Mantovani: 51 books

Book cover of The Financial Value of Entrepreneurship

The Financial Value of Entrepreneurship

Using Applied Research to Quantify Entrepreneurial Competence

by Guido M. Mantovani
Language: English
Release Date: June 16, 2017

This Palgrave Pivot examines the essence of competence value in corporate and small business finance, offering empirical evidence to better understand financial practices within entrepreneurial settings. Mantovani suggests an innovative methodology to detect the financial value of entrepreneurial...
Book cover of Menecma
by Bráulio Mantovani
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: November 5, 2015

Um cineasta monta um documentário sobre seu falecido pai, reescrevendo a relação entre os dois. O texto de Menecma apresentado neste livro celebra a montagem dirigida em 2011, por Laís Bodanzky, quase 20 anos depois de escrita pelo roteirista Bráulio Mantovani. O texto parte de um jogo de figuras...
Book cover of Exploring Borders

Exploring Borders

Understanding Culture and Psychology

by Giuseppe Mantovani
Language: English
Release Date: October 12, 2012

In Exploring Borders Giuseppe Mantovani highlights and explores the ways in which culture acts as a framework organising our experience. He emphasises the differences across and between cultures and examines the depths to which these can go. He also analyses the functions of culture, including: mediation,...
Book cover of Hot Summer Kisses
by Pam Mantovani
Language: English
Release Date: September 14, 2018

Big league baseball pitcher Quinn Lancaster is in Barefoot Bay while undergoing rehab for surgery on his pitching arm. He's eager to get back on the mound where he belongs, but when he meets Anna, sparks fly. School teacher and former military brat Anna Reynolds spent her entire life saying good-bye,...
Book cover of The Pilot's Promise
by Pam Mantovani
Language: English
Release Date: September 14, 2018

They fought for their country… now they must fight for their love Air Force fighter pilot Andrew Reynolds is on leave in Barefoot Bay to grieve the loss of his best friend. His plans change when Hailey King arrives with the life-altering news they're expecting a baby. Andrew convinces the...
Book cover of Barriere Architettoniche

Barriere Architettoniche

La lunga strada dalla disabilità alla diversa abilità

by Ida Mantovani
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 25, 2013

I problemi che qualsiasi persona diversamente abile si trova ad affrontare ogni giorno sono innumerevoli e di diversa natura. Questo fatto, in apparenza comprensibile, diventa inquietante quando, da un’analisi più attenta, si deduce che la maggior parte di certi inconvenienti sono legati a questioni...
Book cover of La Scoperta de l'America - L'Antico Caffè Greco di Roma
by Cesare Pascarella, Dino Mantovani, Henri Montecorboli
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 25, 2015

«Cosi, riunendo la precisione della forma metrica alla precisione del linguaggio, io ho potuto fare un'opera che è stata intesa parte a parte (e io lo so, perché recitando i miei sonetti vedo in volto i miei uditori) a Napoli come a Roma, e sarà intesa parte a parte a Milano come a Venezia» (1894)...
Book cover of Tropemi
by Massimo Mantovani
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 24, 2014

Un farmaco sperimentale sintetizzato oltre oceano stravolge la vita di un medico schivo ed idealista. Unici alleati una montagna nel freddissimo inverno alpino, un amico, un mondo di ricordi che giungono da lontano, il calore e l’affetto di una madre. Tra la vita e la morte Adamo combatte l’intreccio...
Book cover of Alle radici dell'anima - III edizione

Alle radici dell'anima - III edizione

Costellazioni familiari: guarire dal passato per vivere pienamente il presente

by Alberta Mantovani
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 22, 2016

“Ho imparato che: dietro la rabbia c’è dolore e dietro il dolore l’amore. La paura è un’ombra, prodotta dall’assenza di consapevolezza. Quando si contatta l’amore, l’oscurità svanisce e così anche la paura.” Dopo il successo delle due precedenti, Alberta Mantovani presenta la terza...
Book cover of Il legame tra fisica e mente dimostrato fisicamente
by Mantovani Marco
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 13, 2016

Un’intuizione frutto di studi e ricerche ai confini della scienza, ha portato un ricercatore amatoriale a sviluppare una formula: m=s-t, il cui scopo è quello di dimostrare la connessione tra Mente e fisica descrivendo le applicazioni rivoluzionarie che una tale teoria potrebbe avere nella risoluzione...
Book cover of Courting the Coach
by Pam Mantovani
Language: English
Release Date: December 18, 2015

Crown princess of the town's most influential family, Candace Hart has been in love with Neal Barrows half her life. Now, following a failed marriage, she's decided to do something about her feelings. Intensely private, high school football coach Neal tries to live down the scandal of his mother's...
Book cover of Sage 50 Accounts 2016 in easy steps
by Bill Mantovani
Language: English
Release Date: May 11, 2016

Sage 50 Accounts is the UK's market-leading accounts software. It lets you manage your day-to-day finances, customers, suppliers and VAT and keeps your finger on the pulse of your business. Updated for Sage 50 Accounts for the 2016/17 financial year, Sage 50 Accounts 2016 in easy steps uses...
Book cover of Angel: After The Fall Vol.2
by Whedon, Joss; Lynch, Brian; Kane
Language: English
Release Date: March 7, 2012

Full graphic novel, collecting issues #6-8: The second collection of IDWs smash-hit Angel: After the Fall series plotted by Joss Whedon and Brian Lynch, scripted by Lynch, and this time featuring an array of talented artists. First Night tells the story of what happened on the very night Los Angeles...
Book cover of Les Reines de sang - Tseu Hi, La Dame dragon T01
by Philippe Nihoul, Fabio Mantovani
Language: French
Release Date: April 1, 2015

Tseu Hi, nouvelle Reine de sang, arrive au catalogue Delcourt. Un portrait historique chargé de bruit, de rage, de complots sordides et de sang ! Tseu Hi, la dame Dragon, ou le destin tragique d’un couple improbable : une belle ambitieuse et un jeune mendiant qui, à force de volonté et...
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