Michael J : 2158 books

Book cover of Schufa-Auskunft – ohne geht nicht mehr viel
by Michael J. Hartmann
Language: German
Release Date: February 1, 2013

Sie gilt mittlerweile schon als wirtschaftliches Führungszeugnis: Ohne Schufa-Auskunft kommt man im Alltag nicht mehr weit. Handy, Wohnung, Girokonto oder Kredit - immer ist eine Schufa-Auskunft nötig. Mit Einblick in eine behördenähnliche Struktur. Der Ratgeber informiert über die relativ unbekannte...
Book cover of Hedgefonds - Wundermittel oder Teufelszeug?
by Michael J. Hartmann
Language: German
Release Date: November 1, 2012

Hedgefonds polarisieren. Für die einen sind sie Teufelszeug, für die anderen eine Wunderwaffe. Und bieten breiteste Möglichkeiten bei der Vermögensanlage. Schnelleinstieg in die besondere Welt jenseits von DAX und Zinsen. Hedgefonds - darüber reden viele und wissen meistens wenig über diese besonderen...
Book cover of Private Rente aufbauen
by Michael J. Hartmann
Language: German
Release Date: November 11, 2012

Die Lücken der gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung werden immer größer - das Vertrauen sinkt. Immer mehr Menschen müssen privat für das Alter vorsorgen. Doch: Wie angehen? Einen Einblick bietet dieser Ratgeber aus der E-Book-Serie FinanzwissenKompakt. Der erste Schritt...
Book cover of Durchblick bei Immobilienfinanzierung
by Michael J. Hartmann
Language: German
Release Date: November 1, 2012

Die Finanzierung einer Immobilie ist für viele die größte Investition in ihrem Leben - da sollte nichts schief gehen. Deswegen bietet dieser Ratgeber den Durchblick bei allen Aspekten rund um die Finanzierung. Dieser Ratgeber klärt auf: über Hypothekenkredite, Sondertilgung, Anschlußkredit, die...
Book cover of The Viscount and the Witch (Riyria Chronicles Short #1)
by Michael J. Sullivan
Language: English
Release Date: September 28, 2011

Eleven years before they were framed for the murder of a king, before even assuming the title of Riyria, Royce Melborn and Hadrian Blackwater were practically strangers. Unlikely associates, this cynical thief and idealist swordsman, were just learning how to work together as a team. In this standalone...
Book cover of Brothers' Hand
by Michael J. Sahno
Language: English
Release Date: December 10, 2015

Brothers' Hand is a literary novel. Small town upstate New Yorker Jerome Brothers loses his hand in a tragic fall, then falls even harder for his physical therapist, Maria Santisia. Can even the most romantic one-armed man get the girl...if she doesn't get his full cooperation in therapy? Born in...
Book cover of Adjy
by Michael J Stuckey Jr
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2017

Adjy, Is of Treacherous, Deceptive, & significant Poetry. The Impression from the beginning, through to the end. Understanding you will have. Infliction of Pain through torture received & Given Graciously of Love & Hatred wheeled methodically, Your Intellectual Suffering, Emotional Conflict-ion, and your Pleasure is Welcoming.
Book cover of Raid Night
by Michael J. Totten
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2011

Award-winning foreign correspondent Michael J. Totten embeds with U.S. Army soldiers in Baghdad during the Surge. They were sent out as bait to lure an insurgent commander, but instead find themselves stalked in the dark by a shadowy faceless militia. Michael J. Totten is a foreign correspondent...
Book cover of On the Hunt in Baghdad
by Michael J. Totten
Language: English
Release Date: October 27, 2011

In this classic riveting dispatch from Iraq award-winning foreign correspondent Michael J. Totten embeds with a unit of battle-hardened American soldiers as they hunt the elusive terrorist commander Haji Jawad—who wore a suicide vest everywhere he went—in the fetid slums of Sadr City, Baghdad,...
Book cover of Truculent
by Michael J. Stuckey Jr.
Language: English
Release Date: April 5, 2017

This book of poetry is expresivly written, the Author shows he truly has first hand experience in all areas of his writings of Painful Pleasures, social anarchy, and anarchy of government.
Book cover of 2016 Del Rey Sampler

2016 Del Rey Sampler

Excerpts from Upcoming and Current Titles

by Katherine Arden, Indra Das, Sylvain Neuvel
Language: English
Release Date: April 11, 2016

What’s on the horizon for 2016 and beyond? Find out in this annual ebook sampler of excerpts from some of Del Rey’s most exciting science fiction and fantasy titles!   Inside are a slew of iconic authors and brands. Michael J. Sullivan, the author of the Riyria series, kicks off an original five-book...
Book cover of Innovations in Higher Education

Innovations in Higher Education

Igniting the Spark for Success

by Linda L. Baer, David Bonsall, Jeff Bonsall
Language: English
Release Date: December 1, 2011

Rising costs and increasing global competition press institutions to do more with less. At the same time, deep budget cuts and a general social and political impatience have revived calls for reform in educational affordability, curriculum, and outcome measurement. Yet within this environment, a myriad...
Book cover of Flights of Fantasy: The Unauthorized but True Story of Radio & TV's Adventures of Superman
by Michael J. Hayde
Language: English
Release Date: October 14, 2016

Author Michael J. Hayde’s definitive work about Superman on radio and television. Hayde is well-known for My Name's Friday: The Unauthorized but True Story of Dragnet and The Films of Jack Webb; and Little Elf: A Celebration of Harry Langdon, and this new treasure trove of information on The...
Book cover of Black Silk Panties.
by Michael J Elliott
Language: English
Release Date: August 24, 2016

Repressed sexuality, fetishes, lonliness and self image are all the themes explored in Michael J. Elliott's latest short story. Full of weighty issues coupled with Elliott's style of character driven horror, Black Silk Panties takes us into the world of Jacob O'Halloran.After a lifetime of sexual...
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