Marco Martin: 11 books

Book cover of Gefügig


Ein sadistisch-erotischer Roman

by Marco Martin
Language: German
Release Date: June 17, 2015

Als Unternehmerin Gisela Meisenborn einen neuen Praktikanten einstellt, dauert es nicht lange, bis es zwischen der Chefin und dem vermeintlich unscheinbaren Neuling zu knistern beginnt. Seine Augen sind es, die Gisela in ihren Bann ziehen - und sie, die erhabene Respektsperson, zunehmend lüstern werden...
Book cover of Progress and Confusion

Progress and Confusion

The State of Macroeconomic Policy

by Rafael Portillo, Paul A. Volcker, Viral V. Acharya
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2016

Leading economists consider the shape of future economic policy: will it resume the pre-crisis consensus, or contend with the post-crisis “new normal”? What will economic policy look like once the global financial crisis is finally over? Will it resume the pre-crisis consensus, or will...
Book cover of La valutazione del rendimento nel progetto della residenza

La valutazione del rendimento nel progetto della residenza

Per un'architettura di qualità fra innovazione e tradizione

by Marco De Martin
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 3, 2016

Di fronte ai forti orientamenti della società contemporanea verso un'architettura sempre più artistica, spettacolare e apparentemente svincolata dalle cure per la coerenza funzionale, economica e simbolica, che distrae il progettista dall'essenziale e lo rende disattento ai problemi di efficienza...
Book cover of Cool


wat wij kunnen leren van Scandinaviërs

by Gert-Jan Hospers, Martin Vos, Marco Krijnsen
Language: Dutch
Release Date: May 19, 2015

We slapen in een bed van IKEA, eten Noorse zalm, zweren bij Deense thrillerseries en komen tot rust in een Finse sauna. Maar wat weten we verder eigenlijk van Scandinavië? Lees in dit boek vol inspirerende verhalen waarom ze in het Noorden zo goed zijn in design en nieuwe technologie, een minister...
Book cover of Natural Ways To Lower High Blood Pressure

Natural Ways To Lower High Blood Pressure

The Definitive Health Guide To Reducing High Blood Pressure Naturally With Useful Health Tips For People Who Want To Learn About High Blood Pressure Supplements And Medications As A Key To Healthy Life

by Marco D. Martin
Language: English
Release Date: October 9, 2012

Hypertension is not called the ‘silent killer’ for nothing. There are millions of people all over the world who have hypertension yet, are not aware of it. These unfortunate people end up in a totally unnecessary and tragically early death. You cannot afford to be ignorant of whether...
Book cover of Dreamscapes - I racconti perduti Volume 2
by Lily Carpenetti, Andrea Zanotti, Michele Botton
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 14, 2014

Dreamscapes i racconti perduti seconda antologia composta da quindi racconti che spaziano dall'horror, fantasy, paranormal, urban fantasy, fantascienza. Fabio Porfidia è l'illustratore che ha partecipato sia per la copertina che per alcune illustrazioni interne. I racconti inseriti sono disponibili anche singolarmente.
Book cover of European Access to Space: Business and Policy Perspectives on Micro Launchers
by Matteo Tugnoli, Martin Sarret, Marco Aliberti
Language: English
Release Date: May 31, 2018

The book provides an analysis of the dynamics of the global launch service market associated with small satellites, by placing a particular focus on its unfolding trends and future outlook. From an economic perspective, the emergence of numerous micro launcher initiatives on top of already existing...
Book cover of Reaping the Benefits of Financial Globalization
by Giovanni Mr. Dell'Ariccia, Paolo Mr. Mauro, André Mr. Faria
Language: English
Release Date: December 16, 2008

Financial globalization has increased dramatically over the past three decades, particularly for advanced economies, while emerging market and developing countries experienced more moderate increases. Divergences across countries stem from different capital control regimes, and factors such as institutional...
Book cover of Ecotoxicology and Genotoxicology

Ecotoxicology and Genotoxicology

Non-traditional Terrestrial Models

by P R Alves, Grazyna Wilczek, Frank Martin
Language: English
Release Date: June 12, 2017

The potential impact of anthropogenic pollutants such as agrochemicals on the environment is of global concern. Increasing use of certain compounds can result in contamination of food, water and atmospheric systems and in order to combat this pollution it is important to be able to accurately monitor...
Book cover of Moment mal!

Moment mal!

Was die Zeit mit uns macht

by Horst Evers, Boris Aljinovic, Adriana Altaras
Language: German
Release Date: September 22, 2017

Früher ging heute nicht so schnell vorbei: Was macht die Zeit denn so? Das Phänomen Zeit hat die Menschen immer schon fasziniert. Sie bestimmt unser Leben, mal hat man zu viel Zeit, mal zu wenig, häufig läuft sie uns davon, und wir wissen nicht, wo sie schon wieder geblieben ist. Es gibt unvergessliche...
Book cover of The Aesthetic Illusion in Literature and the Arts
by Dr Jiri Koten, Dr Emily Troscianko, Dr Thomas Pavel
Language: English
Release Date: September 21, 2017

The notion of aesthetic illusion relates to a number of art forms and media. Defined as a pleasurable mental state that emerges during the reception of texts and artefacts, it amounts to the reader's or viewer's sense of having entered the represented world while at the same time keeping a distance...
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