Marino: 269 books

Book cover of Uncrashable Dakota
by Andy Marino
Language: English
Release Date: November 12, 2013

In 1862, Union army infantryman Samuel Dakota changed history when he spilled a bottle of pilfered moonshine in the Virginia dirt and stumbled upon the biochemical secret of flight. Not only did the Civil War come to a much quicker close, but Dakota Aeronautics was born. Now, in Andy Marino's...
Book cover of Lecciones de kárate
by Stefano Di Marino, Roberto Ghetti
Language: Spanish
Release Date: July 15, 2016

El kárate es un arte marcial japonés muy conocido incluso entre los no practicantes por su eficacia, porque utiliza un bagaje técnico completo (puños, patadas, movimientos y paradas) y una didáctica sencilla al alcance de todos. En este volumen encontrará una guía sencilla para aprender la...
Book cover of 品牌物理學:科技力量與消費模式背後隱而未現的行銷科學
by 亞倫•凱勒(Aaron Keller),蕾妮•馬里諾(Renée Marino),丹•華萊士(Dan Wallace)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: December 26, 2017

“這就像史蒂芬‧霍金碰上珍‧古德般── 透過科學與人文,再由物理看到人類學,開創了美麗又迷人的品牌化旅程。” 近代商業史上,最賺錢的無形資產‧其幕後操作原理,首次完整揭露! ◤3個系統模型╳4項品牌要素╳5種感官資料╳8大指標流程=自然科學+社會科學的完美平衡 ♦品牌為何能成功流傳:完整剖析人類大腦內部運作邏輯 ♦用科技作主軸的品牌:社交網絡是如何對認知造成影響 ♦以品牌進行數據分析:探究人類心智、行為,乃至靈魂 ♦藉由人與人間的互動:替新創品牌找到進入市場的機會 ♦透過人性化真實體驗:為既有品牌尋求管理與生存之道 ◎用科學拆解「品牌」的核心價值 本書彙整出3個與品牌相關的理論模型,其中關鍵的「雅各階梯」是作為「以物理學解釋品牌效應」的主框架。於品牌設計、行銷和廣告、以及市場品牌評估產業耕耘多年的三位作者,透過「雅各階梯」定義「品牌的產生」所需經過的歷程: ①各種形式的「信號」→②為人類「感官」所接受→③在適當的「時刻」發生作用→④在大眾的腦海中產生固著的「記憶」→⑤進而與瀰漫在空間中的「能量」相互作用→⑥這些交互作用中,若干被提取進行「銷售」→⑦因此創造出「利潤」→⑧在最後一個階段,品牌的「價值」於焉形成。 本書依循上述八大指標流程分章論述。使看似複雜的「品牌學」可簡潔優雅地被理解;並經得起「定性定量」的科學性探討,本書的初始設定為: 先假設空間、時間、能量、物體(大眾)為定項; 而為了產生「品牌」,從一開始「信號」就必須服膺「熱力學定律」進行傳送與擴散。 以物理學的角度,來看「品牌」和「大眾」如何在「時間」、「空間」場域中相互碰撞,並產生依存關係;而在日常生活中,則可藉由持續觀察現實中發生的事件,反推出「品牌」的定律:例如街上到處跑的可口可樂貨櫃車,如何於每個人腦中產生作用,勾起想喝上一口特定品牌冰涼飲品的欲望?正如同科學家用哈伯望遠鏡觀測數千光年外,星系所發出的可見/不可見光譜般;在地球上的我們並無法真正「看到」,卻可以透過理論計算,繪製出壯麗的星雲圖景! 如此一來,既然品牌運作的方式可以依理論建構、測量,也就代表可以據此管理;至此,品牌學才能真正邁入可測量、可驗證、可重複的科學領域! ▍要貼近現實...
Book cover of First & Goal
by Dan Marino
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 1997

