Marina: 920 books

Book cover of Lucky for Love
by Marina Oliver
Language: English
Release Date: September 26, 2012

Love on the luxurious high seas! A new novel by Marina Oliver. Can one find love a second time? Julie, still mourning her husband Andrew, who was killed in a car smash three years ago, doesn't expect to when she is bullied into taking a cruise by her sister Susan, who works in the gift shop...
Book cover of Virginian Lover
by Marina Oliver
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2011

Bella is forced, by her illegitimate half brother Henry, to marry the abusive Edward who is emigrating to the new settlement in Virginia. After a brutal wedding night she escapes, but Henry finds her and forces her to sail on the next ship. While caring for her sick baby brother Toby and his nurse...
Book cover of The Knot Garden
by Marina Oliver
Language: English
Release Date: November 4, 2011

When Mr Greenslade, owner of Green Valley Garden Centre, falls from his wheelchair one night and is rushed into hospital, his daughter Tansy, talented interior designer, gives up the chance of a prestigious commission to go home to the Cotswolds and take charge. Things have been going wrong at the...
Book cover of Pickers and Pickled Punks
by Marina Bridges
Language: English
Release Date: June 13, 2011

Careful what you dig out of the trash... In "Catching the Worm," Meemaw holds a post-Apocalyptic yard sale, and customers best mind their manners, or else. A pair of greedy pickers in "Cash For Trash" discover the hard way that some people want their treasures left...
Book cover of The Lean Mumma System
by Marina Perry-Kuhn
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2012

Are you are mum who wants her body back? ,br> Perhaps you even want it to be better than it was before kids! , If so, THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU! Whether your are first time mum with a newborn or a mum of four with kids at university, Marina Perry-Kuhn, a leading authority in Pre and post natal...
Book cover of Le notti fiorentine
by Marina Cvetaeva
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 9, 2012

“Mosca, febbraio 1921. Un infreddolito e annoiato Brjusov presentava una serata di poetesse; tra loro era anche Marina Cvetaeva: “Donna. Amore. Passione. Da che tempo è tempo la donna ha saputo cantare soltanto l’amore e la passione. L’unica passione della donna è l’amore. Ogni amore della...
Book cover of Chasing Freedom
by Marina Fontaine
Language: English
Release Date: January 15, 2016

***2016 Dragon Awards Nominee*** Freedom is lost, but not forgotten. In 2040s America, life is cheap and necessities are scarce. Most have given up, too busy trying to survive. Yet even in the midst of drudgery and despair, unbroken spirits remain. Julie is a young woman with a plan to ignite the...
Book cover of Dry Dock
by Marina de Nadous
Language: English
Release Date: May 1, 2013

Dry Dock is the second novel by Marina da Nadous. It’s the sequel to the glorious, exciting and heart-wrenching tale, The Celestial Sea. Take a middle-class English mother, her husband and family from the contentment of a teaching life in the south of England, to the wild, green hills of a New Zealand...
Book cover of Ma vie sauvage

Ma vie sauvage

La véritable histoire d'une enfant élevée par les singes

by Marina CHAPMAN
Language: French
Release Date: October 22, 2015

Enlevée, abandonnée dans la jungle, une enfant est sauvée par des singes capucins. Pendant plusieurs années, elle vivra avec eux, en oubliant tout du monde des hommes. En 1954, dans un petit village d'Amérique du Sud, une fillette est kidnappée et abandonnée au tréfonds de la jungle colombienne....
Book cover of Die neuen Deutschen

Die neuen Deutschen

Ein Land vor seiner Zukunft

by Herfried Münkler, Marina Münkler
Language: German
Release Date: August 26, 2016

"Viele glauben, dass sich nichts ändern muss, damit alles bleibt, wie es ist. Das ist ein Irrtum. Wir müssen uns jetzt überlegen, in welchem Land wir leben wollen." Deutschland ist aus seiner Behaglichkeit gerissen worden. Die "Flüchtlingskrise" hat die Grundprobleme unserer...
Book cover of L'Alcool et les jeunes
Language: French
Release Date: July 7, 2016

Une analyse juste et des conseils concrets pour un véritable problème de société. Marina CARRÈRE D'ENCAUSSE est médecin et journaliste. Elle a travaillé pour des journaux médicaux et des magazines de santé grand public. Elle codirige actuellement " Le Magazine de la santé " sur France 5. Et...
Book cover of Die Nacht trägt Flutsplitter aus Malachit
by Marina Maggio, Natascha Huber
Language: German
Release Date: March 18, 2017

Die beiden Lyrikerinnen bewegen sich sprachlich durch den Kreislauf des Lebens und der Gezeiten, immer auf der Suche nach Anker- und Ortungspunkten. Ihre Gedichte entwerfen eine Bildwelt aus Flut und Erde, zwischen Hafenzeit und Aufbruch und nehmen Sie mit auf eine Reise durch die Fragen und Hoffnungen...
Book cover of Entre a Espada e a Rosa
by Marina Colasanti
Language: Portuguese
Release Date: October 2, 2013

Os contos reunidos neste livro são um presente de Marina Colasanti a seus leitores. Com base em temas clássicos, a autora conta várias histórias de reis, rainhas, princesas e cavaleiros, com surpreendente beleza e sensibilidade. Marina Colasanti é a ganhadora do 13º Prêmio Iberoamericano...
Book cover of Sociologia n. 1/2014

Sociologia n. 1/2014

Rivista quadrimestrale di Scienze Storiche e Sociali

by Camilla Rumi, Marina Lalatta Costerbosa, Andrea Tagliapietra
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 7, 2016

MARINA LALATTA COSTERBOSA Menzogna, tra verità e giustizia. Per una presentazione ANDREA TAGLIAPIETRA La menzogna come critica dell'idea di verità. Le filosofie di Stirner e Nietzsche PAOLA PERSANO Politica della verità e verità della politica. Breve itinerario nella Francia del XVIII secolo MARINA...
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