M Thomas: 903 books

Book cover of Dynamical Astrochemistry
by David A Williams, Thomas W Hartquist, Jonathan M C Rawlings
Language: English
Release Date: December 13, 2017

Astrochemistry is a well-established interdisciplinary subject and the methods for describing time-dependent chemistry in static or slowly-changing regions of interstellar space have been well-developed over many years. Existing astrochemical books normally describe the subject in terms of chemistry...
Book cover of Central Asian Militancy

Central Asian Militancy

A Primary Source Examination

by Duncan Fitz, Thomas M. Sanderson, Sung In Marshall
Language: English
Release Date: June 13, 2014

As Western forces withdraw from Afghanistan, the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) and the Islamic Jihad Union (IJU) could become more dangerous to Western and Afghan interests. Both groups are active in the Afghanistan-Pakistan theater and may use northern Afghanistan as a springboard for extending...
Book cover of Nathan der Weise. Königs Erläuterungen.

Nathan der Weise. Königs Erläuterungen.

Textanalyse und Interpretation mit ausführlicher Inhaltsangabe und Abituraufgaben mit Lösungen

by Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Thomas Möbius
Language: German
Release Date: August 30, 2013

Königs Erläuterung zu Nathan der Weise von Gotthold Ephraim Lessing - Textanalyse und Interpretation mit ausführlicher Inhaltsangabe und Abituraufgaben. In einem Band bieten dir die neuen Königs Erläuterungen alles, was du zur Vorbereitung auf Referat, Klausur, Abitur oder Matura benötigst....
Book cover of Frühlings Erwachen von Frank Wedekind.

Frühlings Erwachen von Frank Wedekind.

Textanalyse und Interpretation mit ausführlicher Inhaltsangabe und Abituraufgaben mit Lösungen

by Frank Wedekind, Thomas Möbius
Language: German
Release Date: August 30, 2013

Königs Erläuterungen – Textanalyse und Interpretation mit ausführlicher Inhaltsangabe und Abituraufgaben In einem Band bieten dir die neuen Königs Erläuterungen alles, was du zur Vorbereitung auf Referat, Klausur, Abitur oder Matura benötigst. Das spart Zeit bei der Vorbereitung! Alle wichtigen...
Book cover of Anthracite's Demise and the Post-Coal Economy of Northeastern Pennsylvania
by Thomas Keil, Jacqueline M. Keil
Language: English
Release Date: December 11, 2014

Examining the anthracite coal trade's emergence and legacy in the five counties that constituted the core of the industry, the authors explain the split in the modes of production between entrepreneurial production and corporate production and the consequences of each for the two major anthracite...
Book cover of Cultural Resources Archaeology
by Thomas W. Neumann, Robert M. Sanford, Karen G. Harry
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2010

Most students who pursue a career in archaeology will find employment in cultural resource management (CRM), rather than in academia or traditional fieldwork. It is CRM, the protection and preservation of archaeological and other resources, that offers the jobs and provides the funding. Few textbooks,...
Book cover of La historia económica de América Latina desde la Independencia
by Victor Bulmer-Thomas, Mónica Utrilla de Neira
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 12, 2017

Repasa los puntos fundamentales respecto a los distintos modelos de crecimiento implantados en América Latina y, al mismo tiempo, revisa la diversidad de contextos sociológicos que pueden explicar las distintas trayectorias de los ámbitos político e industrial de los siglos XIX a inicios del XXI.
Book cover of The Talisman Matrix
by Thomas M. Feeney
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2013

In an antique store in a city called New York on the world Terranova, a man and a woman discover a collection of extraordinary objects that open the way to worlds and adventures that they could never have imagined. Spanning time and space and alternating between the three worlds of an unusual universe...
Book cover of Urbanormativity


Reality, Representation, and Everyday Life

by Gregory M. Fulkerson, Alexander R. Thomas
Language: English
Release Date: August 2, 2019

This book investigates *urbanormativity—*a concept that privileges urban normalcy and desirability over rural deviance and undesirability. The “reality” section outlines its foundations—urbanization, urban-rural systems, and urban dependency. The “representation” section explores urbanormative...
Book cover of Mindfulness in psicoterapia

Mindfulness in psicoterapia

Tecniche integrate

by Thomas Pedulla, Ronald D. Siegel, Susan M. Pollak
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 23, 2015

Negli ultimi dieci anni, tra i professionisti della salute mentale, è esploso l’interesse per la meditazione mindfulness. Non solo la mindfulness ha trovato un posto nella psicoterapia tradizionale, ma attualmente è l’area della pratica clinica che si sta sviluppando con maggior rapidità. Molti...
Book cover of Community Acquired Pneumonia: Controversies and Questions, an Issue of Infectious Disease Clinics - E-Book
by Thomas M. File, Jr., MD
Language: English
Release Date: February 27, 2013

Pneumonia is the leading cause of death due to infectious disease. This issue of Infectious Disease Clinics, guest edited by Tom File, focuses on the controversies and questions surrounding community-acquired pneumonia, including the potential benefits of identifying biomarkers for management of CAP...
Book cover of The Lost History of Peter the Patrician

The Lost History of Peter the Patrician

An Account of Rome’s Imperial Past from the Age of Justinian

by Thomas M. Banchich
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2015

The Lost History of Peter the Patrician is an annotated translation from the Greek of the fragments of Peter’s History, including additional fragments which are now more often considered the work of the Roman historian Cassius Dio's so-called Anonymous Continuer. Banchich’s annotation helps...
Book cover of Kunststück Gesundheitsverhalten

Kunststück Gesundheitsverhalten

Körperliche Aktivität und das Un[ter]bewusstsein

by Thomas Münch
Language: German
Release Date: June 25, 2013

Die „moderne Welt“ befreit von jeglicher körperlichen Belastung. Vieles ist einfacher und anscheinend besser geworden. Tatsächlich ist dies jedoch ein Trugschluss. Zahlreiche Krankheitsbilder lassen sich auf den Mangel an Bewegung zurückführen. Ausgehend von dem Problem einer „Gesellschaft...
Book cover of Reden an die Abiturienten (1999-2015)
by Wilhelm Genazino, Birgit Vanderbeke, Herta Müller
Language: German
Release Date: December 20, 2016

Renommierte deutschsprachige Autoren halten seit 1999 zum Ende eines jeden Schuljahres Reden an und für die Abiturienten im Saarland – oft mit Ratschlägen und Empfehlungen, manchmal mit Warnungen oder Mahnungen, mitunter wurde auch kritisiert, gar geschimpft. Und manchmal schauten sie auch bloß...
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