Max Vos: 19 books

Book cover of Life After Living
by Max Vos
Language: English
Release Date: June 16, 2016

Two men: each trying to cope with PTSD. Vance Spence is suffering from yet another loss. The episodes are becoming more and more frequent. Only time will tell if he will be able to cope with yet another person leaving him. Wade Farmer recently returned from Afghanistan only to have his...
Book cover of My Hero: The Olympian
by Max Vos
Language: English
Release Date: February 3, 2016

After a romantic evening, Rich and Johnny face the light of day as a couple. Johnny’s coming out forces them to face some serious repercussions as the world of collegian jocks adjust to their first openly gay football player. Rich is still working towards the World Diving Championships with...
Book cover of My Hero
by Max Vos
Language: English
Release Date: March 24, 2014

When he was sixteen years old, Rich Miller saved a young man from drowning at his local pool. Little did he know that years later, as a senior in college and Olympic diving hopeful, Rich would meet up once again with Johnny Milloway, now a big football player – and when Rich says big, he really...
Book cover of Life After Living
by Max Vos
Language: Italian
Release Date: April 14, 2018

Due uomini cercano di far fronte a disturbi da stress post-traumatico. Vance Spence soffre per l'ennesima perdita. Le crisi si stanno facendo più frequenti e il senso di abbandono lo soffoca. Wade Farmer, tornato da poco dall'Afghanistan, scopre che la sua famiglia l'ha ripudiato a causa della sua...
Book cover of Joue-moi du Chopin
by Max Vos
Language: French
Release Date: May 13, 2017

Après un incendie dévastateur, Dale Lusk se présente à la porte de sa sœur avec rien d’autre qu’un caleçon et un imperméable, ayant désespérément besoin de son aide. Ayant perdu à la fois son restaurant et son domicile, Dale se retrouve sans travail, ni endroit pour vivre.Pendant qu’elle...
Book cover of Il Mio Eroe Lolimpionico
by Max Vos
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 6, 2016

Dopo una serata romantica, Rich e Johnny si affacciano sul nuovo giorno come una coppia. Il coming out di Johnny li mette davanti a delle serie ripercussioni per come i compagni di squadra del giocatore si approcciano al nuovo compagno gay dichiarato. Rich continua ad allenarsi per i Campionati del...
Book cover of Il Mio Eroe
by Max Vos
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 19, 2016

Quando aveva sedici anni, Rich Miller salvò un ragazzo mentre stava annegando in piscina. Non poteva sapere che anni dopo, come studente anziano del college e speranza olimpica nei tuffi, Rich avrebbe incontrato ancora una volta Johnny Milloway, diventato nel frattempo un grande giocatore di calcio...
Book cover of Going Home
by Max Vos
Language: English
Release Date: February 14, 2016

Journalist Carter Roberts was required to interview Carl Foltz and Matt Evans for an article on their lives. It was not an assignment he relished: he just wanted to get there, get it done and get out. Thinking about the subject matter made his stomach churn.The interview reveals as much about...
Book cover of P.O.W. Prigioniero Di Guerra
by Max Vos
Language: Italian
Release Date: August 11, 2017

Dopo essere stato fatto prigioniero da un signore della guerra talebano, riuscirà Sam Stone a resistere abbastanza a lungo da riportare dalla famiglia il suo migliore amico e trovare l'amore tra le braccia di Abbas, il bellissimo arabo dagli occhi blu?Sam Stone è innamorato di Benoit,...
Book cover of Andare A Casa
by Max Vos
Language: Italian
Release Date: February 17, 2016

Al giornalista Carter Roberts è stato richiesto di intervistare Carl Foltz e Matt Evans per un articolo sulla loro vita, ma quest’incarico non gli piace per niente: vuole solo arrivare, fare quella dannata intervista e andarsene. L’argomento trattato gli fa rivoltare lo stomaco.Quell'intervista...
Book cover of Rentrer a la Maison
by Max Vos
Language: French
Release Date: February 20, 2016

Le journaliste Carter Roberts est prié de faire une interview de Carl Foltz et de Matt Evans pour un article sur leurs vies. Ce n’est pas une mission qu’il apprécie outre mesure : il veut juste y aller, la faire et repartir. Rien que de penser à ce sujet, cela lui retourne l’estomac.L’interview...
Book cover of P. O. W.
by Max Vos
Language: English
Release Date: January 20, 2017

After being taken prisoner by a Taliban Warlord, can Sam Stone hold on long enough to get his best friend back to his family and find love in the arms of Abbas, the handsome, blue-eyed Arab? Sam has secretly been in love with is best friend and fellow Marine, Benoit, for quite some time and would...
Book cover of Play Chopin for Me
by Max Vos
Language: English
Release Date: May 13, 2017

After a devastating fire, Dale Lusk shows up at his sister’s door in nothing but his boxers and a raincoat, desperately needing her help. Losing both his restaurant and home has left Dale without direction or a place to live.While pushing her handsome brother into a new wardrobe to match his model...
Book cover of The V Unit
by Max Vos
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2016

Only a select few in the human world knew of the existence of the V Unit, a small group of highly trained Marines - who happened to be vampires.And it would have stayed that way.But when events in the vampire world threatened the stability of the human world, the powers that be called for the...
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