Marco Russo: 16 books

Book cover of Introducing Microsoft Power BI
by Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo
Language: English
Release Date: July 7, 2016

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.   Introducing Microsoft Power BI enables you to evaluate when and how to use Power BI. Get inspired to improve business processes...
Book cover of The Definitive Guide to DAX

The Definitive Guide to DAX

Business intelligence with Microsoft Excel, SQL Server Analysis Services, and Power BI

by Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2015

This comprehensive and authoritative guide will teach you the DAX language for business intelligence, data modeling, and analytics. Leading Microsoft BI consultants Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari help you master everything from table functions through advanced code and model optimization. You’ll...
Book cover of Analyzing Data with Power BI and Power Pivot for Excel
by Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2017

Renowned DAX experts Alberto Ferrari and Marco Russo teach you how to design data models for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.   How can you use Excel and Power BI to gain real insights into your information? As you examine your data, how do you write a formula that provides the...
Book cover of Datenanalyse mit Microsoft Power BI und Power Pivot für Excel
by Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo
Language: German
Release Date: January 5, 2018

Um die richtigen Erkenntnisse aus Ihren Daten ziehen zu können, müssen Sie sie richtig modellieren. Microsoft bietet Ihnen starke und zugleich zugängliche Tools für die Datenmodellierung, von Power BI bis Power Pivot für Excel. Wie Sie diese Tools effektiv einsetzen, zeigen Ihnen Alberto Ferrari...
Book cover of Expert Cube Development with SSAS Multidimensional Models
by Chris Webb, Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo
Language: English
Release Date: February 24, 2014

An easy-to-follow guide full of hands on examples of real-world Analysis Services cube development tasks. Each topic is explained and placed in context, and for the more inquisitive reader, there also more in-depth details of the concepts used. If you are an Analysis Services cube designer wishing to...
Book cover of Microsoft Excel 2013 Building Data Models with PowerPivot
by Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo
Language: English
Release Date: March 15, 2013

Your guide to quickly turn data into results. Transform your skills, data, and business—and create your own BI solutions using software you already know and love: Microsoft Excel. Two business intelligence (BI) experts take you inside PowerPivot functionality for Excel 2013, with a focus on...
Book cover of Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel 2010

Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel 2010

Give Your Data Meaning

by Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo
Language: English
Release Date: October 5, 2010

Microsoft PowerPivot for Excel 2010: Give Your Data Meaning introduces PowerPivot in Excel 2010 to power users and data analysts who want to give their data meaning by creating their own Business Intelligence models. And with Microsoft Excel 2010: Data Analysis and Business Modeling, you'll learn...
Book cover of Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services
by Alberto Ferrari, Marco Russo, Chris Webb
Language: English
Release Date: July 15, 2012

Build agile and responsive Business Intelligence solutions Analyze tabular data using the BI Semantic Model (BISM) in Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Analysis Services—and discover a simpler method for creating corporate-level BI solutions. Led by three BI experts, you’ll learn how to build, deploy,...
Book cover of Programming Microsoft LINQ in .NET Framework 4
by Marco Russo, Paolo Pialorsi
Language: English
Release Date: November 23, 2010

Dig into LINQ -- and transform the way you work with data. With LINQ, you can query data from a variety of sources -- including databases, objects, and XML files -- directly from Microsoft Visual Basic or C#. Guided by data-access experts who've worked in depth with LINQ and the Microsoft development...
Book cover of Tabular Modeling in Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services
by Marco Russo, Alberto Ferrari
Language: English
Release Date: April 12, 2017

Build agile and responsive business intelligence solutions Create a semantic model and analyze data using the tabular model in SQL Server 2016 Analysis Services to create corporate-level business intelligence (BI) solutions. Led by two BI experts, you will learn how to build, deploy, and query...
Book cover of Flessibilità, sicurezza e occupazione alla prova del Jobs Act
by Francesco Basenghi, Alberto Russo, Marco Esposito
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 24, 2017

Se trovare un paradigma capace di comprendere e descrivere il Jobs Act nel suo complesso non è impresa semplice, ancora più difficile è cercare di proiettare l'ultima riforma del mercato del lavoro nel futuro, nel momento in cui l'individuazione e l'interpretazione dei suoi effetti sono divenuti...
Book cover of Accademie & Biblioteche 1-4/2017

Accademie & Biblioteche 1-4/2017

Trimestrale di cultura delle biblioteche e delle istituzioni culturali

by Marco Buonocore, Gennaro Cassiani, Angela Adriana Cavarra
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 1, 2019

EDITORIALE Paola Passarelli TEMI E PROBLEMI Theodor Mommsen in Italia tra codici e biblioteche Marco Buonocore Le due sphaerae della Biblioteca Vallicelliana. Per una ‘biografia' di due oggetti di scienza di fine Cinquecento Gennaro Cassiani Un magistrato alla Vallicelliana. Primo atto della gestione...
Book cover of Scritture aliene Albo 1

Scritture aliene Albo 1

A cura di Vito Introna

by Tommaso Russo, Marco Milani, Andrea Doro
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 11, 2014

E se il futuro ci fosse sottratto da una crudele razza inumana? L'uomo post mutante riuscirà a riappropriarsi della Terra? SCRITTURE ALIENE ALBO 1 A CURA DI VITO INTRONA L'impero matriarcale di Kajura riuscirà a riconquistare i mondi dissidenti? Un demone alieno entra nel corpo di un serial...
Book cover of Lustiges Taschenbuch Enten-Edition 41
by Marco Bosco, Nino Russo, Bruno Enna
Language: German
Release Date: December 7, 2015

Dame von Welt Daisy ist in erster Linie eine Dame von Welt. Doch sie kann auch anders als sie die Geheimidentität von Phantomias rettet. Sie kann sich auch gegen Ritter, Monster und Gefahren aller Art zur Wehr setzen. Am besten lesen Sie selbst nach, was Daisy alles in diesem Band erlebt. Dieser...
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