Maria Garcia: 28 books

Book cover of Pueblo
by Charlene Garcia Simms, Maria Sanchez Tucker, Jeffrey DeHerrera
Language: English
Release Date: January 16, 2017

At the confluence of the Arkansas River and Fountain Creek, Native Americans were the first to inhabit Pueblo and its surroundings. Pueblo means "village" in Spanish, appropriate for an area that was settled in the early 1800s by people from present-day New Mexico with Spanish and Native American...
Book cover of Seeking Refuge

Seeking Refuge

Central American Migration to Mexico, the United States, and Canada

by Maria Cristina Garcia
Language: English
Release Date: March 6, 2006

The political upheaval in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and Guatemala had a devastating human toll at the end of the twentieth century. A quarter of a million people died during the period 1974-1996. Many of those who survived the wars chose temporary refuge in neighboring countries such as Honduras and...


Regencia de María Cristina de Austria de Habsburgo-Lorena. Minoría de Edad De Alfonso XIII 1885-1902

by Eusebio Ferrer Hortet, Maria Teresa Puga Garcia
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 18, 2015

Cuando reinar es un deber, narra la minoría de edad de Alfonso XIII, rey desde antes de su nacimiento, y la regencia de su madre, María Cristina de Austria y de Habsburgo – Lorena.  Es, por tanto, una doble biografía histórica: la de reina regente y la del Rey -niño....


La historia de España de 1830 a 1904

by Eusebio Ferrer Hortet, Maria Teresa Puga Garcia
Language: Spanish
Release Date: February 17, 2015

La vida de  Isabel II, su reinado, y sobre todo, la problemática de su matrimonio, son hechos tratados magistralmente en esta biografía histórica. La biografía necesita del dato histórico fidedigno, y ésta necesita de la agilidad periodística....
Book cover of LOS REYES QUE NUNCA REINARON: Los Carlistas


Los Reyes o "pretendientes" al trono de España

by Eusebio Ferrer Hortet, Maria Teresa Puga Garcia
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 7, 2015

Los autores del libro LOS REYES QUE NUNCA REINARON nos introducen con estilo ameno, claro y conciso en una larga página de la historia española, muy poco estudiada y, por tanto, desconocida.  La historia del carlismo contiene elementos de epopeya: batallas, traiciones, heroicidades,...
Book cover of The Humanity of Monsters
by Nathan Ballingrud, Laird Barron, Polenth Blake
Language: English
Release Date: September 15, 2015

We are all of us monsters. We are none of us monsters. Through the work of twenty-six writers, emerging to award-winning and masters of their craft, THE HUMANITY OF MONSTERS plumbs the depths of humane monsters, monstrous humans, and the interstices between: Monstrous heralds of change,...
Book cover of The Intercultural Dynamics of Multicultural Working
by Manuela GUILHERME, Evelyne GLASER and MENDEZ-GARCIA, Maria del Carmen
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2010

Book cover of Participation in Environmental Organizations
by Benno Torgler, Maria A. Garcia-Valiñas, Alison Macintyre
Language: English
Release Date: July 2, 2010

For decades, social scientists have searched for factors that shape pro-environmental behaviour. However, only a few studies have investigated the causes and consequences of participation in environmental organizations. This book fills the gap by analysing in detail the determinants of environmental...
Book cover of The Obama Doctrine in the Americas
by María Belén Ahumada, Ted Galen Carpenter, Khatchik DerGhougassian
Language: English
Release Date: February 4, 2016

This volume examines the foreign policy transition from George W. Bush to Barack H. Obama in relation to the countries of the Americas. In this work, contributors consider the major defining features of their respective policies in dealing with security-related issues. Specifically, they examine whether...
Book cover of Governance and Sustainability of Responsible Research and Innovation Processes
by Fernando Ferri, Ned Dwyer, Saša Raicevich
Language: English
Release Date: January 24, 2018

This book provides methods and practical cases and experiences with the aim of stimulating Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) through the direct engagement of researchers, Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), citizens, industry stakeholders, policy and decision makers, research funders and communicators....
Book cover of Questões que incomodam o Historiador
by Susani Silveira Lemos França, Maria Beatriz Nizza da Silva, Marcelo Jasmin
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: June 18, 2014

Variâncias e constâncias, realidade extralinguística e linguagem: a partir desses dois pares de opostos, este livro traz à tona discussões sobre as especificidades do fazer histórico. A cada ensaio o autor encontrará desdobradas questões que volta e meia são postas como problema para o historiador,...
Book cover of Mutações: novas configurações do mundo
by Adauto Novaes, Jean-Pierre Dupuy, Laymert Garcia dos Santos
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: December 12, 2017

Mutações coloca em discussão as transformações tecnocientíficas, as novas propostas de vida que a tecnologia vem apresentando e a derrocada de sólidos paradigmas morais, éticos e políticos. O livro procura discutir o conceito de mutação na filosofia, na antropologia, na biologia, na física,...
by Ana Maria Haddad Baptista, José Roberto Garcia, Silvana Monteiro Gondim
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: March 27, 2019

A Educação, institucional ou não, nas mais diferentes épocas buscou, mesmo que subjacentemente, uma forma de existência mais humana. Respirável. Menos tediosa. Mais comprometida com os verdadeiros valores que nos conduzem durante a vida. A Educação, mesmo que acusada, pela maioria dos meios...
Book cover of Guía pedagógica del Programa de Refuerzo Educativo
by Marta Burguet Arfelis, Txus Morata Garcia, Eva Palasí Luna
Language: Spanish
Release Date: December 15, 2009

Este libro se dirige a los profesionales de la educación, especialmente a aquellos que se dedican al acompañamiento socioeducativo en el crecimiento de niños que se encuentran en situación de vulnerabilidad social. Ofrece herramientas y estrategias para trabajar con niños de primaria. Recursos...
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