Meg Losey: 13 books

Book cover of Touching the Light

Touching the Light

Healing Body, Mind, and Spirit by Merging with God Consciousness

by Blackburn PhD, Meg Losey,
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2011

Psychic and master healer Meg Losey shares her alternative healing techniques for mind, body, and spirit in Touching The Light. Losey shows how channeled systems of healing stem from our perception, energy, and participation in our own journeys. She shares the techniques that she has learned...
Book cover of The Art of Living Out Loud

The Art of Living Out Loud

How to Leave Behind Your Baggage and Pain to Become a Happy, Whole, Perfect Human Being with Unlimited Potential

by Blackburn, PhD, Meg Losey
Language: English
Release Date: October 1, 2012

Master healer and metaphysical teacher Meg Losey experienced her own life crisis in which she lost everythingher house, her business, and her relationship and was forced to learn how to accept this devastating situation. In The Art of Living Out Loud, Losey describes how she learned to live...
Book cover of Touching the Light, Day by Day

Touching the Light, Day by Day

365 Illuminations to Live By

by Blackburn PhD, Meg Losey,
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2012

Meg Losey is a spiritual teacher with her feet planted firmly on the ground. Her teachings help readers get real, claim their own power, and use it for the good of their mind, body, and spirit of others. Touching the Light Day by Day offers 365 quotes and brief healing and inspiring meditations....
Book cover of The Children of Now . . . Evolution

The Children of Now . . . Evolution

How We Can Support the Fast-Forward Evolution of Our Children and Our Race

by Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD
Language: English
Release Date: November 1, 2014

Humanity is in a fast-forward stage of evolution. We saw this first with the Bridge Generation. For the past several decades, children are born into our world with various gifts and knowing – first introduced as Indigo Children and, as generations have passed, referred to as Crystalline Children,...
Book cover of Conversations With the Children of Now

Conversations With the Children of Now

Crystal, Indigo, and Star Kids Speak About the World, Life, and the Coming 2012 Shift

by Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2008

This stunning book introduces the world to some of the very special and gifted children who were described in Meg Blackburn Losey's The Children of Now. The Children of Now changed paradigms of how we raise, teach, and nurture our children, and created awareness that ADD, ADHD, and autism just might...
Book cover of The Secret History of Consciousness

The Secret History of Consciousness

Ancient Keys to our Future Survival

by Blackburn Losey, Meg
Language: English
Release Date: September 1, 2010

Through a series of personal crises, seekings, and synchronistic events, Dr. Meg Losey learned to channel wisdom from Masters from the past, the present, and off planet and learned this basic truth: Reality isnt happening to uswe are happening to reality. We really do create our experiences, and we...
Book cover of The Mystery Of 2012

The Mystery Of 2012

Predictions, Prophecies, and Possibilities

by Gregg Braden, Daniel Pinchbeck, John Major Jenkins
Language: English
Release Date: April 1, 2008

Are we coming to the end of a cosmic cycle? Will there be an age of awakening, or even an end to the world we know? For the first time, the leading authorities on the 2012 phenomenon are all given voice in a single book: The Mystery of 2012 . From the prophecies of the Mayan astronomers to modern...
Book cover of Die geheime Geschichte des Bewusstseins

Die geheime Geschichte des Bewusstseins

Schlüssel aus alter Zeit sichern unser Überleben

by Meg Blackburn Losey
Language: German
Release Date: November 11, 2013

Gibt es bestimmte Zeiten, in denen sich Bewusstsein und Wahrnehmung des Menschen schärfen? Hat das auch körperliche Auswirkungen? Verändert sich dadurch unser Gehirn? Enthält unsere DNS einen Code, der unter gewissen Umständen höhere Wahrnehmung auslöst? Gibt es Anzeichen für eine allgemeine...
Book cover of The Children of Now
by Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD
Language: English
Release Date: December 15, 2006

The Children of Now is a groundbreaking work that shows that a large number of kids come into the world bearing inherent gifts that are beyond strange—they are telepathic, understand subtle energies, and/or have amazing psychic abilities. Many of them remember where they were before they came to...
Book cover of Parenting the Children of Now

Parenting the Children of Now

Practicing Health, Spirit, and Awareness to Transcent Generations

by Meg Blackburn Losey, PhD
Language: English
Release Date: January 1, 2009

Parenting the Children of Now offers a refreshing change in perspective about parenting that aims at recognizing adult attributes and belief systems that ultimately lead to dysfunction. It then teaches healthy life skills to overcome these belief systems. It shows parents how to mine for their own...
Book cover of The Children of Now

The Children of Now

Kristallkinder, Indigokinder, Sternenkinder und das Phänomen der Übergangskinder

by Meg Blackburn Losey
Language: German
Release Date: August 19, 2013

Eine große Anzahl Kinder kommt in diese Welt, die nicht mehr mit herkömmlichen Maßstäben zu messen ist. Sie kommunizieren telepathisch, können mit feinstofflichen Energien umgehen und haben erstaunliche mediale Fähigkeiten. Viele erinnern sich daran, wo sie vor ihrem Aufenthalt auf der Erde...
Book cover of The Children of Now - Gespräche mit den Neuen Kindern

The Children of Now - Gespräche mit den Neuen Kindern

Liebe, Gott, das Seelenreich und die Erde nach 2012

by Meg Blackburn Losey
Language: German
Release Date: August 19, 2013

Mit einem Vorwort von Lee Carroll. Immer mehr Kinder werden geboren, die sich ihre Verbundenheit mit der geistigen Welt bewahren und ihr Wissen nach der Geburt nicht wieder verlieren. Die ersten Generationen geben jetzt Antworten auf unsere Fragen! Wie war es, als ihr in dieses Leben kamt? Erinnert...
Book cover of Pyramiden aus Licht

Pyramiden aus Licht

Durch erweiterte Wahrnehmung zu Heilung und Manifestation

by Meg Blackburn Losey
Language: German
Release Date: August 19, 2013

Wie manifestieren wir unsere Welt? Wann tritt die Seele in unseren Körper ein? Wie geschehen Wunder? Können wir durch Zeit und Raum reisen und sogar unsere eigene Zukunft erleben? Verblüffend mühelos eröffnen die Übungen im vorliegenden Buch den Zugang zum neuen Bewusstsein unserer Zeit, während...
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