Ma: 1013 books

Book cover of Medically Complex Patients, An Issue of Anesthesiology Clinics, E-Book
by Robert B. Schonberger, MD, MA
Language: English
Release Date: November 7, 2016

This issue of Anesthesiology Clinics covers Medically Complex Patients. Topics: The Anesthesia Patient with Concomitant Cardiac and Pulmonary Disease; Anesthesia for the Patient with Concomitant Hepatic and Renal Impairment; Anesthesia for Patients with Concomitant Cardiac and Hematologic Disorders;...
Book cover of Praktischer Wegweiser für die Weltwirtschaftskrise - Band V

Praktischer Wegweiser für die Weltwirtschaftskrise - Band V

Antworten zu 110 weiteren Fragen zur wahrscheinlichen DM-II-Währungsreform

by Robert Klíma, Renate Klíma
Language: German
Release Date: July 23, 2013

In 110 FAQs gehen die Autoren individuell und politisch relevanten Bereichen nach, die von der Frage nach der Arbeitseffizienz von währungsreform-traumatisiertem Bankpersonal, den abgestimmten Vorbereitungen der Bundesbank, einer „Grace Period“ bei Überweisungen, einer sozialen Abstufung des Geldumtausches,...
Book cover of Praktischer Wegweiser für die Weltwirtschaftskrise - Band III

Praktischer Wegweiser für die Weltwirtschaftskrise - Band III

Fakten und Ratschläge zu der wahrscheinlichen DM-II-Währungsreform

by Renate Klíma, Robert Klíma
Language: German
Release Date: April 25, 2013

Der dritte Band des Krisenratgebers „Praktischer Wegweiser für die Weltwirtschaftskrise. Fakten und Ratschläge für die wahrscheinliche DM-II-Währungsreform“ beschäftigt sich mit dem Thema Währungsreform, das angesichts des drohenden Zerfalls der Euro-Währungsunion immer aktueller wird. Im...
Book cover of Kerr; Viking Sex Lord
by MA Mack
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2015

Kerr, Viking Sex Lord. As leader of the Sathan Viking clan, Kerr carried his title proudly, blatantly plundering the vast English coast with his fellow clansmen taking what he wanted when he pleased. As leader of the bloodline he prided himself on his incestful heritage and enslaving women for growing...
Book cover of The Naughty Tomboy
by MA Mack
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2015

When doctor Crager took the beautiful girl Jesse in as his new patient, he wasn't prepared for her wild sexual past, as she playfully unfolded her sex hungry history to him seeming to enjoy his discomfort as she confessed in detail her experiences and fantasies to him; slowly taking the dominant lead as he sat stunned sending his mind into a sexual world that few men can imagine.
Book cover of Clinical Pharmacology - E-Book
by Morris J. Brown, MA MSc FRCP FAHA FBPharmacolS FMedSci, Pankaj Sharma
Language: English
Release Date: March 22, 2018

‘The very last thing a drug regulator wishes to be able to say is, like Lord Byron (1788-1824), on the publication of his poem Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage, ‘I awoke one morning and found myself famous.’ The twelfth edition of this long-established textbook of clinical pharmacology (first...
Book cover of Anthology
by Mo Yuen Ma
Language: English
Release Date: January 23, 2006

Afterward This anthology in English and another one in both Chinese and English were finished in November 2000, I made some printed copies with my HP DeskJet 500 and with my hands put them together to form five tiny books for each. For a long times I could not find a publisher that would print...
Book cover of Jednoaktówki
by Małgorzata Chaładus
Language: Polish
Release Date: July 22, 2014

"Spotykałam się często z twierdzeniem, że czytelnicy wolą powieść na co najmniej 200 stron od krótkiej formy opowiadania" mówi Pani Małgorzata Chaładus.Jednoaktówka jest rodzajem teatralnej noweli. Składa się z krótkich i zwięzłych form, przypominających opowiadanie. Nie...
Book cover of Humor, satyra
by Małgorzata Chaładus
Language: Polish
Release Date: April 11, 2014

Chyba w każdym z nas drzemie prześmiewca, a pośmiać się można właściwie ze wszystkiego. Nie zapominając o sobie. Na kilka lat przed emeryturą zostałam bezrobotna. Mój zakład pracy przeniósł się w ramach globalizacji w tańsze rejony świata. Miałam więc okazję korzystać z „pomocy”...
Book cover of Vers un Monde de Non-Souffrance
by Maître Saint-Germain & Marlice D'Allance
Language: French
Release Date: May 13, 2013

Ces messages de Maître Saint-Germain nous disent : "Je vous assure que, dans tout cet univers, on n'a jamais connu un temps pareil. Le Pouvoir Suprême, l'Univers, le Père a décrété que la Terre recevrait, en quelques années, toute la mesure de Lumière Divine dont elle a été privée depuis très longtemps, afin de lui permettre d'ascensionner de la 3e à la 5e dimension".
Book cover of Macleod's Clinical Diagnosis E-Book
by Alan G Japp, MBChB(Hons), BSc(Hons)
Language: English
Release Date: December 23, 2017

Macleod’s Clinical Diagnosis demonstrates how to apply the core clinical skills learned from the companion textbook Macleod’s Clinical Examination to maximum advantage. Charting the course from routine work-up to diagnosis, this book presents a modern and realistic approach to clinical assessment...
Book cover of No Waste

No Waste

Managing Sustainability in Construction

by Uly Ma
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2017

Sustainability is a critical issue for the construction industry. In the short term, sustainability is often seen as a 'must do' item. In the longer term, all contractors will be seeing it as a source of competitive advantage. Public sector construction, infrastructure and other large projects such...
Book cover of Journal de bord de la Planète
by Les Maîtres Du Concile & Pascale Arcan
Language: French
Release Date: May 13, 2013

Dans cet ouvrage, l’auteure transmet le message des Maîtres du Concile et vous parle de fusion interplanétaire, de chant d’amour, de communion parfaite avec le Tout, de joie immense, de bonheur sans fin, de réussite du plan cosmique, comme cela a toujours été, comme cela le sera toujours lorsque la beauté de ce que vous êtes sera présente sur le lieu des métamorphoses.
Book cover of Le Parti communiste français des années sombres (1938-1941)
by Centre de recherches sur l'histoire des mouvements sociaux et du syndicalisme, Fondation nationale des sciences politiques, Institut d'histoire du temps présent
Language: French
Release Date: January 1, 1986

L'attitude du parti communiste français au début de la dernière guerre, et spécialement jusqu'à la fin de 1941, a été un des thèmes constants de polémique. Pour le Parti, c'était un des boulets les plus lourds et les plus difficiles à traîner de toute son histoire. Les faits sont désormais...
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