather than party attachments or political ideologies. Using public opinion data to examine mayoral elections in New York and Los Angeles over the past 35 years,...
Book cover of Socialism and Modern Thought
by M. Kaufmann
Language: English
Release Date: February 12, 2016

Originally published in 1895, this title provides fascinating insights into the development of socialism in the decades prior to the explosion of 20th century socialist revolutions. Kaufmann examines the influences of Christian ideas and European society on socialism to give a fuller picture of the...
Book cover of Unconventional Wisdom

Unconventional Wisdom

Facts and Myths About American Voters

by Karen M. Kaufmann, John R. Petrocik, Daron R. Shaw
Language: English
Release Date: June 5, 2008

Late deciders go for the challenger; turnout helps the Democrats; the gender gap results from a surge in Democratic preference among women--these and many other myths are standard fare among average citizens, political pundits, and even some academics. But are these conventional wisdoms--familiar...
Book cover of Ann Rule Presents– Final Exams: True Crime Cases from Cyril Wecht
by Cyril H. Wecht, M.D., J.D.
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2013

Final Exams features four fascinating true crime cases from the files of Cyril H. Wecht, M.D., J.D., one of America’s most respected forensic pathologists.  Coauthored by crime writer Dawna Kaufmann, Final Exams explores both the technical and the human side of murder.   From the...
Book cover of Von Achtsamkeit bis Zuversicht

Von Achtsamkeit bis Zuversicht

ABC des guten Lebens

by Gerd B. Achenbach, Prof. Regina Ammicht Quinn, Gottfried Bachl
Language: German
Release Date: February 20, 2017

Was ist ein gutes Leben? Was macht mein Leben einfacher, ohne es einzuschränken? Was tut mir gut, aber gleichzeitig auch anderen? Es sind bestimmte Werte, die sich in einer Einstellung, aber auch im Verhalten, im Tun ausdrücken. Welche das sein könnten, zeigt dieses Buch mit Themen wie Achtsamkeit...
Book cover of New Media and Digital Pedagogy

New Media and Digital Pedagogy

Enhancing the Twenty-First-Century Classroom

by Shawn Apostel, Marjorie M. Buckner, Russell Carpenter
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2017

New Media and Digital Pedagogy: Enhancing the Twenty-First-Century Classroom addresses the influence of new media on instruction, higher education, and pedagogy. The contributors specifically examine the practical and theoretical implications of new media and the influence of new media on education....
Book cover of Judaism Online

Judaism Online

Confronting Spirituality on the Internet

by Susan M. Zakar, Dovid Y. B. Kaufmann
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 1998

Through conversation, journal entries, and actual e-mail dialogue, Judaism Online: Confronting Spirituality on the Internet tells the true story of one woman’s remarkable spiritual journey. In her search for fulfillment and meaning, Susan M. Zakar moved from fundamentalist Christianity to Conservative...
Book cover of Psychotherapy in the Wake of War

Psychotherapy in the Wake of War

Discovering Multiple Psychoanalytic Traditions

by Robert S. Wallerstein, Theodore Jacobs, Susan Loden
Language: English
Release Date: September 5, 2013

Psychotherapy in the Wake of War presents the ways in which differing views of various psychoanalytic schools and traditions—spanning developments for more than one hundred years—may affect theoretical and technical issues in psychoanalytic treatments. Colleagues representing different traditions...
Book cover of Transformative Student Experiences in Higher Education

Transformative Student Experiences in Higher Education

Meeting the Needs of the Twenty-First Century Student and Modern Workplace

by Shawn Apostel, Mary Z. Ashlock, Carolyn Baum
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2018

Transformative Student Experiences in Higher Education: Meeting the Needs of the 21st Century Student and Modern Workplace presents a thorough consideration of the role, use, and implications of transformative and active instructional strategies in higher education. It examines the changing landscape...
Book cover of Sinne


Short-Story Pocket-Book

by Kornelia Schmid, Irene Schwingenschlögl, Hermann Bauer
Language: German
Release Date: April 30, 2019

Der Mensch wird von seinen Sinnen geleitet. Alles, was wir aufnehmen fühlen, schmecken, riechen, sehen und hören wir. Doch oft bringen die Erinnerungen daran so manche Geschichte ans Tageslicht, wovon wir hier in diesem Büchlein deren einige erzählen. Wir wünschen viel Lesevergnügen im Reich...
Book cover of The Guinea-Pig Placenta
by P. Kaufmann, M. Davidoff
Language: English
Release Date: December 6, 2012

Book cover of El Derecho humano al desarrollo
by Mª Isabel Garrido Gómez, Eba Armendáriz Echaniz, Rafael de Asís Roig
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 19, 2013

Desde que en el año 1986 se aprobara por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas la Declaración sobre el derecho al desarrollo, se ha seguido profundizando en su protección y el debate en torno a algunos de sus aspectos ha sido intenso. Así las cosas, unos lo consideran un derecho autónomo...
Book cover of Das Memorandum
by Gregor Maria Hoff, Hans Joas, Walter Kasper
Language: German
Release Date: August 10, 2011

Das Memorandum "Kirche 2011: Ein notwendiger Aufbruch" von katholischen Theologieprofessorinnen und -professoren hat kontroverse Reaktionen hervorgerufen. Der Band versammelt Unterzeichner und Nichtunterzeichner, die ihre Zustimmung bzw. Ablehnung in persönlichen Beiträgen theologisch...
Book cover of Theater - Zettel - Sammlungen

Theater - Zettel - Sammlungen

Erschließung, Digitalisierung, Forschung

by Paul S. Ulrich, Silvia Freudenthaler, Gertrude Cepl-Kaufmann
Language: German
Release Date: November 11, 2012

Theaterzettel sind, sofern es sich um Ankündigungen berühmter Opern- und Theateraufführungen handelt, beliebte Ausstellungsstücke, und für die Spielplanforschung seit jeher eine bedeutende Quelle. In den letzten Jahren hat das Interesse an Theaterzetteln in auffälliger Weise zugenommen: Die...
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