Michael J : 2158 books

Book cover of 'Orientalist Jones'

'Orientalist Jones'

Sir William Jones, Poet, Lawyer, and Linguist, 1746-1794

by Michael J. Franklin
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2011

Sir William Jones (1746-94) was the foremost Orientalist of his generation and one of the greatest intellectual navigators of all time. He re-drew the map of European thought. 'Orientalist' Jones was an extraordinary man and an intensely colourful figure. At the age of twenty-six, Jones was elected...
Book cover of Passage to Ararat
by Michael J. Arlen
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2014

In Passage to Ararat, which received the National Book Award in 1976, Michael J. Arlen goes beyond the portrait of his father, the famous Anglo-Armenian novelist of the 1920s, that he created in Exiles to try to discover what his father had tried to forget: Armenia and what it meant to be an Armenian,...
Book cover of Exiles


A Memoir

by Michael J. Arlen
Language: English
Release Date: June 17, 2014

Back in print, "a wry and moving . . . rare and minute accounting of growing up." (Time) Exiles is the story of two glamorous people**—one, a beautiful aristocrat; the other, a self-made man, one of the most famous authors of the 1920s. In this slender volume, which was nominated...
Book cover of Mark Twain at Home

Mark Twain at Home

How Family Shaped Twain’s Fiction

by Michael J. Kiskis, Gary Scharnhorst
Language: English
Release Date: June 15, 2016

Twain scholar Michael J. Kiskis opens this fascinating new exploration of Twain with the observation that most readers have no idea that Samuel Clemens was the father of four and that he lived through the deaths of three of his children as well as his wife. In Mark Twain at Home: How Family Shaped...
Book cover of 訂製完美:基因工程時代的人性思辨


The Case Against Perfection: Ethics in the Age of Genetic Engineering

by 邁可.桑德爾, Michael J. Sandel
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 1, 2018

《正義》作者邁可.桑德爾,爭議性最大、影響最深遠的一部作品! 當人人都能訂製完美, 這將帶來個體的徹底解放,還是社會的無限混亂? 基因工程科技快速演進,滿足了人類「追求完美」的欲望, 貌似群體的狂歡,實則蘊藏著深切的危機。 當「人」能夠被完美訂製,當科技的腳步比道德的理解快速時, 我們將面臨怎樣的道德挑戰?又該如何解釋並化解心中的不安? 基因改良本是要來治療疾病,卻被人類用來追求完美特質,並成為一種愈演愈烈的趨勢:人人都能打造完美的自己。父母可以訂製子女的先天特質,修正後天智力或體能上的缺陷、運動員可以透過基因改造提升賽場表現、學生可以透過服用記憶藥片代替寒窗苦讀…… 試想,為什麼輿論撻伐為了完成內心的驕傲,而特意選擇五代皆為失聰的基因,讓自己產下同樣耳聾的孩子的同性伴侶?但有錢人公開徵求頭腦聰明、身材高䠷、無任何遺傳疾病的卵子捐贈者,卻不會引起公憤? 為什麼我們對政府用金錢鼓勵受高等教育的女性生育給予掌聲,卻對提供教育程度低的女性絕育獎勵感到不安? 為什麼只有「非常矮小」的兒童,可以向醫師申請開立賀爾蒙療法處方,刺激生長,而不是所有比平均身高矮的兒童都能尋求治療? 桑德爾指出,若不認清基因改良侵蝕人性的作用,維繫人類社會的道德基礎很可能崩塌。透過清晰的論證和生動的案例,我們將逐漸體會到在辯證訂製完美的背後,作者對身而為「人」的深刻思考,以及對人性與天賦的深切關懷。 《訂製完美》將再次激發你的思辨力,帶你探索基因工程全面衝擊我們生活與價值觀的不安根源! ◆各界推薦 朱家安(沃草「公民學院」主編、哲學哲學雞蛋糕...
Book cover of How Does Your Garden Grow
by Michael J. Elliott
Language: English
Release Date: May 27, 2016

Davey and Ox are two unemployed British youths. They aren't above burglary and other illegal methods to supplement their benefits. When they learn that local gardener, Mary Menzies, will be opening her showcase garden to the public to raise money for charity they think they have found an easy way...
Book cover of Colombia


A Concise Contemporary History

by Michael J. LaRosa, Germán R. Mejía
Language: English
Release Date: June 1, 2017

Colombia is at a historic crossroads as its leaders implement peace accords that will end an undeclared but bitter civil war that has raged for more than half a century. Building a nation at peace will require the input and collaboration of both Colombians and the world community. Yet relatively little...
Book cover of What Money Can't Buy

What Money Can't Buy

The Moral Limits of Markets

by Michael J. Sandel
Language: English
Release Date: April 24, 2012

Should we pay children to read books or to get good grades? Should we allow corporations to pay for the right to pollute the atmosphere? Is it ethical to pay people to test risky new drugs or to donate their organs? What about hiring mercenaries to fight our wars? Auctioning admission to elite universities?...
Book cover of The Forgotten Presidents

The Forgotten Presidents

Their Untold Constitutional Legacy

by Michael J. Gerhardt
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2013

Their names linger in memory mainly as punch lines, synonyms for obscurity: Millard Fillmore, Chester Arthur, Calvin Coolidge. They conjure up not the White House so much as a decaying middle school somewhere in New Jersey. But many forgotten presidents, writes Michael J. Gerhardt, were not weak or...
Book cover of A Concise History of Korea

A Concise History of Korea

From Antiquity to the Present

by Michael J. Seth
Language: English
Release Date: January 21, 2016

Now in a fully revised and updated edition, this comprehensive book surveys Korean history from Neolithic times to the present. Michael J. Seth explores the origins and development of Korean society, politics, and still little-known cultural heritage from their inception to the two Korean states of...
Book cover of North Korea

North Korea

A History

by Michael J. Seth
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2018

In this key textbook, Michael J. Seth offers an excellent synthesis of existing scholarship, including a thorough examination of contemporary sources. Seth masterfully traces how North Korea gradually transformed itself from a Soviet-style socialist state to an ultra-nationalist, dynastic one, illuminating...
Book cover of Dealing with Losers

Dealing with Losers

The Political Economy of Policy Transitions

by Professor Michael J. Trebilcock
Language: English
Release Date: March 26, 2014

Whenever governments change policies--tax, expenditure, or regulatory policies, among others--there will typically be losers: people or groups who relied upon and invested in physical, financial, or human capital predicated on, or even deliberately induced by the pre-reform set of policies. The issue...
Book cover of Any Body's Guess!

Any Body's Guess!

Quirky Quizzes About What Makes You Tick

by Michael J. Rosen
Language: English
Release Date: September 14, 2010

Part brainy quiz book, part brawny stand-up comedy, and all one hysterical anatomy lesson, Any Body's Guess!: Quirky Quizzes About What Makes You Tick poses 100 questions about this amazing machine, the human body, with its hopelessly lousy operating manual. Combining all the latest research, a collective...
Book cover of When Life Nearly Died: The Greatest Mass Extinction of All Time (Revised edition)
by Michael J. Benton
Language: English
Release Date: August 11, 2015

“The focus is the most severe mass extinction known in earth’s history. The science on which the book is based is up-to-date, thorough, and balanced. Highly recommended.” —Choice Today it is common knowledge that the dinosaurs were wiped out by a meteorite impact 65 million years ago...
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