Mark Wood: 28 books

Book cover of Individual Positive Behavior Supports

Individual Positive Behavior Supports

A Standards-Based Guide to Practices in School and Community Settings

by Martin Agran Ph.D., Richard Albin Ph.D., Sharon Ann Ballard-Krishnan
Language: English
Release Date: June 2, 2016

Aligned with the Association for Positive Behavior Support’s Standards of Practice, this graduate-level text is an authoritative PBS primer for professionals preparing for work in educational and community-based settings. More than 60 leading scholars present the critical skills and knowledge...
Book cover of Lifting the Cup

Lifting the Cup

The Story of Battling Barnsley

by Mark Metcalf, David Wood
Language: English
Release Date: October 25, 2010

This is the first detailed account of Barnsley Football Club's most illustrious and successful period. Between 1910 and 1912 'Battling Barnsley' won their way through to the FA Cup Final, then the most prestigious football tournament in the world, on not one but two occasions and capped things off...
Book cover of Dying, Bereavement and the Healing Arts
by Yvonne Yi-Wood Mak, Haifa Al Sanousi, Ashley Barnes
Language: English
Release Date: October 15, 2007

Dying, Bereavement and the Healing Arts describes a range of successful programmes pioneered by artists, writers, nurses, musicians, therapists, social workers, and chaplains in palliative care settings. These range from simple painting and writing activities to organized communal activities like...
Book cover of The Idea of the American University
by John Agresto, William B. Allen, Michael P. Foley
Language: English
Release Date: December 28, 2010

As John Henry Newman reflected on 'The Idea of a University' more than a century and a half ago, Bradley C. S. Watson brings together some of the nation's most eminent thinkers on higher education to reflect on the nature and purposes of the American university today. They detail the life and rather...
Book cover of Always a Hokie

Always a Hokie

Players, Coaches, and Fans Share Their Passion for Hokies Football

by Mark Schlabach, Norm Wood, Ray Glier
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2011

The traditions of Virginia Tech football are as timeless as any in American sports. This exciting series draws together the insights from nearly 100 former players, coaches, and fans, who tell their personal stories about what being a part of this legendary football program means to them.
Book cover of Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias E-book
by Shoei K. Stephen Huang, MD, Mark A. Wood
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2014

Whether you are in the lab or the office, stay current in the ever-evolving field of electrophysiology with Catheter Ablation of Cardiac Arrhythmias. Organized by type of arrhythmia, this simple yet comprehensive medical reference book provides detailed information on anatomy, diagnoses, mapping/ablation,...
Book cover of Cardiac Pacing and ICDs
by Kenneth A. Ellenbogen, Mark A. Wood
Language: English
Release Date: August 31, 2011

This fifth edition of Cardiac Pacing and ICDs continues to be an invaluable and accessible clinical reference guide for cardiologists, electrophysiologists, surgeons, fellows, residents, nurses, PAs, and technicians. Fully revised and updated, this popular text offers expanded information on...
Book cover of Lectures Notes

Lectures Notes

Clinical Medicine

by John R. Bradley, Mark Gurnell, Diana F. Wood
Language: English
Release Date: July 18, 2018

Featuring updated content throughout, this new edition of Clinical Medicine Lecture Notes is a concise guide to both history taking and examination, and to the essentials of clinical medicine on a system-by-system basis. The text is divided into two sections, with part one exploring communication...
Book cover of 99 erotische S/M-Fantasien

99 erotische S/M-Fantasien

Von Zart bis Hart

by A.D. Smith, Achim F. Sorge, Allegra Deville
Language: German
Release Date: January 22, 2016

In diesen 99 Storys dreht sich alles um das bizarre Phänomen Lustschmerz, den bittersüßen Genuss der erotischen Qual, die ihre Anhänger auf so einzigartige Weise befriedigen kann und unendliche Lustmöglichkeiten bietet. Denn wenn's um fantasievolle, tabulose, "verbotene" Praktiken geht,...
Book cover of Klatsch Nass

Klatsch Nass

20 x feuchtfröhliches Vergnügen!

by Linda Freese, Dragonlady, Lisa Cohen
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2010

Klatschnasse Körper auf denen die Regentropfen abperlen, während er sie gekonnt mit seiner Zunge verwöhnt. Bodys genussvoll in warmes, duftendes Badewasser getaucht, die spitzen Brüste mit einer Schaumkrone bedeckt. Heiße Sexaction in der Sauna, in der sich der Schweiß mit ihrer Lust vermischt...
Book cover of Tour de Sex

Tour de Sex

Raus aus dem Bett - 25 scharfe Erlebnisse unterwegs!

by Lisa Cohen, Nina Sturm, Mark Pond
Language: German
Release Date: January 15, 2009

Gehen Sie In diesen 25 Storys auf lustvolle Entdeckungsreise und lassen Sie sich von Sex-Abenteuern, die SIE oder ER an ungewöhnlichen Orten erleben, stimulieren! Ob im gefüllten Zug, im engen Flugzeug, auf hoher See und vielem mehr - sie haben keine Schamgrenzen. ... Ihr Schoß drängte sich ihm...
Book cover of Selbst ist der Mann - Selbst ist die Frau

Selbst ist der Mann - Selbst ist die Frau

20 x scharfer Solosex zu zweit!

by Lisa Cohen, Dave Vandenberg, Miriam Eister
Language: German
Release Date: January 15, 2009

Ob Mann oder Frau bei diesen 2 x 10 Storys kommt jeder auf seine erotischen Kosten! Ob erregende Handarbeit mit Zuschauern, der heimliche Blick in fremde Schlafzimmer zum Appetitanregen, die gemeinschaftliche Masturbation oder das Verwöhnprogramm, das man sich ganz allein gönnt. Sie werden staunen, welche Facetten das Thema Sex und Erotik verbirgt
Book cover of Das kleine, böse Lesebuch - E wie Exotik
by Kassandra Dominka, Mark Pond, Seymour C. Tempest
Language: German
Release Date: August 1, 2015

Viel Erotik auf kleinstem Raum - das ist es, was unsere "Kleine, böse Lesebuch"-Serie zu bieten hat. Hier finden Sie Storys zu den heißesten Themen: von "A" wie Arbeit bis "Z" wie. Tja, lassen Sie sich überraschen, wie unsere Mini-Serie weitergeht und freuen Sie sich...
Book cover of Skandalös


Sie treiben es einfach überall!

by Bianca Corelli, Lisa Cohen, Kainas Centmy
Language: German
Release Date: January 1, 2016

Sie treiben es einfach überall! Mal ganz ehrlich: haben Sie nicht auch schon einmal heimlich davon geträumt, "es" an einem ungewöhnlichen Ort zu tun? In der Umkleidekabine eines Kaufhauses vielleicht, oder im Wald, wo Sie jederzeit Gefahr laufen, entdeckt zu werden? Solche Phantasien...
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