Macmillan: 141 books

Book cover of Canadian Fairy Tales
by Cyrus Macmillan
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2017

A collection of truly unique and amazing bedtime stories and fairy tales for younger children.  Older children can read for themselves, and enjoy the tales on their own.
Book cover of The Most Humane Way to Kill A Lobster
by Duncan Macmillan
Language: English
Release Date: August 14, 2012

"You put it in the freezer, so when you transfer it to the boiling water it doesn't feel a thing. I suppose that this is how I've felt recently. I've been in some deep freeze and suddenly I can feel steam in my face, I'm falling headlong into scalding water." It's 2005, the sun is...
Book cover of City of Glass
by Duncan Macmillan, Paul Auster
Language: English
Release Date: April 21, 2017

“It was a wrong number that started it.” When reclusive crime writer Daniel Quinn receives a mysterious phone call from a man seeking a private detective in the middle of the night, he quickly and unwittingly becomes the protagonist in a real-life thriller of his own. He falls under the...
Book cover of Lungs
by Duncan Macmillan
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2011

‘I could fly to New York and back every day for seven years and still not leave a carbon footprint as big as if I have a child. Ten thousand tonnes of CO2. That’s the weight of the Eiffel Tower. I’d be giving birth to the Eiffel Tower.’ In a time of global anxiety, terrorism, erratic...
Book cover of Laat me niet alleen
by Gilly Macmillan
Language: Dutch
Release Date: February 26, 2015

Op de dag dat Ben, de achtjarige zoon van Rachel Jenner, vermist raakt stort Rachels wereld in. Ze is compleet onvoorbereid op de felheid waarmee ze wordt aangevallen door de media. Van de krant tot blogs: iedereen heeft een mening over haar. Ze liet Ben eventjes alleen en nu is hij verdwenen –...
Book cover of Ne pars pas sans moi
Language: French
Release Date: February 25, 2016

Quand le pire cauchemar d'une mère devient réalité Par un joyeux dimanche, Rachel et son petit garçon de 8 ans se promènent en forêt. Désirant plus que tout être une bonne mère, et soucieuse de l'indépendance et de l'autonomie de son enfant, Rachel l'autorise à partir quelques mètres devant...
Book cover of 歷史的運用與濫用:你讀的是真相還是假象?八堂移除理解偏誤的史學課
by 瑪格蕾特.麥克米蘭(Margaret MacMillan)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: November 6, 2018

麥田  Courant  書系第二彈! 英國一戰名相勞合喬治曾外孫女、加拿大史學名家麥克米蘭的八堂醒腦歷史課 擊碎你的歷史認知謬誤,重組你對過去的真實理解。 「人傾向用玫瑰色的濾鏡看待自己,但有時它也會投射出陰影。」 ——麥克米蘭 【書系概念】 Courant ...
Book cover of Shadows of Love
by Gail MacMillan
Language: English
Release Date: June 18, 2014

Starr Reynolds is determined to fight her way out of a life of poverty and violence, and she's not above using her beauty and feminine wiles. But when she marries into wealth and position, she discovers the path leads to despair for a love she can never have, as well as a growing awareness of the...
Book cover of The Curse of Rafferty McGill
by Dianne M. Macmillan
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2003

On St. Patrick's Day, Ryan says out loud, "I wish I didn't have stupid piano lessons." Someone answers, "Saints be praised. 'Tis done." In an instant, his piano teacher's house—along with his teacher Miss Talbot, and his classmate, Angela—are gone!
by Katherine Kurtz, Scott MacMillan
Language: English
Release Date: July 21, 2014

He was out to solve a mystery in the dark and terrifying world of the vampire Knights of the Blood … IN BLOOD WERE THEY BORN When Los Angeles policeman John Drummond was on a case, he never gave up until he’d caught his quarry. But his newest assignment was about to lead him down...
Book cover of The Outlook: Uncle Sam's Place and Prospects in International Politics
by Newton Macmillan
Language: English
Release Date: March 8, 2015

IT is exactly a year and a day since Oswego, responding to the President's call, sent away her modest quota of citizen-soldiery to the war with Spain. A novel and inspiring scene, whose meaning, perhaps, we did not wholly take in at the time: the flag of the Republic borne away from the precincts of...
Book cover of Slow Cooker Recipes
by Donna MacMillan
Language: English
Release Date: May 7, 2013

Slow Cooker Recipes - Easy Recipes for Delicious DinnersEver since the introduction of the Crock Pot, busy cooks have found a friend in the slow cooker.This collection of delicious slow cooker recipes provide a diversity of flavors yet are so very simple to prepare with ingredients you...
Book cover of An Elementary Grammar of Old Icelandic (RLE Linguistics E: Indo-European Linguistics)
by Helen MacMillan Buckhurst
Language: English
Release Date: January 10, 2014

The first available Elementary Grammar of Old Icelandic in the English language, this book is primarily intended for the beginner. To this end, the greater part of the space is devoted to a detailed treatment of the inflexions and of such points of syntax as are likely to cause difficulties.
Book cover of Programme for Victory (Works of Harold J. Laski)
by Harold J. Laski, Harold Nicolson, Herbert Read
Language: English
Release Date: October 30, 2014

Written two years after the commencement of the Second World War, the chapters in this book succinctly put forward the case for reorganizing the foundations of the social order, by rejecting capitalism and historical equilibrium, both in Europe and further afield in the British Empire, in favour of building a Socialist civilization.
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