Mackay: 432 books

Book cover of Electromagnetic Anisotropy and Bianisotropy
by Tom G Mackay, Akhlesh Lakhtakia
Language: English
Release Date: April 23, 2019

The aim of this book is to extend and update the standard treatments of crystal optics found in classical textbooks. It provides a broad overview of electromagnetic anisotropy, bianisotropy, and chirality. The topics covered are constitutive relations (Chapter 1); examples of anisotropy, bianisotropy,...
Book cover of An Angel with a Message

An Angel with a Message

Taylin’S Story

by Lee Mackay
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 2015

This book, Taylins Story: An Angel with a Message, is the inspiring story of our beautiful daughter, Taylin. Taylin passed away from a genetic condition, spinal muscular atrophy (SMA), at almost five months old. This book is about our familys journey of turning a negative into a positive, going on and having more children, and living a happy, positive life after losing a child.
Book cover of La famille rêvée du Dr Flynn - Deux coeurs au défi
by Sue MacKay, Alison Roberts
Language: French
Release Date: April 15, 2011

La famille rêvée du Dr Flynn, Sue Mac Kay Lorsqu’il apprend qu’un enfant est né de sa brève liaison avec Abby, deux ans auparavant, Kieran sent l’incompréhension et la colère l’envahir : pourquoi la jeune femme lui a-t-elle caché l’existence de son fils ? Pourtant, malgré...
Book cover of Managing a Community Oral History Project
by Barbara W Sommer, Nancy MacKay, Mary Kay Quinlan
Language: English
Release Date: June 16, 2016

The third book in the five-volume Community Oral History Toolkit takes the planning steps outlined in Volume 2 and puts them into action. It provides the practical details for turning your plans into reality and establishes the basis for guiding your project through the interviews to a successful...
Book cover of Master Your CPD - in 3 Minutes a Day
by Adrian 'Mac' Mackay
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2018

The surprisingly simple system to master your Continuing Professional Development to progress your career – and reap the rewards you deserve. This definitve guide explains the importance of Continuing Professional Development and how rewarding it can be;  financially, through increased...
Book cover of My Altruistic Nanny
by Danielle MacKay
Language: English
Release Date: May 5, 2014

At the age of twenty-two, I had dated only one girl, but my anxiety to get the girl of my dreams left me with no option but to confide in my nanny, Nanny Pearla, whom I did not know wanted to sleep with me. She had thought about sleeping with me for a very long time…
Book cover of Southern California Mountains Wildflowers

Southern California Mountains Wildflowers

A Field Guide to Wildflowers above 5,000 Feet: San Bernardino, San Gabriel, and San Jacinto Ranges

by Pam Mackay, Timothy Thomas
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2016

Southern California Mountains Wildflowers presents 380 plant species of the diverse southern California Mountains, including dominant species and plants most likely noticed. With information about distinguishing less common species from those that are more widespread, this guide is sure to please...
Book cover of Queen on Heels
by Nina MacKay
Language: German
Release Date: October 9, 2015

Mariella, Baroness von Württemberg, steht eine traumhafte Ehe mit dem unverheirateten Kronprinzen von Preußen bevor – zumindest glaubt das ihre Mutter, als sie ihre widerwillige Tochter zur Brautschau schickt. Mariellas kleine Zwillingsschwestern haben auch noch ein Wörtchen mitzureden und mischen...
Book cover of The U.S. Navy's "Interim" LSM(R)s in World War II

The U.S. Navy's "Interim" LSM(R)s in World War II

Rocket Ships of the Pacific Amphibious Forces

by Ron MacKay
Language: English
Release Date: May 3, 2016

The “Interim” LSM(R) or Landing Ship, Medium (Rocket) was a revolutionary development in rocket warfare in World War II and the U.S. Navy’s first true rocket ship. An entirely new class of commissioned warship and the forerunners of today's missile-firing naval combatants, these ships began...
Book cover of The Stranger’S Touch
by Donald E. Mackay
Language: English
Release Date: January 20, 2014

This book has been called short story, fiction, literature. The stories cover a wide range of genres. It contains a bit of soft, science fiction, easy philosophy, and several intense love stories. If the question should come up in conversation as to why one should not tempt the Creator this story,...
Book cover of Rotkäppchen und der Hipster-Wolf
by Nina MacKay
Language: German
Release Date: October 12, 2016

Im Märchenwald ist die Hölle los. Alle Happy Ends wurden gestohlen! Cinderella, Schneewittchen und Co. beschließen, ihre verschwundenen Prinzen zu retten, wozu sogleich eine "Verhöre-und-Töte"-Liste der Verdächtigen erstellt wird: 1.Wölfe töten 2.Hexen töten 3.böse Stiefmütter...
Book cover of Aschenputtel und die Erbsen-Phobie
by Nina MacKay
Language: German
Release Date: August 31, 2017

"Spieglein möchte, dass wir ihn ab sofort Whistle-Blower' nennen", unterbricht Rose meine Gedanken, "schon gehört?" ALLE HAPPY ENDS SIND IN GEFAHR! Reds Leben ist nicht gerade leichter geworden seit der Sache mit den verschwundenen Happy Ends und ihrer Reise nach Wonderland....
Book cover of Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions, Volume 3
by Charles Mackay
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

The Library of Alexandria is an independent small business publishing house. We specialize in bringing back to live rare, historical and ancient Books. This includes manuscripts such as: classical fiction, philosophy, science, Religion, folklore, mythology, history, literature, politics and sacred texts,...
Book cover of In Black Ink
by Jenna Mackay
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2018

“I’ll wait for you, Frankie.” “Why do the men in my life keep tellin’ me that they’ll wait for me?” Life is made of moments. Join Frankie Jones as she discovers her moments from River Road, Louisiana, to New Orleans, Fort Benning, Iraq, Paris and New York. You will be enthralled in the...
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