Ma: 1013 books

Book cover of Automatic Generation of Combinatorial Test Data
by Jian Zhang, Zhiqiang Zhang, Feifei Ma
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2014

This book reviews the state-of-the-art in combinatorial testing, with particular emphasis on the automatic generation of test data. It describes the most commonly used approaches in this area - including algebraic construction, greedy methods, evolutionary computation, constraint solving and optimization...
Book cover of Problems of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry
by JM Andrade-Garda, A Carlosena-Zubieta, MP Gómez-Carracedo;MA Maestro-Saavedra;MC Prieto-Blanco;RM Soto-Ferreiro
Language: English
Release Date: March 9, 2017

The complex field of analytical chemistry requires knowledge and application of the fundamental principles of numerical calculation. Problems of Instrumental Analytical Chemistry provides support and guidance to help students develop these numerical strategies to generate information from experimental...
Book cover of Computational Intelligence for Network Structure Analytics
by Shanfeng Wang, Maoguo Gong, Lijia Ma
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2017

This book presents the latest research advances in complex network structure analytics based on computational intelligence (CI) approaches, particularly evolutionary optimization. Most if not all network issues are actually optimization problems, which are mostly NP-hard and challenge conventional...
Book cover of Elaboration and Applications of Metal-Organic Frameworks
by Shengqian Ma, Jason A Perman
Language: English
Release Date: January 29, 2018

This title takes researchers in as well as out of the field of metal-organic framework (MOF) and then guides them on a journey to rediscover and rethink how these designer coordination polymers will influence the realm of materials science. This book opens with a look at a deeply controversial issue,...
Book cover of Ignitability and Explosibility of Gases and Vapors
by Tingguang Ma
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2015

The book provides a systematic view on flammability and a collection of solved engineering problems in the fields of dilution and purge, mine gas safety, clean burning safety and gas suppression modeling. For the first time, fundamental principles of energy conservation are used to develop...
Book cover of Abc's for Bully Prevention

Abc's for Bully Prevention

Simple as 1-2-3

by Brook Meyer PhD, Mark Anthony Johnson MA CCMT, Regina McGRath M.A.Ed
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2015

ABCs for Bully Prevention: Simple as 1, 2, 3 Workbook can be used as a companion with the book of the same title. The workbook was developed to meet "common core" standards. In the book, ABC's for Bully Prevention: Simple as 1,2,3, there are thirty-nine words arranged alphabetically that...
Book cover of Travailler au XXIe siècle

Travailler au XXIe siècle

Des salariés en quête de reconnaissance

by Maëlezig BIGI, Olivier COUSIN, Dominique MÉDA
Language: French
Release Date: January 15, 2015

Heureux au travail ? Une enquête exceptionnelle dans le quotidien de l'entreprise. Le travail est-il un instrument d'aliénation ou de progrès ? Dans un contexte de crise permanente, dont les grands marqueurs sont le chômage de masse, la pénibilité et la perte de sens, le travail peut-il encore...
Book cover of Droit des étrangers

Droit des étrangers

Chronique de jurisprudence 2007-2010

by Elisabeth Derriks, Karima Sbai, Maïté Van Regemorter
Language: French
Release Date: January 21, 2013

Le droit des étrangers trouve principalement sa source dans la loi du 15 décembre 1980 relative à l’accès au territoire, au séjour, à l’établissement et à l’éloignement des étrangers. Les lois du 15 septembre 2006 ont introduit une importante réforme conduisant, notamment, à une...
Book cover of The Silent Voice of Violence
by Ta ma Sailau Sagaga-Simanu
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2013

Speak out and get out now of any violent situation you are in. Be conscious of Gods presence with you in violence or peace Never give up hope when in despair. God provides solutions
Book cover of The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates - The New Coronal Set
by Charles Watson, George Paxinos, AO (BA
Language: English
Release Date: December 3, 2004

The preceding editions made The Rat Brain in Stereotaxic Coordinates the second most cited book in science. This Fifth Edition is the result of years of research providing the user with the drawings of the completely new set of coronal sections, now from one rat, and with significantly improved resolution...
Book cover of Liberate Your Life and Dress Yourself in Health and True Happiness
by Anca Cooney MA CHHC
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2018

Ready to own who you are and embrace your true uniqueness? My intention with this book is to inspire and motivate you to begin your journey to wellness and help you liberate your life. No matter where you are, no matter what you have been through, this is your starting point, begin to look at yourself in a new way. For more about Anca Cooney, visit
Book cover of Ne renonçons à rien

Ne renonçons à rien

Le livre de la tournée «Faut qu'on se parle»

by Jean-Martin Aussan, Claire Bolduc, Véronique Côté
Language: French
Release Date: February 16, 2017

Quelque part en 2015, chacun de notre côté, puis petit à petit, ensemble, nous, les signataires de cet ouvrage, avons commencé à sentir le besoin de convoquer quelque chose comme une tempête publique – pour défiger l’air du temps un peu. Nous souhaitions entendre tous ceux qui avaient envie...
Book cover of Energy-saving Principles and Technologies for Induction Motors
by Wenzhong Ma, Lianping Bai
Language: English
Release Date: November 29, 2017

A unique guide to the integration of three-phase induction motors with the emphasis on conserving energy • The energy-saving principle and technology for induction motor is a new topic, and there are few books currently available; this book provides a guide to the technology and aims to bringabout...
Book cover of H3lt Tm: the Hair Three-Legged-Table Solution for Education
by Beatrice R.D. Hair MA Ed.
Language: English
Release Date: May 12, 2011

WHAT DO STUDENTS NEED? They crave structure, consistency and individual attention. What do classroom teachers need? They need uninterrupted instructional time and the ability to conserve their valuable energy. What do parents need? They need support for their parenting efforts and a peaceful understanding...
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