Martin Keller: 7 books

Book cover of Freekick in a good position - Bet on it!

Freekick in a good position - Bet on it!

Der Weg zu mehr als 100.000 Euro in nur 6 Monaten

by Martin Keller, Rainer Fuchs
Language: German
Release Date: June 15, 2017

Zwei Studenten leben ihren Traum, mit Sportwetten Geld zu verdienen. Nach nur einem halben Jahr sind sie bei mehreren Buchmachern limitiert, weil diese machtlos gegen ihr Konzept sind. In ihrer lebhaften Anleitung erzählen sie immer wieder eindrucksvoll von ihrem Weg, den vielen bitteren Momenten und...
Book cover of Improvisationsspiele für die Primarschule
by Martin Keller
Language: German
Release Date: April 1, 2019

Mit Hilfe von Improvisationstheater wird die Auftrittskompetenz von Kindern und Jugendlichen auf spielerische Weise gefördert. Es werden folgende Kernkompetenzen gefördert: Wahrnehmung - Präsenz, Beziehung - Kommunikation, Sprache - Stimme, Ausdruck - Körper, In diesem Praxisbuch werden Übungsspiele...
Book cover of Professional Application Lifecycle Management with Visual Studio 2013
by Mickey Gousset, Martin Hinshelwood, Brian A. Randell
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2014

Ramp up your software development with this comprehensive resource Microsoft's Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) makes software development easier and now features support for iOS, MacOS, Android, and Java development. If you are an application developer, some of the important factors...
Book cover of Achieving sustainable cultivation of wheat Volume 1

Achieving sustainable cultivation of wheat Volume 1

Breeding, quality traits, pests and diseases

by Dr P. Bramel, Dr Kellye Eversole, Dr Jacques Le Gouis
Language: English
Release Date: June 30, 2017

Discusses ways of ensuring genetic diversity, advances in wheat breeding and their use to improve properties such as drought resistance and cold tolerance; Summarises research on factors affecting nutritional and other aspects of wheat quality; Reviews advances in understanding wheat pests and diseases...
Book cover of Damn Dutch

Damn Dutch

Pennsylvania Germans at Gettysburg

by Christian B. Keller, Scott Hartwig, David L. Valuska
Language: English
Release Date: February 1, 2004

This is the first work to highlight the contributions of regiments of the Pennsylvania Dutch and the post-1820 immigrant Germans at the Battle of Gettysburg. On the first day, the 1st Corps, in which many of the Pennsylvania Dutch groups served, and the half-German 11th Corps, which had five regiments...
Book cover of Turkey at the Crossroads: From Crisis Resolution to EU Accession
by Donal Mr. McGettigan, Xavier Mr. Debrun, Mark Mr. Griffiths
Language: English
Release Date: September 19, 2005

The key policy challenge for Turkey in the years ahead will be to enhance and consolidate the advances made since the nation’s 2000-01 economic crisis. Higher growth could reduce unemployment and raise living standards toward European Union levels. This paper reviews Turkey’s policy performance...
Book cover of Best of Frauen-Erotik

Best of Frauen-Erotik

69 frivole Fantasien

by Lena, Lee, Ina Stein
Language: German
Release Date: January 25, 2018

Best of weibliche Erotik! - 69 unterschiedliche Autorinnen haben uns ihre gehiemsten Sexfantasien geschildert, die wir in einem Sammelband it fast 900 Seiten zusammengefasst haben. Lesen Sie Storys zu vielen unterschiedlichen Themen, wie zum Beispiel: Voyeurismus, Sex im Büro, Hure aus Leidenschaft,...
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