Record-setting All-Pro Miami Dolphins quarterback Dan Marino explains the importance of setting goals and striving for perfection, while understanding that not everyone can be a champion.
Book cover of Antonfrancesco Grazzini («Il Lasca»), Two Plays

Antonfrancesco Grazzini («Il Lasca»), Two Plays

«The Friar» and «The Bawd» Translated with an Introduction by Marino DOrazio

by Marino DOrazio
Language: English
Release Date: November 6, 2015

Antonfrancesco Grazzini, known as Il Lasca (The Roach), was born and lived in Florence at the height of the Renaissance. He wrote prolifically in most genres, including novelle, burlesque poetry, and comedies. As a playwright he was, in his time, more popular than even Machiavelli. The Friar is a...
Book cover of Narendra Modi: A political Biography
by Andy Marino
Language: English
Release Date: April 6, 2014

A biography of Narendra Modi that aims to give a fair picture of the man and his politics Narendra Modi, the BJP's prime ministerial candidate, is one of India's most powerful, popular and controversial leaders. With the general elections due in May 2014, Mr Modi's campaign rallies have drawn unprecedented...
Book cover of From Darkness Into the Light
by Marino Restrepo
Language: English
Release Date: August 3, 2014

The work that you are holding in your hands now is the result of a human life full of drama, mysticism and experiences that may seem certainly contradictory for those who are far away from God. In these pages you will find a human life intertwined in the most serious errors and dangers resulting from...
Book cover of Femmine carnivore

Femmine carnivore

Sex Force 4

by Stefano di Marino
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 5, 2013

RACCONTO LUNGO (35 pagine) - SPIONAGGIO - Sesso e avventura per uomini d'azione. Ce la faranno Rock e Casey, splendida escort australiana, a vincere la lotta contro il tempo e a superare le insidie inaspettate dei tropici? Inseguito dalle Mantidi, Rock è in buona compagnia. Casey, splendida...
Book cover of La contessa nuda
by Stefano di Marino
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 11, 2014

RACCONTO LUNGO (36 pagine) - SPIONAGGIO - Un'altra avventura di sesso, sangue e spari per Rock, l'agente segreto che veste i panni di un attore porno per l'agenzia sotto copertura Hot Dreams Mosca. Finalmente si avvicina il confronto finale tra l'agenzia "Hot Dreams" e la misteriosa...
Book cover of Profondo blu
by Stefano di Marino
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 4, 2014

RACCONTO LUNGO (36 pagine) - SPIONAGGIO - Quando Amanda, la "Signora" dell'agenzia Hot Dreams, scompare misteriosamente, Rock deve correre in suo soccorso. Solo lui potrà salvarla dal vortice di violenza e sesso sfrenato in cui è precipitata Anche Amanda, la "Signora"...
Book cover of La preda

La preda

Sex Force 7

by Stefano di Marino
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 17, 2013

RACCONTO LUNGO (34 pagine) - SPIONAGGIO - Per Rock ei suoi amici dell'agenzia Hot Dreams un tour de force di sesso, sparatorie e coltellate Jade Ling, agente della Hot Dreams, è stata rapita a Istanbul. Rock e Brian partono per la Turchia, ma l'appoggio dei loro contatti si rivelerà una trappola....
Book cover of The Sweet Earth
by Charles J Marino Jr
Language: English
Release Date: November 16, 2017

Sci-fi story of post-apocalyptic survival of the human race in the care of robots.
Book cover of The Door
by Andy Marino
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2014

The story of a girl whose strange life in a mysterious lighthouse is turned upside down when her mother's murder leads her to a hidden door -- and a mission into an alternate world. For years, the door has stayed closed. Hannah Silver hardly notices it as she goes about her strange life in an isolated...
Book cover of Babies in the Library!
by Jane Marino
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2007

Eclectic library reading programs for young children have blossomed across the nation over the last decade, encouraging in toddlers a fondness for the library and an excitement for the caches of books to be found there. Likewise, in an effort to promote a love of language in babies as young as three...
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